LLP Grundtvig learning partnership project ACT! Active & Responsible Citizen= Flourishing Future Society 2nd project partner meeting May 2012, Rotterdam
Presentation on the trainings for the potential participants of the civic actions run in Bulgaria 6 th April 2012 Sofia, Bulgaria , Rotterdam
Participants Number : 8 Profile: People between 20 and 67 years old Students, adults, elderly people People of different background and interests in order to make a comparison on the impact of the used training methodology Both people with and without experience in civic actions – focus on exchange of experience and creating motivation for active citizenship Type of institutions represented: NGOs involved in organisation of civic actions, educational institutions, people not representing a concrete organisation but with interests in the area of active citizenship Why did they become interested in the project and the trainings: Project objectives Upcoming activities Innovative methodology Exchange of experience in the line of possible participation in an international meeting and upcoming national civic events , Rotterdam
Trainers Name: Raya Stanachkova Profile: Project coordinator Why this trainer: Participated in numerous trainings Led a previous training Familiar with the project objectives and activities Familiar with the training methodology , Rotterdam
Training Programme (1) , Rotterdam 9:30 – 10:30 Presentation of the project Clarification on the objectives of the training Presentation of the training structure and upcoming activities Discussion on the expectations of the participants 10:30 – 11:00 Training Session One: Discussions on: What is a civic action? Themes for civic actions 11:00 – 11:15 Coffee break 11:15 – 13:00 Training Session One continued: Exercises and discussions Colombian Hand Hypnosis Complete the image 13:00 – 13:30 Lunch buffet 13:30 – 15:00 Training Session Two: How to develop a civic action? Major milestones Pointers for running an effective civic action Discussions Brainstorming Session on topics for civic actions in Bulgaria and their importance for the society Discussion on the results from the brainstorming Identifying topics of common interest Work in groups Identifying the causes for the issues in question Marking solutions for overcoming the problem Developing a scenario for a civic action addressing those issues
Training Programme (2) 15:00 – 15:15 Coffee break 15:15 – 16:30 Training Session Two continued: Presenting the results from the work in groups Image theatre on a theme Each group makes a visualization of the issue Each groups makes a visualization of the solution Discussion on ideas for organization of civic actions for the issues in question 16:30 – 17:00 Summarizing the results from the training Announcing the upcoming project activities Distributing questionnaire forms for evaluation Closing the event , Rotterdam
Reflections on the “ACT” methodology from the trainers point of view The most appropriate methods The training was focused on the provided methodology based on Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed - Turned the trainees into active participants - Easy to manage - Untraditional approach towards promoting active citizenship - Good compilation between discussion sessions and practical activities - Easily applicable in different contexts The difficulties faced implementing the trainings - The activities were limited to expressions through theatre , Rotterdam
Reflections on the “ACT” methodology from the participants point of view The most effective methods - Trainees enjoyed very much the ice-breakers and especially the Columbian Hand Hypnosis with the follow-up discussion on leadership - Untraditional approach towards promoting active citizenship - Image theatre and forum theatre were very well accepted - Creates opportunities to express civil position - The techniques and methods used during the training were very interesting and useful The difficulties faced while working on the tasks - Not all participants could relate, although all of them took active part in the activities, found them interesting and useful and evaluated them highly - It would be nice to have more exercises and games (before the discussions) , Rotterdam
Applicability of new skills and competences gained during the trainings The presentation of ideas, conclusions, etc. helped participants strengthen their vision and skills for working in a team The used methods provided new ideas for expressing more boldly civil positions Gained skills for developing a scenario for a civic action within a working group, i.e. working together for the achievement of a common goal Theoretical knowledge on the main steps for organising a civic action, with a perspective to turn it into a practical one during the upcoming project activities , Rotterdam
Identified social problems in Bulgaria Pollution Disinformation Poverty Smoking ban on public places Police corruption and violence Problem with the roma minority Preservation of the environment Laws / rules are not being followed Education Homeless animals, in particular dogs Lack of civil society , Rotterdam
Ideas generated during the trainings for civic actions to be implemented in partner countries in autumn 2012 Photography representations and exhibitions Music street performance Distribution of informational materials on specific issues , Rotterdam
Photos from the trainings , Rotterdam