Gilbert Kalb, GMD-IK GMD was established in GMD is a non-profit company Owners are the Federal Republic of Germany (90%) and some federal states (Hesse, North-Rhine- Westphalia, Berlin) Staff: about students Annual budget: approx. € 96 Million, about 32 % of this amount comes from project work and industrial cooperation. GMD: the German National Research Center for Information Technology
Gilbert Kalb, GMD-IK Mission of GMD GMD’s core functions are: l development of innovative ideas in the area of basic research, l development of innovative prototypes as a basis for new products, l training of talented research scientists l transfer of knowledge to the business community and to society de l Co-operation with industry (100 national and international companies), universities and other research institutions l GMD participates in over 70 European research projects, l Office in Japan l 18 spin off companies since 1995.
Gilbert Kalb, GMD-IK GMD Research Programme 2000 l Autonomous systems l Computer simulation and virtual engineering l Computing and biology l IT security l Information engineering l Media technology l Multimedia based co-operative teaching and learning l Seamless communication l Environment sensitive systems l Virtual societies
Gilbert Kalb, GMD-IK GMD Institutes FIRST - Institute for Computer Architecture and Software Technology FIT - Institute for Applied Information Technology, FOKUS - The Institute for Open Communication Systems IMK - Institute for Media Communication IPSI - Integrated Publication and Information Systems Institute SCAI - Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing AiS - Institute for Autonomous intelligent Systems SIT - Institute for Secure Telecooperation
Gilbert Kalb, GMD-IK Value of Projects with GMD Participation Mio EU Funding 10 Mio from GMD Sources 100 Mio Total Project Value
Gilbert Kalb, GMD-IK GMD Partners in EU Projects Universities/ Research 50% Industry 46% others 4%
Gilbert Kalb, GMD-IK GMD Research Areas in the 5 FP l Electronic Commerce l Data Mining l Networking l New Media l E-Learning
Gilbert Kalb, GMD-IK Some EU Projects of GMD in the 5FP Data Mining l Sol-Eu-Net ÞData mining and decision support for business ÞCompetitiveness: Solomon Virtual Enterprise l SPIN ÞSpatial Mining for Data of Public Interest l XML-KM ÞXML-based Mediator Knowledge Extraction and Brokering
Gilbert Kalb, GMD-IK Some EU Projects of GMD in the 5FP New Media l Paperless ÞTools for paperless animation l Tower ÞTheatre of Work Enabling Relationship l NexTV ÞNew Media Consumption l SAMBITS ÞSystem for Advanced Multimedia Broadcast Information
Gilbert Kalb, GMD-IK Some EU Projects of GMD in the 5FP Electronic Commerce l FORM ÞEngineering Intelligent Infrastructures to support Trusted On the Fly Federated Organisations Management l HARP ÞHarmonisation for the Security of Web Technologies and Applications l PACE ÞPublic Administration and Electronic Commerce in Europe l COGITO ÞE-Commerce with Guiding Agents based on Personalized Interaction Tools
Gilbert Kalb, GMD-IK Some EU Projects of GMD in the 5FP Electronic Commerce l EXTERNAL ÞExtended Enterprise Resources, Network Architectures and Learning l FAIRWIS ÞTrade-Fair Web-based Information Services l OPELIX ÞAn Open Electronic Information Commerce System l SoNG ÞPortals for the next Generation
Gilbert Kalb, GMD-IK Some EU Projects of GMD in the 5FP Networking l CORVAL2 ÞEnhanced Techniques for COBRA Validation l FAIN ÞFuture Active IP Networks l FANA ÞFuture Active Networks Application
Gilbert Kalb, GMD-IK Some EU Projects of GMD in the 5FP Networking l InHoMNet ÞIn House High Speed Multimedia Network Interfaces l E-home ÞElectronic Home and Office for the Multimedia Era
Gilbert Kalb, GMD-IK Some EU Projects of GMD in the 5FP E Learning l WINDS ÞWeb based Intelligent Design tutoring System
Gilbert Kalb, GMD-IK Some finished EU Projects of GMD l Cooperative Wide Area Service Architecture CWASAR Þ l Basic Support for Cooperative Work on the WWW BSCW Þ l Common Open Brokerage Architecture for the WWW COBRA Þ l End-to-end Security over the Internet E2S Þ l Secure Electronic Marketplace SEMPER Þ
Gilbert Kalb, GMD-IK