EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria Trends of Micro- and Nanoelectronics in the European R&D Programme Vesselin Dontchev Nanoelectronics Components and Systems Information Society & Media Directorate-General European Commission 1. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen's, First I would like to thank the organizing committee for inviting me to give a talk at this interesting conference. The title of my talk is:………….. Disclaimer: Views expressed in this presentation are not necessarily stating an official position of the European Commission EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria Presentation outline Europe 2020 – a new strategy for the EU Current EC funding of EU Research (ICT in particular) Nanoelectronics- Examples of research projects dealing with simulation Today’s opportunities: ICT WP 2011-12 Information on the future programme (2014+) Summary My talk will go though the following points: EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
EUROPE 2020: A EU strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth A new strategy - EUROPE 2020 EUROPE 2020: A EU strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth • Smart Growth: knowledge and innovation economy • Sustainable growth: greener and competitive economy • Inclusive growth: high employment, knowledge people and social and territorial cohesion 5 EU Targets – translated into national ones 7 Flagship initiatives – EU & national action In March 2010 the new EC has launched a new strategy, called Europe 2020, to exit the economical crisis and prepare the EU for the challenges of the next decade. This is a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. This means : - an economy growth based on knowledge and innovation, using the ICT - an economy in line with the ecology principles and in the same time able to compete with the rest of the world. – an economy achieving high levels of employment, high knowledge of the population, as well as social and territorial cohesion and harmony. EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria Europe 2020: 5 EU Headline Targets (translated in national and regional ones) By 2020: 75 % (now 69) employment rate (% of population aged 20-64 years) 3% (now 1,8 % only) investment in R&D (% of EU’s GDP) “20/20/20” 20% cut in greenhouse gas emissions (compared to 1990) 20% increase in use of renewable energy 20% cut in energy consumption through improved efficiency < 10% (now 15) early school leavers & min. 40% (now 31) hold tertiary degree 20 million less people (now 80) should be at risk of poverty The Europe 2020 strategy includes five ambitious objectives (targets) to be reached by 2020. They are inter-related and mutually reinforcing. The one which is closest to my talk is to increase the investment in R&D up to 3% from the Gross Domestic Product of EUROPE. EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria Presentation outline Europe 2020 – a new strategy for the EU Current EC funding of EU Research (ICT in particular) Nanoelectronics - Examples of research projects dealing with simulation Today’s opportunities: ICT WP 2011-12 Information on the future programme (2014+) Summary Next I will present some information about the current EC funding of the EU research, in particulate the research in the field of the ICT EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
The EU’s research and innovation landscape EC Funds National and Regional Funds Joint Programming Ageing (More Years Better Lives) Climate Knowledge (Clik-EU) Seas and Oceans Antimicrobial resistance Urban Europe Water challenges Eureka! ERANET+ ERANET EUROSTARS JTI Artemis, Eniac Clean Sky, IMI, FCH Art. 169 AAL Bonus EMRP FP7 PEOPLE Capacities (INFRASTRUCTURES) IDEAS - ERC SMEs and SME Associations ICT-FET (Flag Ships) COOPERATION CIP competitiveness & innovation programme PPP PPP (recovery packages) Energy Efficient Buildings Future of Factories Green cars Future Internet This slide will provide information about funding schemes from the EC and the MS: The large FP7 programme covers fundamental research, applied research, and development. A smaller program – CIP- is focused on innovations and demonstration activities Eureka intergovernmental network to support market-oriented R&D and innovation projects by industry, research centres and universities across all technological sectors. Eurostar (SMEs program) Joint Programming - EC coordination of MS initiatives to work together on some topics ERA-net scheme – Supporting the Cooperation and Coordination of Research Activities carried out at National or Regional Level. Includes funding from EU funding agencies + EC contribution some topics. e.g. photonics JTI (joint technology initiatives)– some of them funded by the EC, some - by both EC+MS AAL (ambient assisted living) initiative PPPs (public private partnerships) in FP7 Fundamental Applied Innovation Development Deployment
EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria FP7: total of 50 B€ (2007-13) 5 major specific programmes: FP7: Council/Parliament Co-decision EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
FP7 Cooperation Specific Programme 10 key thematic areas: +700M€ for eInfrastructures from the Capacities programme EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
Challenges in the ICT programme 2011-2012 (What is the money spent on Future & Emerging Technologies (FET) 1. Network and Service Infrastructures ICT for socio-economic challenges Basic ICT technologies & infrastructures ~10% ~9% ~11% International cooperation, Horizontal actions 3. Components and Systems 4. Digital Content and Languages 2. Cognitive Systems and Robotics 5. ICT for Health, Ageing, Inclusion & Gov. ~26% ~6% ~17% ~7% 6. ICT for Lower-Carbon Economy ~12% 7. ICT for Manufac. & Enterprise 8. ICT for Learning & Cultural Resources ~4% +JTIs +AAL PPP 2 PPPs incl FI PPP ••• 9 9
EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria FP7-CIP/ICT Budget Profile: 2nd half of FP7 – significant increase of funding ! M€ 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL FP7 ICT 1 189 1 217 1 227 1 241 1 382 1 582 1 760 9 598 CIP 58 52 105 113 120 135 149 732 Financial support FP7: master & shape research & development CIP: ensure wider uptake & better use of research + Regional and Structural Funds,… EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria ICT in FP7: Where do we stand? In 2011, the FP7 ICT Programme is in its 5th year of implementation 7 main calls have been launched and evaluated Total number of projects ~1200 Launch of two JTIs and AAL initiative 4 Calls launched for ENIAC with 130 M€ (EC contribution) 4th call is ongoing WP 2011-12 done, WP 2013 (1.76 B€) is in preparation EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria ICT in FP7 ICT in the FP supports collaborative R&D projects industry - academia from at least 3 MS or AS Project size between 3M€ and 20 M€ of funding 4 to 20 partners per project Supports ~17 000 researchers and engineers/year During 2007-10 ~ 5000 distinct organisations, ~14000 participations ~ 1250 projects running (FP6 + FP7) EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria Presentation outline Europe 2020 – a new strategy for the EU Current EC funding of EU Research (ICT in particular) Nanoelectronics - Examples of research projects dealing with simulation Today’s opportunities: ICT WP 2011-12 Information on the future programme (2014+) Summary EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria FP6 IST programme Atomics Advanced Front-End Technology Modeling for Ultimate Integrated Circuits Consortium MOTIVATION TCAD can save 30% development time and costs (ITRS 2008) OBJECTIVES Development of TCAD models suitable for a) materials (strained and unstrained SiGe alloys, strained Si, SOI, etc); b) processes (activation and diffusion of dopants, formation of extended defects, including low-temperature and millisecond annealing, point-defect engineering) employed at the 32 nm technology node and beyond. Example Dependence of dopant solubility on strain (Ahn et al. PRB 2009) The models are implemented in simulation software Sentaurus (Synopsys) validated with respect to industrial needs (STM) Budget Total Cost: 4.4M€ EC : 2.5 M€ EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria Atemox Advanced Technology Modeling for Extra-Functionality Devices Objectives - extend the capabilities of TCAD to the prediction of - leakage currents in CMOS structures - the alternative doping processes considered for a reduction of leakage currents. Consortium Key Issues Full set of missing models for simulating leakage currents in CMOS derivatives → providing extra functionality to the basic NE technology with sizes 22 nm CMOS transistors. Implementation and integration of the models into the Sentaurus TCAD platform of Synopsys. Evaluation of the integrated models by STMicroelectronics. Expected impact Predictive simulations of CMOS derivatives in industrial environments at an early stage of development. Significant reduction of development time and costs. Extending the EU knowledge and skills in NE Competitiveness of EU industry in CMOS derivatives Budget Total Cost: 4.1M€ EC Contribution: 2.85 M€ EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria Presentation outline Europe 2020 – a new strategy for the EU Current EC funding of EU Research (ICT in particular) Nanoelectronics - Examples of research projects dealing with simulation Today’s opportunities: ICT WP 2011-12 Information on the future programme (2014+) Summary EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
3.2 Smart components and smart systems 3.3 Embedded systems ICT Work Programme 2011-2012 Challenge 3: Alternative Paths to Components and Systems Objectives: 3.1. Nanoelectronics 3.2 Smart components and smart systems 3.3 Embedded systems 3.4 Computing Systems 3.5 Photonics 3.6 Organic Electronics and Photonics
