Quntative Data Analysis SPSS Exploring Assumptions
Overview Assumptions……………Seriously..! Assumptions of parametric data Normal distribution Parametric test --- Nonparametric data = Wrong Conclusion Why? Test Selection Be a Critic Impress your seniors
Assumptions of parametric tests Four basic assumptions Normally distribution Different meaning in different context Sampling distribution/error distribution Homogeneity of variance Same variance of data Groups comparison (same variance of groups) Correlational design (stable variance of a variable across all levels of other variable) Interval data Independence Participants data independent of each other and uncorrelated errors (correlational desgin) Between conditions non-independent b/w participants independent (Repeated Measure design)
Normality Frequency distribution Values of skewness and kurtosis (Sig s = s/s.e P–P plot (Analyze Descriptives P-P plot cumulative probability of a variable against the cumulative probability of a particular distribution Z-score of rank orders of data against their own z-scores A diagonal distributed data Normal distribution
Analysis by groups
Test of normal distribution Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (K–S test) Shapiro–Wilk test (more power than K-S) Analyze descriptive statistics explore Normality Plots with tests Non-significant (p > .05) = Normal Distribution Reporting results: D(df) = test-statistic, p > .05 D = (Symbol for K-S), df = degree of freedom (sample size), test-statistic = K-S Statistic Limitations Large sample sizes Always Significant
SPSS window
Homogeneity of variance Equal variance In groups data – at least one variable is categorical All groups have equal variance In correlation – both or all variables are continuous A variable has equal variance for all levels of other
Test of HV Levene’s test Hartley’s Fmax (Variance ratio) Analyze descriptive statistics explore Spread vs. level with Levene’s test Non-significant (p > .05) = Equal Variance Reporting results: F(df1, df2) = 7.37, p < .01. F = (Symbol for Levene’s test), df = degree of freedom (categories, sample size), test-statistic = F Statistic Hartley’s Fmax (Variance ratio) VR= largest group variance/the smallest Smaller than the critical values
Hartley’s FMax test
Dealing with outliers Remove the case Transform the data Change the score (a lesser evil) The next highest score plus one X = (z × s) + X = (mean + 3sd) The mean plus two standard deviations
Dealing with non-normality and unequal variances Transforming data Doesn’t change relationship b/w variables Changes difference b/w variables Choosing a transformation trial and error Levene’s test (Use Transformed option) Types: Log transformation (log(Xi)) Square root transformation (√Xi) Reciprocal transformation (1/Xi) Reverse score transformations
What Else Evils of Transformation Non-parametric tests Robust methods Trimmed mean Bootstrap