Alice Carpentier University of Innsbruck STI Innsbruck Management Alice Carpentier University of Innsbruck STI Innsbruck
Content Effort consumption Y1 Finances 02.11.11 Content Effort consumption Y1 Overall Per WP Per partner Finances Distribution of Community Contribution Budget vs. Costs Period 1 Total Spending Period 1 Administration (selected example) WIKI
Effort consumption Y1 (overall) 02.11.11 Effort consumption Y1 (overall)
Effort consumption Y1 (per WP) 02.11.11 Effort consumption Y1 (per WP)
Effort consumption Y1 (per partner) 02.11.11 Effort consumption Y1 (per partner)
Distribution of Community Contribution (1) The University of Innsbruck received the community Contribution Pre-financing payment on 25.08.2010. The amount was €1.057.000 The University of Innsbruck distributed the Community Contribution Pre-financing to each partner after receiving their bank details confirmation.
Distribution of Community Contribution (2)
Budget vs. Costs Period 1 (1) The next table shows the spending rate of each project partner in Period 1. Although some partners have over-spent and others have under-spent their budgets in Period 1, the total Consortium spending is right on target with a 25% spending rate for the first year of the project.
Budget vs. Costs Period 1 (2)
Requested EC Contribution EC Contribution spending % Total Spending Period 1 Eligible Costs Costs spending % Requested EC Contribution EC Contribution spending % M1-48 M1-12 3.723.387 927.417,0 25% 3.020.000 755.106 Budget Spending in Year1 is on target
02.11.11 WIKI (general)
02.11.11 WIKI (mailing lists)
02.11.11 WIKI (deliverables)
02.11.11 Deliverables Y1
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