2 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас Main objective: To make a national study on the current situation in tourism with regard to safety and security from the view point of service providers and experts in the domain. To make a national study on the current situation in tourism with regard to safety and security from the view point of service providers and experts in the domain.
3 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас The methodology is mainly indirectly observational, based on documentary analysis. It carries out of field research which starts with the administration of questionnaire given out to the staff working in the tourism sector; The methodology is mainly indirectly observational, based on documentary analysis. It carries out of field research which starts with the administration of questionnaire given out to the staff working in the tourism sector; The method of the controlled interview was chosen in order to analyze, map and generalize the aspects of safety and security in tourism considered in programs of tourism operators and tourism agencies and to see if they are harmonized and synchronized with the European standards. The method of the controlled interview was chosen in order to analyze, map and generalize the aspects of safety and security in tourism considered in programs of tourism operators and tourism agencies and to see if they are harmonized and synchronized with the European standards. Data collection and processing methodology and instruments
4 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас Respondents The online questionnaire was filled in by hotel chains’ staff, employees in tour agencies and tourist operators’ staff, chartering companies and tourist information centers. 299 respondents from Bulgaria participated in that inquiry process. The online questionnaire was filled in by hotel chains’ staff, employees in tour agencies and tourist operators’ staff, chartering companies and tourist information centers. 299 respondents from Bulgaria participated in that inquiry process. The controlled interviews with 10 experts with relevant theoretical and practical background in the tourism domain (practice-oriented professionals and representatives of the academic environment) were conducted. The controlled interviews with 10 experts with relevant theoretical and practical background in the tourism domain (practice-oriented professionals and representatives of the academic environment) were conducted.
5 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас Multilingual online questionnaire Comprises 25 questions (published on Comprises 25 questions (published on The age of the majority of respondents (more than 65%) is between 21 and 30 The age of the majority of respondents (more than 65%) is between 21 and 30 42% of the respondents are male and 58% - female 42% of the respondents are male and 58% - female
6 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас The global safety questions and their influence on the tourism companies It is obvious that more than 73% of the respondents consider the importance of global safety questions and their influence on their companies.
7 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас More than 35% of the respondents think that for their organizations are topical themes related to importance of safety. For more than 26% of the respondents think that customer’s knowledge about safety suggestions for traveling and the influence of these suggestions on consumer’s view are very important.
8 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас More than 95% agree that it is necessary to developed new priorities defining the aspects of safety in order to ensure the quality of tourism services and products.
9 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас The majority of the respondents (about 86%) are concerned about the future prosperity of their companies in the current economic situation.
10 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас Concerning the tasks to be done in the tourism industry in the crisis situation two measures are with nearly the same highest average coefficients –attraction of the foreign tourists and the development of new safety and secure tourism products.
11 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас Only 23% of the respondents answer that further education seminars regarding tourism safety are being organized more frequently than once a year. About 48% further education seminars are organized once a year or less than once a year. 29% of respondents answer that no seminars are organized.
12 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас Results from the controlled interviews Experts were chosen from the business, SMEs and and hotel workers’ unions, as well as from the fields of professional profiles, skills and competences, university lecturers and vocational training teachers from hotel and catering schools and representatives of local chambers of commerce. Experts were chosen from the business, SMEs and and hotel workers’ unions, as well as from the fields of professional profiles, skills and competences, university lecturers and vocational training teachers from hotel and catering schools and representatives of local chambers of commerce. Survey with 13 open-ended questions was conducted Survey with 13 open-ended questions was conducted
13 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас Results from the controlled interviews According to the summarised data tourism safety is very important to all: the tourists, the tour operators and the tour agents as well as to the hotels According to the summarised data tourism safety is very important to all: the tourists, the tour operators and the tour agents as well as to the hotels According to most of the respondents – nearly 2/3 of them state that the interest of the tourists is increasing in all aspects: physical safety, travel formalities, health safety, etc. According to most of the respondents – nearly 2/3 of them state that the interest of the tourists is increasing in all aspects: physical safety, travel formalities, health safety, etc.
14 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас Results from the controlled interviews Some of the respondents think that mainly the young people and the tourists who come to the country for the first time must be consulted. There are also respondents who think that the first client group to be consulted is the group of handicapped people who have to know if the hotel has the necessary conditions for handicapped people: size of rooms, platforms, access to restaurant, to the beach, separate transport to the airport etc. Some of the respondents think that mainly the young people and the tourists who come to the country for the first time must be consulted. There are also respondents who think that the first client group to be consulted is the group of handicapped people who have to know if the hotel has the necessary conditions for handicapped people: size of rooms, platforms, access to restaurant, to the beach, separate transport to the airport etc. According to the interviewed experts there are many reasons for defining new priorities of tourism safety because the feeling of safety in tourism and travel is important part of the tourism product quality According to the interviewed experts there are many reasons for defining new priorities of tourism safety because the feeling of safety in tourism and travel is important part of the tourism product quality
15 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас Results from the controlled interviews Тhe reasons for the importance of safety in tourism are the following factors: Тhe reasons for the importance of safety in tourism are the following factors: Increased terrorism threat; Increased terrorism threat; Relatively high level of crime in our reason; Relatively high level of crime in our reason; New diseases; New diseases; Construction with low quality; Construction with low quality; The increasing requirements of the tourists. The increasing requirements of the tourists. The majority of the interviewed experts consider that a country with a good image of safety in tourism can turn it into a competitive advantage and attract different segments of the tourism market – tourists with higher incomes and cultural interests, so that they will buy additional services and visit the heritage and cultural sites and not only lay on the beach. The majority of the interviewed experts consider that a country with a good image of safety in tourism can turn it into a competitive advantage and attract different segments of the tourism market – tourists with higher incomes and cultural interests, so that they will buy additional services and visit the heritage and cultural sites and not only lay on the beach.