Very Advanced Nano-electronics Components ICT Work Programme 2011-12 Objective 3.1: Very Advanced Nano-electronics Components Target outcomes: Beyond CMOS technology Circuit - technology solutions Nano-manufacturing and Joint Equipment Assessment Coordination and Support Actions Objective 3.1 Very advanced Nanoelectronics Components Beyond CMOS technology: Very advanced Si and non-Si switches, memories and interconnects (perf/scale/ee) Co-integration of non-Si, charge, spin, photon based devices on Si Carbon based electronic devices Novel materials for interconnects, nano-packaging, Beyond-CMOS (logic and memory) Understanding fundamental artefacts and limits: nano-scale thermal processes; computational material and device science Circuit-technology solutions Combined modelling, technology+ design work at circuit, device, material level for monolith and 3D integr of BeyondC+MtM on Si backbone Nano-manufacturing and Joint Equipment Assessment Mfg solutions integr/interfacing BeyondC+MtM with nanoC E&M solutions to manufacture and measure 1D + 3D Si Coordination and Support Actions CSA to develop strategies, attract young ones and link up globally to support IP creation and manufacture in Europe Objective 3.2 Smart components and smart systems integration Future smart components and smart systems Materials, technologies, processes, manufacturing techniques and design methods for: Innovative smart components (Systems on Chip or Systems in a Package) demonstrating very advanced performance (very high performance analogue, very high frequency, integrated passives); high voltage and high power operation or operating under special conditions (e.g. high temperature, high reliability, long lifetime). Miniaturized and integrated smart systems with advanced functionality and performance including nanoscale sensing systems. Autonomously operating, power efficient and networked smart systems. Robust systems, compatible and adaptive to environment and lifetime requirements. Micro-Nano Bio Systems (MNBS) highly integrated, safe, active and autonomous “smart” implants which provide real-time performance feedback and are able to tolerate interfering body signals; integrated systems for rapid, sensitive, specific and multi-parametric in vitro molecular analysis/detection and cellular manipulation based on biodegradable materials. Cost, manufacturing and real scenarios validation should be considered autonomous body sensor and actuator based systems for non- or minimally-invasive targeted early detection, diagnosis and therapy. Call 8 60M€ EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
Two complementary funding schemes ICT Work Programme 2011-12 Future & Emerging Technologies – FET Supporting high-risk transformative research in ICT Two complementary funding schemes FET Open Bottom-up approach Open to any research idea FET Proactive Top-down approach Set of novel pre-defined themes Budget ratio: 1/3 FET OPEN, 2/3 FET Proactive Nano-electronics related topics with EU funding ~ 30M€/year: Molecular-scale systems, Tera-scale computing, Quantum-ICT, Bio-Chemistry-based ICT and Towards zero power ICT EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria 19
European vision of the More Moore and More than Moore domains Nanoelectronics ”Small, smaller, smarter” - Advanced components in advanced systems enabling pervasive applications - More than Moore: Diversification Moore’s Law: Miniaturization Baseline CMOS: CPU, Memory, Logic 130nm 90nm 65nm 45nm 32nm 22nm Extended CMOS Analog/RF Passives HV Power Sensors Actuators Biochips Information Processing Digital content System-on-Chip (SoC) Interacting with people and environment Non-digital content SoC & System-in-Package (SiP) Combining SoC and SiP: Higher Value Systems Beyond CMOS Beyond & Extended CMOS technologies need to meet the criteria of systemability, integratability and manufacturability
EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria Objective 3.1: Advanced Nanoelectronics Technology S y s t e m a b i l i t y To ensure interaction between system competences and device technology to better incorporate the device in a system to perform a given function. To address energy efficiency needs (e.g. for mobile applications). Nanoelectronics devices as system enablers should provide solutions for global challenges To prepare for “beyond” traditional shrinking (ITRS roadmap) 35 nm Gate Length EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria Objective 3.1: Advanced Nanoelectronics Technology I n t e g r a t a b i l i t y Future developments in Beyond CMOS and More than Moore as an extended-CMOS vision. No disconnection from the advanced silicon CMOS in order to keep the impact of its results on the applications and markets. Needs of hybridizing silicon with molecular switches, ferromagnetic logic, spin devices and sensors in order to enable heterogeneous and morphic system architectures. Integrateability of novel technology with CMOS and their reliability become key factors. ITRS-ERD vision of the role of Beyond CMOS and More than Moore elements to form future extended CMOS platforms. EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
