Czechoslovak Press on 23 rd May 1967
The arrival of sahnishah of Iran M. R. P. Árjámeh for an official visit The thirteenth lap of XIII. Peace Race
Typical for Czechoslovak press -mostly about national events -foreign events in the backgrounds -controlled by the communists and the censorship (newspaper published by organizations, which the communist had under control)
The most important national Czechoslovak press
The People‘s Democracy (The Czechoslovak People‘s Party) - information from socialistic abroad as well as from the capitalistic West * the fire in Brussels The Red Law (The Central Comittee of The Communst Party of Czechoslovakia) - little information about West and mostly showing it in bad light * arresting of Afro- Americans in the USA
The Young Front (The Czechoslovak Union of Youth) - all usual journalistic areas - much procommunistic * the aim of Czechoslovak Union of Youth – to introduce the Marxist- Leninist doctrine to young people The Work (The Revolutionary Trade Union Movement) - also foreign news, especially cultural * Czechoslovak week in English Coventry
The regional press - mostly about the national events, from abroad just some interesting news
The Evening Prague (The Municipal Committee of KSČ in Prague) - (not only Prague) events from all areas * absence of department stores in Czechoslovakia The Agricultural Newspaper (The Ministry of Agriculture) - mostly the achievements in the agricultural zone (from Brno) * exported Czech fish abroad Our Truth (The Regional Commitee of KSČ in Gottwaldow) - news from Gottwaldov * the visit of general J. N. Korovjakin
The other press
The Czechoslovak Sport (The Czechoslovak Sport and Physical Training Association) - sport events about Czechoslovak sportmen * discus thrower L. Daněk in USA The World in Pictures - events from the world * the visit of the Czechoslovak president in Canada The Defence of People (The Ministry of Defence) - curiosities The Free Word - curiosities * five snakes stolen from Brno ZOO (The Czechoslovak-Socialistic Party)
The most important areas in newspaper
Political news -about delegacies, conferences and meetings, but not results of these -hidden: politicians, their ideas, everyday work, their disagreement, public activity SHOCK: Alexandr Dubček in swimming trunks
Economic news -most of the space in newspaper -presenting industrial and agricultural successes * the number of miners‘ work injuries was cut down to one quarter to one quarter in uranious mines
News from abroad -positive news from Soviet Union * launching of Sputnik to the Earth‘s orbit in the Soviet Union -negative news from the other countries * massacre in Vietnam
Cultural news -about events in Czechoslovakia and about Czechoslovak artists abroad * II. International Film Festival for Children and the Youth in Gottwaldov Sports -especially about football, tennis, cycling * The Peace Race
Used genres
Only occasionally - interviews - reviews - criticism - comments Feuilleton Reportage - mainly from sport events News - what had happened, but often not when and where TV and radio programme Jokes and quotations
If someone is standing in mud, he doesn‘t have to boast that he has always been close to earth.