Climate Change and Finance for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Sofia, Bulgaria 9 October 2013 International Policy on Climate Change Diana Todorova Climate Change Policy Directorate Ministry of Environment and Water T:
International Agreements United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Kyoto Protocol
Participation of Bulgaria in International Policy on Climate Change (1) Statute Commitments: - To prepare an annual greenhouse gas inventories; - To prepare and submit National Communications to the Convention – Fifth National Communication submitted and evaluated; - To develop and implement National Action Plan on Climate Change – Third National Plan is already developed and operational; - To establish a National Registry of greenhouse gas emissions; - To establish national system for the estimation of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.
Participation of Bulgaria in International Policy on Climate Change (2) Kyoto Protocol target Participation in the Flexible Mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol - Joint Implementation - International Emissions Trading
Key Questions in International Climate Negotiations: Implementation of Kyoto Protocol’s second commitment period; Development of “a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force” by 2015 at the latest; Enhancing pre-2020 mitigation ambition level; Climate finance.
Second Commitment Period of the Kyoto Protocol Commitment period: 1 January 2013 г December 2020 EU, Norway, Switzerland, Australia, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine Bulgaria is entering in the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol as a member of the EU.
Durban Platform for Enhanced Action New global agreement on climate change: - legal form - content - scope - structure - commitment period Enhancing pre-2020 mitigation ambition
National Green Investment Scheme (NGIS)
Legal framework Environmental Protection - Assigned amount units (AAU) as subject of sale; - Objectives; - Procedures for sale; - Off-budget account; - Responsible institutions: -Ministry of Environment and Water; -Ministry of Finance; -Ministry of Economy and Energy; -National Trust Ecofund (NTEF) - Participation of the buyers in the NGIS. Regulation governing the management, structure and activities of the National Trust Eco Fund
Principles of Greening Revenues – only for green projects under NGIS Eligible projects Grant funding with different conditions depending on the project types
National Trust Ecofund “Debt for Environment” SWAP Agreement between Bulgarian and Switzerland, 1995 г.; Independent institution 100 environmental projects funded 25 millions BGN spent
AAUs Deals NGIS Projects Agreements for the sale of AAUs 1) October ) April 2012 Projects funded 1) 37 public projects 2) 5 private projects
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