Objective 3.1: Manufacturing and Equipment assessment M a n u f a c t u r a b i l i t y Concept to be taken into account at early stages of research From prototype to a reliable manufacturing of devices with predefined reproducible parameters. Semiconductor Equipment for Wafer Bonding with Plasma Activation EV Group, CEA-LETI, Soitec European equipment and material companies i) Access to nano-manufacturing and to advanced technologies positive feedback ii) Joint assessment and demonstration platform Evidence of reproducible equipment parameters Stimulate the access to world wide equipment market (especially important for SMEs) Ruthenium Atomic Vapor Deposition Competitiveness in Nanoelectronic Device Generations AIXTRON, Fraunhofer IISB, Infineon Munich Low Energy and Dose Implant Test SEMILAB, Fraunhofer IISB, ST Microelectronics Crolles II, NXP Crolles R&D Metrology Using X-Ray Techniques Jordan Valley, CEA-LETI, STMicroelectronics Crolles II, NXP Crolles R&D 3D Integration of Bulk Si Wafers EV Group, CEA-LETI, STMicroelectronics Crolles II EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
Modelling and simulation Objective 3.1 Modelling and simulation 1. Phenomena and Effects * Quantum and atomic scale ; * Electro-thermo-mechanical * Transport (drift, diffusion ); * System integration at the nanoscale 2. New materials * Graphene; Gemanene; * CNT; * Nanowires; * Complex magneto-electric lattices. 3. Devices * New switches (+molecular) and interconnects; * Emerging memories; * Ferromagnetic logics; * Spin devices; * Nano-photonics devices and interconnects; * Carbon based; * MEMs, NEMs 4. Models for cross technology and cross IP level simulation 5. Multi-physics and multi-scale models, which can predict devices and circuits up to non-equilibrium systems. Modeling & Simulation – increasing importance (save costs !) models measurements (challenging due to the miniaturization)
Objective 3.1 Information about call 8 Dates Open: 26 July 2011 Close: 17 January 2012 (at 17:00 Brussels local time) Funding schemes: Beyond CMOS technology: STREPs Circuit-technology solutions: STREPs and at least 1 IP Nano-manufacturing and joint equipment assessment: STREPs and at least 1 IP Support measures: CSAs Indicative budget distribution - 60 M€: IP/STREP 55 M€ CSA 5 M€
EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria ICT Proposers’ Day 2011 19 - 20 May, Budapest Networking for European ICT R&D Aim of the event: to prepare for Calls 8 and 9 (together >1 B€) by networking and partnerships building by first-hand information from >100 EC officials Structure: thematic sessions with presentations of proposal ideas information stands & meeting points Registration: free of charge, open from January 2011 EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria Presentation outline Europe 2020 – a new strategy for the EU? Current EC funding of EU Research (ICT in particular) Nanoelectronics - Examples of research projects dealing with simulation Today’s opportunities: WP 2011-12 Information on the future Common Strategic Framework (CSF) for R&I funding (2014+) Summary EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
Strengthen, focus & simplify What is next? 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 ICT WP 2011-12 FP7 ICT WP 2013 Preparatory work FP8 + CIPII CSF (Common Strategic Framework) 9 Feb Green Paper Feb-May Consultation based on Green Paper 10/6 Consultation ‘wrap-up’ event in Brussels June Proposal for next MAFF Dec Legislative proposal(s) for CSF Light and fast EIPs Strengthen, focus & simplify KETs Externalisation MAFF 2014+
EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria Common Strategic Framework (CSF) for EU R & I funding ( 2014+ ) Three key messages More clarity of goals and strategy, - Higher impact on competitiveness / society, - More EU added value Simplification Procedures but also of programmes/instruments → To attract wider constituency, smaller entities Work across silos research-innovation-policy priorities between themes and disciplines EU-MSs, public-private Limited set of funding schemes - common across all activities Unique Rules for Participation Simplified cost-reimbursement approach with enhanced use of lump sums and flat rates. EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
