Spa city of Piešťany
City of Piešťany has 5 twinn- towns: Luhačovice- Czech rep. The largest moravian spa Due to the Luhačovice Spa curative springs combined with the latest treatment and rehabilitation methods it is possible to treat successfully the disorders of locomotive organs, diseases of respiratory tract, diabetes as well as blood circulation diseases
Health resort city of Ustroń - Poland
Spa city of Hajdúnánás - Hungary
Heinola - Finland
Summer wellnes resort city of Eilat - Israel is Israel's southernmost city, a busy port as well as a popular resort, located at the northern tip of the Red SeaIsraelsouthernmostportresortRed Sea Eilat's arid desert climate is moderated by proximity to a warm sea. Temperatures often exceed 40 °C in summer, and 21 °C in winter.desert climate
Cooperation between twinned towns in a department of: Culture exchanges: our folklore group and rock bands from Piešťany performed in Eilat, Luhačovice, Hajdúnánás and Ustroń. Musicians from our twinned towns performed at the Oppening of the summer spa season in Piešťany
Education exchanges: City of Piešťany has 2 departments of the universities: 1. Social work and studies 2. Balneotherapy and physiotheraphy and healing rehabilitation – great opportunity for getting job in Slovak health spa Piešťany and all over the world. 3. Congresses for doctors, exchange programs for students rehabilitation
Sport proposal for future cooperation The city of Piešťany offers great condition for summer and winter sport, for championships. In summer you can play volleyball at a beach near Váh river, tennis, football, waterskiing, yachting,cycling in mountains,swimming in pools or in a lake, play golf at a 9-hole golf course... In winter you can practise skiing, ice-skating, play hockey in a stadium...
Another proposal for future cooperation: City of Piešťany is a place of 2 world-known institutes: 1. The National Research Institute for Plant Production - wheat planting at a pic. 2. The National Institute for Reumatic Deseases Offers: doctors, medicine students exchanges, congresses, science experiments,..atc.
So far we cooperate with our sister cities in a field of: Ustron - cooperation in TTA project, Hajdúnanás- we created CD Sounds of friendship with songs from Piešťany, our folklore group performed in Hajdúnanás last year, or group Black apple performed in Hajdúnánás last week. City of Piešťany invite all of our sister cities to participate at our biggest culture event Opening at the summer spa season to Piešťany. Folklore groups, musicians and artists from our sister cities come to Piešťany and present their work.
In a field of culture and tourism: Heinola: musicians from Heinola performed in Piešťany, together with Heinola we created calendar of the cultural events in both cities, exibition of the children paintings on the theme: life in Piešťany and Heinola. Eilat: cultural events exchange of the musicians, in Eiat you can find Piešťany street in the centre, managers from Piestany spa are invited to learn more about toursim in Eilat, cooperation with health spa Piešťany.
In a field of culture and tourism: Ustroń and Luhačovice: we cooperate and participate at the summer cultural events, many cultural bilateral exchanges of the artist, musicians and painters. Proposal for the future cooperation:ä -culture events -sport programs Tourism offers Education offers
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