Bethan Bishop Head of Innovation & Industry Engagement The Public Sector (NHS) Perspective Future European Structural and Investment Funds innovation workshop
Public Sector Challenges Economic; more for less Political drivers, relentless pace of change Technological developments and need for evaluation Changes in public expectations and drive for personalisation “part of an evolution rather than a fit for purpose, well designed model; can't fix the problems with the same thinking that got us here in the first place”
One of the largest Foundation Trusts in England – Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, Solihull Hospital, Good Hope Hospital, Birmingham Chest Clinic Financial stability, turnover in excess of £650m Over 11,000 staff, serves population of 1 million Teaching hospital with academic research staff affiliated to Universities of Birmingham, Warwick and Aston – Collaborate with most suitable academic partners, as required Background to HEFT
Challenges across the NHS locally Maintaining and improving patient safety & quality Financial New service models – integrating acute/community Population - ethnicity, ageing, LTCs Innovation Health & Wealth – Dec 11
Opportunities Partnerships to address public sector challenges new markets create wealth Creation of Academic Health Science Networks Bringing together NHS, industry & academia Funding needed: Infrastructure Environment for innovation
NHS based Case Examples CAAMIC - infection control call for technologies and collabs to co/ create solutions learning = new models of working required Innovation Engine public sector articulating challenges for response by industry Creative Digital Health Solutions solutions informed by health professionals and voice of the patient
Win-Win Benefits to: Public sector Products & services to overcome challenges; informs fit for purpose solutions Industry sales: better informed understanding of market, explore new models of working & procurement in areas of greatest need Academia knowledge transfer; bench to bedside