ERGEG Gas Regional Initiative North-West IP Medelsheim / Obergailbach TSOs’ joint diagnostic 9 October 2007
2 Agenda 1. Physical capacity between market zones 2. Flows at the interconnection point 3. Forward firm capacity products 4. Forward interruptible (temperature dependent) capacity products 5. Forward interruptible (UIOLI / Overbooking) capacity products 6. Summary forward capacity 7. Backhaul (reverse) capacity products 8. Summary backhaul capacity
3 1. Physical capacity between market zones Est H Waidhaus Oberkappel Wallbach Oltingue Burghausen 435 GWh/d + 64 (I) Obergailbach Medelsheim 430 GWh/d + 30 (I) Gas Year 2007/08 situation Gas Year 2009/10 situation Nord H Waidhaus Oberkappel Wallbach Oltingue Burghausen 543 GWh/d + 64 (I) 620 GWh/d + 30 (I) Dornum Emden Dunkerque Montoir LNG Gross Calorific Value = 11,1 kWh/m 3 Hourly capacities on the german side have been converted to daily Obergailbach Medelsheim Dornum Emden 26 GWh/d + infinite (I) 118 GWh/d + infinite (I)
4 2. Flows at the interconnection point Germany ->France flows Fra -> Ger flows Annual use rate (GRTgaz data): Gas Year 2005/6 = 64% Gas Year 2006/7 = 49% (to date)
5 3. Forward firm capacity products GDF DTEGTGRTgaz Durations offeredMulti-yearly, yearly, half-yearly, 3- monthly, monthly, weekly, daily Multi-yearly, yearly, monthly, daily Allocation modeFirst Committed First Served Long term (80%): FCFS Short term (20%): Open Subscription Period, then FCFS if capacity unsold Quantity (GWh/d)435 -> Sept from Oct /08: /09: /10: > Nov > Nov from Dec 2009 Availability (GWh/d) Sold out 86 (20% of total) kept for short term bookings + up to 50 (16% of total) redistributed from majors capacity holders to new entrants
6 4. Forward Interruptible (temperature dependent) capacity GDF DTEGTGRTgaz Durations offered Multi-yearly, yearly, half-yearly, 3- monthly, monthly, weekly, daily Interruptible product described in next slide Multi-yearly, yearly Allocation mode First Committed First Served Long term (80%): FCFS Short term (20%): Open Subscription Period (OSP), then FCFS if capacity unsold Quantity (GWh/d) 2730 (except between December 2008 and November 2009: zero) Availability (GWh/d) Sold outSold out for 2007/08 After November 2009: - Long term: sold out (open season) - Short term: not open for sale yet (will be sold through an OSP)
7 5. Forward Interruptible (UIOLI/Overbooking) capacity GDF DTEGTGRTgaz Durations offered Multi-yearly, yearly, half-yearly, 3-monthly, monthly, weekly, daily Daily (no yearly booking, only day-ahead) Allocation mode First Committed First Served Click & Book (+ pro-rata if necessary) Quantity (GWh/d) 21 -> Sept from Oct 2007 no limitUp to physical capacity (430) Availability (GWh/d) 13 GWh/dno limitHistorical serving rate: 74% of requested capacity since Dec 2005 Note: if capacity has to be interrupted: - GRTgaz: prorata - GDF-DT and EGT: last committed, first interrupted
8 6. Summary forward capacity (1/3) (information from EGT - available on private Extranet ENTRIX) (information from GDF-DT - published on the Internet website) (information from GRTgaz - published on the Internet website)
9 6. Summary forward capacity (2/3) Comparison of available capacity by type (MWh/d) (information from EGT - available on private Extranet ENTRIX) (information from GRTgaz - published on the Internet website) (information from GDF-DT - published on the Internet website)
10 6. Summary forward capacity (3/3) Note: on GRTgaz’ network, additional firm entry capacity could be made available to the market (if needed) through the so-called « releasable capacity » mechanism
11 7. Backhaul (reverse) capacity products GDF DTEGTGRTgaz Durations offeredMulti-yearly, yearly, half-yearly, 3-monthly, monthly, weekly, daily Multi-yearly, yearly, monthly, daily Allocation modeFirst Committed First Served Open Subscription Period, then FCFS if capacity unsold Quantity (GWh/d)47No firm available but no limit for interruptible 80 Availability (GWh/d) 31 from Oct from Feb 2008 No firm available but no limit for interruptible 68 to 75 by end from Dec 2008
12 8. Summary backhaul capacity (1/3) Capacity in MWh/d (information from EGT - not published) (information from GRTgaz - published on the Internet website) (information from GDF-DT - published on the Internet website) Note: if capacity has to be interrupted: - GRTgaz: prorata - GDF-DT and EGT: last committed, first interrupted
13 8. Summary backhaul capacity (2/3) Capacity in MWh/d (information from GRTgaz - published on the Internet website) (information from GDF-DT - published on the Internet website) (information from EGT - not published)
14 8. Summary backhaul capacity (3/3) For EGT: infinite available backhaul