ESSnet DataWareHousing Statistical Business Register, its role in a DWH Hub Gilissen + Pieter Vlag Statistics Netherlands.


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Presentation transcript:

ESSnet DataWareHousing Statistical Business Register, its role in a DWH Hub Gilissen + Pieter Vlag Statistics Netherlands

Dutch Business Register Algemeen Bedrijven Register (ABR) Huub Gillissen ESSnet Datawarehousing: workshop Cardiff part I

ABR in the statistical proces Users Macro-level Cube StatBase Micro-level Output-register MicroBase Micro-level Input-register Baseline Registers, respondents Data Collection & Data entry & Editing & Creating ImputationSelection & Tabulate Aggregation Publication & Distribution Macro-level Output Database StatLine Publication phase: statistics ABR = coordination Create ABR = population

Creating ABR at the CBS  Section KRB is responsible  Support from application and database management  Two departments at section KRB:  Registers  Profiling

Definition ABR The Dutch Statistical Business Register (ABR) is a system with identifying data and structure data concerning companies at 3 levels (statistical units): 1.Enterprise Group 2.Enterprise 3.Local Unit

Purpose of the ABR  Distribute contact data inside CBS  Bridge between source, administrative and statistical unit (unit base / eenhedenbase)  To determine a population frame with identifying data to be used for several business statistics which serves as a backbone of companies and results in: Coordination, comparability and additivity

What’s the problem? Name: Fitti Fit LTD Address: Pietstr. 10 Name: Fit Fitti LTD Address: Janstr. 5 Leuker kunnen we het niet maken… To match all this information to one fact Name: Fit Fitti LTD Address: Janstr. 5 Tax authority ABR: bridge between source, admin and stat. units Tax Autority Chamber of Commerce

CBS Chamber Of Commerce Municipality (Local Authority) Tax authority Social Security Office Former situation

BBR Current situation Ministry’s Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Leuker kunnen we het niet maken… Tax authority Tax Autority Chamber of Commerce CBS Local Authority

Legal Unit Local Legal Unit 100% ownership relation... Legal Unit Tax Unit VAT, Corporate Tax, Tax on wages … Legal Unit Local Legal Unit... Enterprise Group Enterprise Local Unit Employee Adress Financial Chamber of Commerce BBR Tax Autority Assessment declaration CBS

EG: An Enterprise Group is considered as the actual actor in the financial process, particularly the financial- and distribution process. An Enterprise Group is the largest collection of legal units in the Netherlands between which predominating (more than 50%) control exists. E: An Enterprise is the actual actor in the production process identified by autonomy, describable and external orientation -> most frequently used unit for surveys (SBS/STS) LU: A Local Unit is that part of the Enterprise which is situated on one geographical location. Definitions

P1 P2P3 P4 P5P6 P7 P8 P EG1 EG2 EG3 EG4 Example 1: Creating an Enterprise Group (EG)

P10 P11P12 P13 P14P15 P16 P17 P EG3 EG E1 E3 E2 E4 Example2: -Creating an Enterprise (E) at CBS + Creating Tax Units (T) for BelastingDienst T1 T2 T3 T4

Process Enterprise Active (±2200 EG´s, 50% Gross Domestic National Product) -> profiling Profiler gets a proposal from the system Quality improvement : (classification, number of employees, control + ownership relations etc.) Quantitative improvement: supplement for insufficient source information Main point: criteria autonomy, describable and external orientation (Enterprise decomposition) In consultation and cooperation with a representive person from the Enterprise Non active (others) -> EG = E

Advantage new way of creating Statistical Units  Much better connection to Tax Authority and Chamber of Commerce  Reduction of civil service costs  Learning and cleaning from the sources  By choosing 50 % ownerships relationships; ->EG is the ‘unit / lowest aggregation level” can be used to match E(enterprises) = CBS-unit with tax units

Link with DataWareHousing Pieter Vlag ESSnet Datawarehousing: workshop Cardiff part II

Statistical Business Register (SBR) in a DWH-system: Lessons from previous slides  Three different positions:  Creating SBR  Coordination frame for datacollection  Population frame for coherent output  Necessary to know relationships between dif. units in different datasources  Unit base (if appropiate)  Linking with population frame at which unit  Large enterprises profiling -> relationship with EGR

