Ofcom Consumer Switching BT Wholesale Timelines 23 May 2014
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* Do not use until March to allow for testing between BTW and OR Story Title Story Description Mandatory Release 21CNCE-75918 Ofcom NoT – introduction of RID and postcode to provides Make RIDs mandatory for all migration + provides, validate and pass down to OR across all product types. Provide and migration orders will be validated on DN + Postcode Optional Release AP (Sep) Mandatory Release AQ (Nov) Could defer to Release AR (Jan) 21CNCE-76733 Strategic KCI's for Broadband cease notifications sent from Openreach Consumption of OR Unsolicited cease KCI’s and passing through to CPs via B2B, email. Release AP (Sep) 21CNCE-76746 Strategic KCI's for Broadband loss notifications sent from BTW Generation of Notice of Transfer KCIs for BTW CP to BTW CP migrations via B2B, email. 21CNCE-77354 Ofcom NoT - Migrations to 20C within BTW CPs All of the migrations to 20C within BTW CPs Release AQ switched off 21CNCE-77371 Ofcom NoT - Migrations to WBC Copper within BTW CPs All of the migrations to WBC Copper within BTW CPs 21CNCE-77388 Ofcom NoT - Migrations to WBC FTTC within BTW CPs All of the migrations to WBC FTTC within BTW CPs All of the migrations to WBC FTTP within BTW CPs LLU to all product variants (remove MAC validation from provide onto OR) Release AQ witched off 21CNCE-77405 Ofcom NoT – Gaining CP Cancellation driven KCIs Gaining CP Cancellations Release AP Bulk LLU to WBC migrations via BUT (BBCT) Bulk migrations within the BTW stack but with a CP change via BUT (BBCT) 21CNCE-77419 Ofcom NoT - Cancel Other for BTW CP to BTW CP migrations Cancel other for BTW CP to BTW CP migrations Release AQ (Nov) *Do not use until Mar 21CNCE-77431 Ofcom NoT - Cancel Other for BTW to LLU CP migrations Cancel other for BTW to LLU CP migrations Release AR (Jan) Consumption of cancel other when LLU CP cancels BTW migration Ofcom NoT - MIS and Reporting of Cancel Other’ - on hold waiting Ofcom guidance on format etc MIS and Reporting of cancel other Release AQ (Nov) switched off * Do not use until March to allow for testing between BTW and OR
Openreach Early Delivery Options overlaid with BTW Plans (tbc)
Cancel Other (Openreach Early Delivery Options 1 and 5) AP 13/09/14 AQ 15/11/14 AR 17/01/15 BTW deploy Switched On BTW to BTW Migrations Cancel Other in Release AQ (only for use in agreement with BTW) BTW deploy Switched On Cancel Other for BTW to LLU and LLU to BTW Migrations – full operability dependent on 2750 going Live one week later. 21CNCE-77419 Cancel Other for BTW to BTW migrations 21CNCE-77431 Cancel Other for BTW to LLU migrations Cancel Other for LLU to BTW migrations 2650 20/09/14 2700 22/11/14 2750 24/01/15 Option 1 : New Cancel Other Codes Option 5 : Full Support for LCP Cancel Other
RID on SMPF Provides (Openreach Early Delivery Option 2) AP 13/09/14 AQ 15/11/14 AR 17/01/15 Release AP : BTW validate RID in any Broadband orders if present. Note that RID accepted (but not validated) currently. From Release AQ RID is mandatory for BTW Provide and Migration orders RID will be passed to Openreach, if received from CPs – up until Release 2650, Openreach will ignore RID RIDs not mandatory in Openreach until June 2015. 21CNCE-75918 RID Optional for IPstream and WBC ADSL Provides and Migrations RID mandatory for IPstream and WBC ADSL Provide and Migration Orders 2650 20/09/14 2700 22/11/14 2750 24/01/15 RID Optional - validated if received
Cancel Other with RID Notification to Gaining CP (Openreach Early Delivery Option 3) AP 13/09/14 AQ 15/11/14 AR 17/01/15 The Cancelling CP RID will also be included in the ‘Unsolicited/managed Cease ‘ KCI, confirming to the Losing CP that the cease of the asset has been cancelled. Assuming that OR deploy v26 schema in R2600 & R2700, BTW will consume this in Release AR and make the Cancelling CP RID available in Cancellation related KCIs Both need a schema upgrade for CPs to consume but we are only mandating this from Release AR. The Cancelling CP RID will be included in ‘Cease Cancelled’ KCI for Unsolicited/Managed Ceases The Cancelling CP RID will be included in ‘Provide Cancelled’ KCI 2600 20/07/14 2700 22/11/14 2750 24/01/15 V26 Schema including RID notification to Gaining CP for SMPF deployed V26 Schema including RID notification to Gaining CP for FTTC deployed
SMPF and FTTC validation rules for Postcode/DN mismatch (Openreach Early Delivery Option 4) AP 13/09/14 AQ 15/11/14 AR 17/01/15 Postcode is an optional attribute today – if absent a value is defaulted into the order into Openreach From Release AP, BTW will validate postcode if present, and return warning message if postcode incorrect. But order is sent to OR with the postcode from eMLC From Release AQ the postcode is validated and the order is rejected if the postcode is incorrect. 21CNCE-75918 Postcode Optional for IPstream and WBC Provides and Migrations Postcode Mandatory for IPstream and WBC Provide and Migration Orders 2800 21/03/15 2850 05/15 2875 20/06/15 Postcode Mandatory and order rejected if incorrect