I’ll be short … again … Alessandro M.
Luebeck Frankfurt Wielictza Venice Craiova December 2009 Comparing CLIL methodologies with other teaching strategies Inverness Fuentesauco
Thanks to … Instituto Enseñanza Secundaria de Fuentesauco, and his Headmaster to all the Fuentesauco staff and colleagues to Spain (for the weather?) to Comenius and European Funding to all of us
… and to Maria Victoria Rivas López MARIVI
A short refresh (1) In this meeting our aim are verify the grids previously developed, useful to analyse a lesson (module or whole course too). describe the innovative methodologies and the best practices actually used by each partner and presents one or more video recorded example(s) of lessons or activities in English (Gaelic for Scottish) as L2, using CLIL or other bilingual methods. …
A short refresh (2) In comparing and analyzing the videos, we will focus on testing the grids and the identified indicators, and then decide on our final teachers evaluation grid discussion of terminology and theory of CLIL and its different aspects.
And after In the third, in Romania, we’ll report our experiences with the presented methodologies, comparing results and observations using (if possible) the grid/tools we developed; and we’ll start to involve some students.
Homeworks for today? The seven presentations we’ll see soon, probably will contain: a short description of CLIL in the own Country, own School, own classes testing’s results of the previously grids descriptions of own lessons, activities carried out in their classes, with the help of short clips.
Works organisation one day and half for the presentations of the material produced in each school, sequentially one by one, to all the partners ; one day to discuss, analyze and summarize all the contributes and develop a final common synthesis of the grids, and introduce the new website; half a day to decide the homeworks and plan the next meeting.