A: Register unit B: Statistical Methods unit C: Information Collection department D: Dissemination unit E: Statistical Producers units F: Economical Statistics department G: National Accounts department F, G: 6.2 validate outputs B 4.1 select sample B, C: 4.2 set up collection C: 4.3 run collection A: 5.2 classify & code (priorities) A: 5.3 review, validate & edit A: 5.1 integrate data A: 7.1 update output systems A: 6.2 validate outputs D, E: 7.2 produce dissemination products SBR changes (T-1) Complete SBR (T-1) SBR Surveys data Administr ative data Statistical Business Register (3 positions)

collect process analyse disseminate Data Warehouse SBS STS IS STI Structural Business Statistics Short Term business Statistics Information Society Science Technology Innovation SBR proces: production statistical BR survey AD

Statistical Business Register & DataWareHousing  STARTING POINT: Stat. Business Register (SBR) = population frame including a.NACE-code b.size class  All other data (Admin + survey + interview + big data) should be linked to this pop.frame (on a chosen unit)  But……

Statistical Business Register & DataWareHousing: 4 questions to be adressed  Which unit to be used to link with BR i.e. Enterprise group or Enterprise (like CBS)  Profiling & EGR  Overcoverage of SBR (e.g. non-active enterprises) ?  Undercoverage of SBR (due to timeliness issues)  How to deal with conflicting info from other sources, esp. NACE-codes

100% sample – bespoke inquiries Estimation – smaller samples/admin data 100% admin data Large, complex firms Small, simple firms

Statistical Business Register & DataWareHousing: differences per enterprise sizes Large, complex firms Small, simple firms SBR other data units EGR / profiling over- & undercoverage Surv. admin ‘consistent’ surveys ( = TOP1900) dominantly admin data manual, stat.units

Statistical Business Register & DataWareHousing: REASONS FOR CONFLICTING INFO IN SBR AND OTHER SOURCES (on same units)  Timeliness and actuality issues e.g. NACE-codes and/or size classes are more actual in admin or survey data  Errors  Other definitions / perceptions Enterprise does not recognise itself in ‘correct’ NACE-code Suggestion: Only in first two cases NACE-codes in SBR may be changed

Statistical Business Register & DataWareHousing: examples for conflicting information Rules to be defined when changing SBR-data due to ‘timeliness’ + actuality issues. NOT with panel survey data Conflicting NACE -codes due to 'timeliness + actualilty issues' Business RegisterTax data unit A NACE 47…NACE 46… old situation' when ent. Started actual situation'based on previous VAT-declaration Conflicting NACE -codes due to several activities Example enterprise selling furnitures (1 stat. ent. Unit; 1 tax unit) a. manufacturing / repairing furniture b. retail trade c. wholesale trade Business RegisterTax dataSurvey unit A NACE 47…NACE 46…NACE 31 … employment concentratedturnover concentrateddescription by enterprise itself SBR-data may be changed not straightforward to change SBR-data

A: Register unit B: Statistical Methods unit C: Information Collection department D: Dissemination unit E: Statistical Producers units F: Economical Statistics department G: National Accounts department F, G: 6.2 validate outputs B 4.1 select sample B, C: 4.2 set up collection C: 4.3 run collection A: 5.2 classify & code (priorities) A: 5.3 review, validate & edit A: 5.1 integrate data A: 7.1 update output systems A: 6.2 validate outputs D, E: 7.2 produce dissemination products SBR changes (T-1) Complete SBR (T-1) SBR Surveys data Administr ative data Fundamental question: Consistency of population frame with SBR in DWH

DWH: ‘co-ordinating’ or ‘dynamic’ SBR Users Macro-level Cube StatBase Micro-level Output-register MicroBase Micro-level Input-register Baseline Registers, respondents Data Collection & Data entry & Editing & Creating ImputationSelection & Tabulate Aggregation Publication & Distribution Macro-level Output Database StatLine Publication phase: statistics ‘fixed’ SBR = coordination Create ‘fixed’ SBR ‘population = fixed’ or ‘dynamic’ SBR

Conclusions When using SBR for DWH:  Relationship between different units should be known  Populations between dif. Sources should be known (over- and undercoverage)  Feedback to SBR should be treated with caution as SBR had 3 positions: -creation; co-ordination; population  If feedback to SBR; reason should be known