MAS ECVET Final Conference Ankara, Gabriele Fietz Team of ECVET Experts, Germany © NA beim BIBB Some policy recommendations for Implementing ECVET in the automotive sector
© NA beim BIBB Overview Policy recommendations for implementing ECVET in the automotive sector 1.Aim and Approach 2.Insight in some policy recommendations 3.Outlook
© NA beim BIBB Aims and Approach From Practice to Policy… Re-analysing of ECVET technical components in the light of Experiences of ECVET pioneers: e.g. MAS ECVET and other projects Reflecting those findings in the light of ECVET related research Identifying „need for action“: Operational, governance, instrumental Deriving Policiy Recommendations targeted to policy decision makers and competent bodies in VET at European and countries‘ level
© NA beim BIBB Aims and Approach ECVET as a „dual use“ instrument
© NA beim BIBB Recommendation ECVET for supporting RPL Competetiveness of the automotive industry depends on skilled workforce! ECVET can support the process of recognition of prior learning (RPL) and of foreign qualifications. The learning outcomes approach serves as a common language Competence based assessment provides transparency across system borders Provide legal and organizational preconditions for using ECVET elements to support Recognition of prior learning! Adressees: policy/competent bodies at national level. Example: (case studies)
© NA beim BIBB Recommendation Link ECVET and EU instruments ECVET is not a stand alone instrument! ECVET and EQF/NQF: Competence matrices refering to the EQF level descriptors can result in meaningful Competence Certificates; so they can support the comparison of qualifications. Example: Other instruments to be combined with ECVET, e.g. ECVET and Europass Mobility: enhanced significance of achievements of mobility by outcome oriented documentation ECVET and EQARF: ensures Quality of the ECVET process.. Promote linking of ECVET with European tools to raise quality and impact of VET!
© NA beim BIBB Recommendation ECVET as a Toolbox The ECVET quality circle guarantees quality of the whole process. Yet, use of single ECVET components is appropriate, persumed the ECVET core elements „Learning Outcomes“ and „Mutual trust“ are respected. Source. Practitioners have selected ECVET elements for their demands: Units of learning outcomes for documentation of transnational Mobility achievements ECVET points – voluntary (as the whole ECVET process) Outcome oriented assessment for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in national context Promote ECVET as a toolbox
© NA beim BIBB Recommendation Support the „ECVET Pioneers“ VET practitioners in schools and companies are faced with new tasks: formulating learing outcomes, competence based assessment, documentation of learning outcomes … Various support has already been provided: -Workshops on learning outcomes ( -Templates for ECVET elements Learning agreement and MoU -Guidelines and collections of examples of units of LO -The European website: -… Promote creation of online based learning programmes for all steps of the ECVET process! Example:
© NA beim BIBB Recommendation Capacity building Practitioners from companies and vocational schools call for better conditions for implementing ECVET, even if the statutory stipulations are given. Providing support for the operational level is necessary condition for mainstreaming of ECVET and should become a priority. Institutions like the National Coordination Points for ECVET (NCP) can be regarded as the most important link from ECVET policy to “ECVET pioneers Support the National Contact points ECVET (NCP)! Addressees: European and national policy
© NA beim BIBB From practice to policy… Outlook ….and vice versa Today 2014, ECVET has reached an advanced stage – ECVER pioneers from the automotive and related sector(s) have tried ECVET and shaped it to their needs: for evidencing skills of their employees, attracting skilled workforce from abroad or for upgrading skills of their apprentices in transnational mobility, etc. Their main message towards the policy sector: „ Keep the ECVET instrument flexible and simple!“ – „Provide handy support to practitioners!“ Policy initiatives for mainstreaming ECVET are required. Broad use of ECVET will contribute to competetiveness of European industry and ensure the core success factor: a skilled workforce!
© NA beim BIBB Thank you for your attention! Gabriele Fietz Team national ECVET experts, Germany