© European Communities, 2011 Research motivation Our study is intended to present disruptive and challenging events, i.e. wildcard scenarios, which have a significant impact on the aviation industry. We intended to assist decision and policy makers in preparing for the future and to enrich decision making processes on possible courses of action by presenting a robust and reliable decision support system as well as opportunities in strategy and policy. Delphi methodology We applied an innovative and improved evolution of the well-known conventional Delphi approach, which refutes specific shortcomings, e.g. expert panel biases or time scale disadvantages. Our approach enhances expert availability, reduces drop-out-rates, speeds up the hole process and adds additional functionalities like an ‘ease- of-use facilitator portal’, a ‘consensus portal’, and a ‘graphical real-time feedback’. In order to assess disruptive events and transformations for the aviation industry we used our real-time Delphi tool for 40 projections on the aviation industry’s future The estimation of the projections’ probability of occurrence, potential impact on the industry and desirability was based on a survey among 57 aviation strategists, C-level executives, aviation researchers and consultants. Based on the assessments and more than 1,300 collected verbal arguments for the individual expert expectations, relevant extreme and wildcard scenarios have been deducted, enabling contingency planning and the preparation for unforeseeable and disruptive events Delphi-based deductive wildcard analysis process Inductive wildcard analysis process Disruptive and challenging events – Wildcards We systematically indentified disruptive and challenging events by our Delphi- and wildcard analysis based FTA process: 1) Deglobalization, relocation and protectionism 2) Energy revolution 3) Revolution in transportation technologies/ concepts 4) Era of virtual meetings 5) Rise of the fabbing society 6) Terrorism reloaded 7) Global pandemic 8) Natural catastrophes 9) Economic crises, wars, oils price shocks The “Aviation Opportunity Radar” Our „Radar“ is the subjective outcome of several future workshops based on the examined scenarios. It is designed to provide a pragmatic but also creative perspective into the future, providing opportunities with different degrees of innovativeness. Contact Dr. Marco Linz EBS Business School, Center for Futures Studies Tel. +49 (0) Fax +49 (0) NOTES 1.Poster Title Replace the mock-up text of the poster title (”Joint Research Centre”) with the text of your own title. Keep the original font colour (100c 80m 0y 0k). Keep the flush-right justification. Set it in Helvetica Rounded Bold Condensed, if you own the typeface. Otherwise, in Arial, Helvetica or Verdana – plain or bold. Keep the original font body size (102 pt or, preferably,120 pt) and the title on a single line whenever possible. Reduce the body size and/or set the title on more than one line only if unavoidable. 2.Poster Subtitle Replace the mock-up text of the poster subtitle (”Place Your Poster Subtitle Here”) with the text of your own subtitle. Keep the original font colour (black). Keep the flush-right justification. Set it in MetaPlusBook-Roman, if you own the typeface. Otherwise, in Arial, Helvetica or Verdana. Keep the original font body size (72 pt) and the subtitle on a single line whenever possible. Reduce the body size and/or set the subtitle on more than one line only if unavoidable. If your poster does not have a main subtitle, delete the subtitle mock-up text or its text-box altogether. 3.Poster Main Text and Illustrations Replace the mock-up text of the poster with your own text. Keep it within the boundaries of the two main-text boxes provided. Keep the original font colour (black). Should you need a second colour within your text, use the same one of the poster title (100c 80m 0y 0k). Keep the flush-left justification. Set the main text in MetaPlusBook-Roman and the section headings in MetaPlusBold-Roman, if you own the typefaces. Otherwise, the main text in Arial, Helvetica or Verdana, and the section headings in their respective bold weights. Adjust the font body size and leading to the needs of your own text, depending on its overall length, for optimal display and legibility. Should you need a second level of text, set it in a smaller body size than that of your main text (and, in the case of photo captions, in italics, too). Place your illustrations (pictures, graphs, etc.) within the boundaries of the two main-text boxes. Adjust your text-flow as needed. 4.Contact Box Replace the mock-up contents of the contact box with your own data. Keep the contact box in place if possible. Place it elsewhere only if unavoidable for layout reasons, but in that case try, at least, to align it with some main element of the poster. 5.Additional Logos Should you need to display additional logos (e.g., of partner organizations or universities), reduce or enlarge them to a height within those of the JRC logo and the Directorate or Institute logo. Place any additional logos on the bottom of the poster, evenly spaced between the JRC and (if there is one) the Directorate or Institute logo, and vertically centred with them. Delphi based Wildcard Analysis Note: The content of this publication is based on the joint research project “Competitiveness Monitor”, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (project reference number: 01IC10L18 A). Project duration: 06/2010 – 05/2013. Responsibility for the content is with the author(s) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Collection of potential wildcards Assessment of identified wildcards Selection of relevant wildcards Elaboration of wildcards Development of possible strategies Development of wildcard scenarios Identification of critical futures assumptions Definition of alternative impact scenarios (inversion of assumptions) Development of plausible scenario origins and paths Elaboration of wildcards Development of possible strategies