3 sets of challenges, 4 types of activities, (funding schemes)” Common Strategic Framework for EU R&I funding (2014+) Some first and preliminary thinking (from ICT theme) A challenge oriented R&I framework A shift in the drive: From means/instruments to goals Draft 3 sets of challenges, 4 types of activities, (funding schemes)” Roadmap based partn. (Focus) Open, light (be flexible) Infrastr., skills (attract) Piloting (test, duffuse) Societal challenges e.g. Living labs Pilots Industrial leadership e.g. Clean rooms, Innovation clusters Pilots Excellence in science E-Infrastruct . EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria Summary EUROPE 2020 - renewed emphasis on R&D&I as a basis for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. MAFF 2014+, CSF 2011-2012 is key for the preparation: New opportunities for improvements and for holistic integrated views to face grand challenges (EU and global) Nanoelectronics has a major input to these processes Modeling & Simulation – increasing importance Participate in Call 8 !!! « Time is ready. Let us profit from these exciting times and take action ---- together -----” EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria 31
THANK YOU !!!! Take part in the consultation processes !!!! !!!! 2011 is a year of change, you can influence the future !!!! THANK YOU Information Society and Media: European research on the web: EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria
Transversal Research Projects Work Programme 2011-12 General concepts Transversal Research Projects Multi-disciplinary cooperation System-technology interaction Nanofabrication Energy efficiency Next switch Universal memory 3D integration Novel architectures - Advanced component technology + advanced system design - Beyond CMOS , Extended CMOS For systems 2020 and beyond Systemability, integratability, manufacturability
Very Advanced Nano-electronics Components Objective 3.1: Very Advanced Nano-electronics Components Target outcomes Beyond CMOS technology New switches and interconnects with energy efficiency gain; Emerging memories; Nano-photonics devices and interconnects; Carbon based electronic devices Circuit-technology solutions Architectures including energy efficiency, spin devices ferromagnetic logics, Si with molecular switches Circuit design, methodology and tools addressing e.g. D-A-C Technology addressing 3D integration, MtM, photon-electron integration, power dissipation, etc. Modelling and simulation Nano-manufacturing and Joint Equipment Assessment Manufacturing approaches to Beyond CMOS and MtM and their integration with nanoCMOS including 3D Metrology/inspection analysis concepts; assembly and packaging Joint assessment of equipment/metrology, process solutions Coordination and Support Actions Access to training CAD tools, advanced technologies, design kits, education blocks, prototyping Roadmap, benchmark and strategy papers Stimulation of young people towards electronics careers, training, education International cooperation – Japan, USA, Taiwan, Korea Support coordination and standartisation actions, preparatory work for 450 mm
ICT Work Programme 2013 continuity with 2011-12 WP effective bridge to the next CSF for R&I. Budget: 1.53B€ Timing - three main phases: Options and orientations: Sept.- Dec. 2011 Drafting: Jan. - March/April 2012 Decision: April/May-July 2012
A challenge oriented R&I framework Common Strategic Framework for EU R&I funding (2014+) A challenge oriented R&I framework A shift in the drive: From means/instruments to goals 3 sets of challenges Societal Challenges Health and wellbeing; Safe food and sustainable agriculture; Secure, clean and efficient energy; Green transport; less congestion; Efficient use of resources & materials; Inclusive and safe society Creating Industrial Leadership & Competitive Frameworks Leadership in enabling technologies & FET; Access to risk finance; Integrating research, education and innovation; High potential SMEs Excellence in the Research Base Frontier research (ERC & FET), Skills and career development (Marie Curie); Research infrastructures incl. eInfrastructures
Four simplified funding schemes addressing: Common Strategic Framework for EU R&I funding (2014+) Four simplified funding schemes addressing: Roadmap-based partnerships (focus !) Open, light and fast scheme (be agile, flexible! ) R&I infrastructures, innovation clusters, skills (attract!) Pilot actions in real-life settings (test and diffuse!)
Common Strategic Framework for EU R&I funding (2014+) Simplification Limited set of funding schemes - common across all activities Unique Rules for Participation of the CSF that will provide a set of common principles applicable to all actions Radically simplified cost-reimbursement approach with enhanced use of lump sums and flat rates
EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria Timeline February Green Paper 4.02.2011 European Council devoted to research & innovation Feb-May Consultation based on Green Paper 10.06.2011 Consultation ‘wrap-up’ event in Brussels June Proposal for next MАFF December Legislative Proposal(s) for CSF and impact assessment EuroSimE, 18-20.04.2011, Linz, Austria