16 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас Results from the controlled interviews According to the respondents the contribution of the tourism industry to the country and its economy can be improved: According to the respondents the contribution of the tourism industry to the country and its economy can be improved: If there is more support by the state and if it elaborates a new law for tourism considering the new realities in the Bulgarian tourism sector and the new conditions on the tourist market; If there is more support by the state and if it elaborates a new law for tourism considering the new realities in the Bulgarian tourism sector and the new conditions on the tourist market; By improving the quality of services and the infrastructure (roads, access to the rural areas because of the rural tourism demand etc.). By improving the quality of services and the infrastructure (roads, access to the rural areas because of the rural tourism demand etc.). The data from the interviews reveal that all the experts are on the opinion that the future of Bulgaria as a final destination will be good if the government improves the infrastructure and if more opportunities for the leisure time of the tourists coming to Bulgaria are provided. The data from the interviews reveal that all the experts are on the opinion that the future of Bulgaria as a final destination will be good if the government improves the infrastructure and if more opportunities for the leisure time of the tourists coming to Bulgaria are provided.
17 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас Results from the controlled interviews The priority for the destinations will be the sustainable development and the preservation of their natural and cultural heritage resources. The trend will be to go on holiday 2-3 times per year but for shorter periods and the stress will be more on the individual trips/packages than the mass package holidays. The priority for the destinations will be the sustainable development and the preservation of their natural and cultural heritage resources. The trend will be to go on holiday 2-3 times per year but for shorter periods and the stress will be more on the individual trips/packages than the mass package holidays. The majority of the experts state that it is obvious that if a country has an image of a dangerous and politically unstable region with terrorism and crime, it cannot be an attractive destination as it is stated in the tourism science theory. The majority of the experts state that it is obvious that if a country has an image of a dangerous and politically unstable region with terrorism and crime, it cannot be an attractive destination as it is stated in the tourism science theory. The majority of the experts think that after 2010 the sector will return to its usual tourist numbers and revenues data. The majority of the experts think that after 2010 the sector will return to its usual tourist numbers and revenues data.
18 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас CONCLUSIONS A lot of tourism enterprises lack necessary experience to satisfy this need of safety and security products of high quality, and the criteria of security are basically to follow the given legislation by the state. A lot of tourism enterprises lack necessary experience to satisfy this need of safety and security products of high quality, and the criteria of security are basically to follow the given legislation by the state. Clients are more and more interested in the security aspects apart from the basic information about a trip. Clients are more and more interested in the security aspects apart from the basic information about a trip. The situation not only asks for developing tourism security factors but also for developed methods of marketing and professional issues from the serving personnel which give the clients trust to the security of tourism route or other services. The situation not only asks for developing tourism security factors but also for developed methods of marketing and professional issues from the serving personnel which give the clients trust to the security of tourism route or other services.
19 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас CONCLUSIONS In order to provide preparation of highly educated professionals for the tourism labour market, it is important to get access to modern theory materials and scientific works for both students and faculties of the higher education institutions; In order to provide preparation of highly educated professionals for the tourism labour market, it is important to get access to modern theory materials and scientific works for both students and faculties of the higher education institutions; There is much yet to be done in order to increase tourist safety in our country, mainly in terms of training and key competence building of tourist personnel; There is much yet to be done in order to increase tourist safety in our country, mainly in terms of training and key competence building of tourist personnel;
20 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас CONCLUSIONS The problem of tourism safety has not been adequately reflected in tourism training. The problem of tourism safety has not been adequately reflected in tourism training. A review of the curricula and study programmes in Bulgarian educational institutions that offer training in tourist services reveals that tourism safety and security is not included as an independent study course. A review of the curricula and study programmes in Bulgarian educational institutions that offer training in tourist services reveals that tourism safety and security is not included as an independent study course.
21 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас GENERAL CONCLUSION The development of relevant materials which are applicable for studying safety and security in tourism intended for both the educational environment (professional and high schools) and the enterprises of tourism sector is an important and urgent issue.
22 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас For more information:
23 Проект TSST, Валоризационна конференция, 03 септември 2010, Бургас THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ATTENTION!