by: Alexandra Ambellouis and Patrick Kreisel
Structure Opportunities at our school - degrees - projects Our school buildings - building A - building B - building E - building F - gymnasium
Degrees Mixed ability classes class secondary general school certificate (Hauptschulabschluss) class 7 – 9 secondary general school certificate (Realschulabschluss) class 7 – 10 secondary general school certificate (Gymnasialzweig) class 7 – 10 Upper school (Gymnasiale Oberstufe) - Technical college certificate (Fachhochschulreife) class 11 – 12 A-levels class 11 – 13 (in future class 12)
Projects Comenius Exchange of students School magazine Listening club Weather WG Theater WG Science WG Homepage WG And more !
Our Buildings Building A Administration Medical room
Building B Teachers‘ room
Building E Upper part of the school Junior high school
Building E - classroom
Classroom (natural sciences)
Building F Mixed ability classes Cafeteria
Gymnasiums Two gymnasiums Two sports grounds outside
- Two gymnasiums
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