Strategy for further development of the EUGAD network in 2010 considering prefered partnerships in 4 strategical directions for EUGAD evolution Strategy.


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Presentation transcript:

Strategy for further development of the EUGAD network in 2010 considering prefered partnerships in 4 strategical directions for EUGAD evolution Strategy for further development of the EUGAD network in 2010 considering prefered partnerships in 4 strategical directions for EUGAD evolution Strategy

Direction of network evolution 1. extending and merging with other networks 2. strategical partnerships seen in the framework of 4 departments of working groups specialised on developing projects, in their designated area of competence 3. covering all member states from the European Union, and designating a EUGAD pilot center for coordinating the actions of the other EUGAD centers 4. developing this year the strategic financing plan for extending funding possibilities for the EUGAD network

Cooperation for development Increased confidence and motivation of local, national and international institutions to be reciprocally empowering partners in addressing global issues like the worst economic crisis since the 1930s, economic stability, and growth, issues that affect and concern all European citizens is the Year for Combating Poverty and the main target of the 2010 project is public awareness for poverty reduction, environmental sustainability, human rights and dialogue for peace, and to enhance citizens understanding about the role of the European Parliament and European Commission in addressing this issues

European Parliament Directly involve MEPs in sharing their political experience with citizens, which are encouraged to join in the political debate, and to understand the functions of the European Parliament. Citizens are involved in simulative activities coming as close as possible to a debate in the European Parliament and establishing an opportunity for them to develop a true understanding of the role and functions of the European Parliament for addresing MDG and Agenda 21, and to encourage valuble representatives of the citizens to participate as candidates in the European Parliament elections process and to develop political, diplomatical, rethorical skills employing the capacity of opinion makers as a communication line between EU institutions and citizens to encourage active European citizenship involvement in European Parliament issues Often communication products created for sharing knowledge resources run the risk of being pedantic and doctrinal. It is, therefore, important to use a smarter and more lively communication methodology that brings the issues under consideration closer to the emotions of the target groups. And it is for this reason that the Manuals will be accompanied by the web portal

Strategical partnerships seen in the framework of 4 departments of working groups specialised on developing projects, in their designated area of competence 1.The Advisory Honorific Committee, reuniting high level personalities with the role for reuniting political support for the MDG and Agenda The MDG, and Agenda 21 Working group, with the role for organizing within the permanent representants of the countries in Bruxellles, of joint meetings for strategical actions and decision in the area of MDG and agenda 21 covering all member states from the European Union 3. The EU policy diffuse support working group, partnership with European Parliament, for policy responses and citizens oriented networking, active participation and support within member states 4. EU policy diffuse support working group, partnerships with ALL Directorates generals for support of their policy in member states through EUGAD network

Eugad pilot center Designating a EUGAD pilot center for coordinating the actions of the other EUGAD centers Organizing with the support of permanent reprezentances of the countries in Bruxelles, of the members states of policy