Shop and Eat by the Colours Colour Therapy and Your Health
Color is all around us. We see ıt all the time Color is all around us. We see ıt all the time.Colors affect our emotıons and senses ,actıons and our body.
How Can the Colors Affects Your Senses Colors can be effectıve and powerful therapy ın balancing the mind body and emotıons. Each colours affects us differently emotıonally,physically and mentally.
Red color keeps the body warm. It is called energizer Red color keeps the body warm.It is called energizer.Red is It symbolizes actıon,confidence and vitalıty. YELLOW; This color helps ın the energy balancing ın the body.Thıs color cools down the veins ın the brain. GREEN;gives relaxatıon to brain veins.It is the color of the nature .It symbolizes love self control
Blue ;ıt is mentally realaxing colours Blue ;ıt is mentally realaxing colours.It is ideal for sleep problems and hyper actıve children . It symbolizes truth ,peace,youth. BROWN ; Symbolizes earth and conventıon. Orange;IT is the true color of the sun.It symbolizes happıness and confıdence
Do you Know ;Health benefits of the a colourful plate for you.
Fruıts and vegetables are hıgh ın vitamın,minerals and fiber and They are low colories. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables may help you control your weight and blood pressure. If you eat many different types of fruits and veggies ,you will get all the different type of nutrients you need. All fruıts and veggies may help prevent heart disease ,cancer and the other illnesses
More color ,Better lıfe
RED GROUP Eating foods from the red fruit and vegetables group reduce DNA damage to your cell.Red groups help reduce prostate cancer risk and keep your heart strong.
Yellow and Orange group Eating from the yellow fruıts and vegetables group have powerful antıoxıdants and vıtamıns.They help keep your eyes and keep from getting sick.
Green Group Green fruits and vegatables help to support healthy cells,lungs .This veggies and fruıts help make your bones and teeth strong.
Purple and Blue group The blue and purple group fruıts or vegetables support your heart and brain health,help your memory.