NaPolyNet Reports on WP2 activities Prof. Rumiana Kotsilkova P2: CLPCM-BAS NaPolyNet GA meeting, May 2009, Athens, Greece
CONTENTS NaPolyNet Questionnaire Reports on D2.1 and D2.2 EOL activities coming soon Work on WP2 for the 2 nd year
NAPOLYNET QUESTIONNAIRE to identify and map the advanced techniques, methodologies and competences for polymer nanomaterials (PNMs) characterization at national, regional and European level 1. Name 2. Position 3. Organization/Institution/Company (address for contacts): 4. Main research topics 5. Competences on characterization of polymer nanomaterials 6. Which techniques for polymer nanomaterials characterization are used in your organization and how often? 7. Methodologies in use in your field of polymer nanomaterials characterization. 8. Need of complete characterization of PNMs in your field 9. Is there a need of standard reference materials and the standard procedures for characterization of polymer nanomaterials in your field? 10. Which test procedures should be standardized, now or later? WHAT IS DONE ? 1. Questionnaire was prepared and sent to 16 partners of the Consortium for dissemination in their countries (10 EU Member States). 2. Answers of the Questionnaire was collected from 15 Partners of the Consortium and 4 Partners outside the Consortium. 3. Analysis of the Questionnaires is presented in D2.1 and D2.2 Reports.
D 2.1. Reports of the industrial needs by the Industrial Partners of the Consortium The mapping includes 5 Industrial Partners of the Consortium coming from 5 EU countries: Italy, Spain, Czech Republic; France, and Netherlands. The following industries are presented in the D2.1.Report: 1) Polymer membranes and membrane contactors (P9:GVS, Italy); 2) Nanomaterials for packaging applications (P12: Nanobiomatters, Spain); 3) Nano-based systems for textiles (P15: INOTEX, Czech Republic); 4) Instrumentation (P7: SOPRA, France); (P11: SCITE, Netherlands)
Analysis of Industrial Needs on Nanostructured Materials Characterization Polymer membranes – Find correlation between polymers used to produce membranes and the structure, the morphology, and the performance of resulting membranes; Packaging applications – Correlation between formulation/fabrication/ conformation and final properties of the nanocomposite. Certification of final products according to the normatives (food contact, mechanical performance, flame retardance); Textiles – Technological implementations of nano-based systems for wet processing and functionalization of textiles. Instrumentation: 1) The correlation between the manufacturing conditions of the surface and the resulting characteristics is very important; 2) Techniques for monitoring of the impact of the realistic conditions during processing and use of polymer nanostructured materials on the structure and morphology.
for complete In the frame of the NaPolyNet project the Academic Partners may open their labs as EOL-host to answer the needs of Industrial Partners for complete characterization of nanostructured polymer materials, as follows: 1) Find correlation between processing-structure-properties for design nanostructured polymers and nanocomposites; 2) Solve some technological problems for implementations of nano-based systems for textiles; 2) Solve some technological problems for implementations of nano-based systems for textiles; 3) Contribute with original methodologies and unique equipments. 3) Contribute with original methodologies and unique equipments. CONCLUSIONS:
D 2.2. Reports of the Academic Partners to map the characterisation techniques in use in their country Individual reports have been presented by 14 Academic Partners (10 of the consortium and 4 outside the consortium) and 2 SMEs; The mapping includes 9 EU countries: Italy, Bulgaria, Germany, United Kingdom, Greece, Romania, Czech Republic; France and Netherlands. Analysis of the individual reports is presented as D2.2.
The mapping of competences and characterization techniques on polymer nanostructured materials is organized in 7 thematic groups, as follows: CompetenceCountry/Partner Characterization techniques 1Processing & Rheology Bulgaria (P2: CLPCM-BAS); Romania (P6: PPG-UR) AR-G2 Rheometer with DMA; Anton Paar Rheometer; Micro-nano particle size analyser; Zeta potential measurements in aqueous and non-aqueous dispersions; 2Structure and Morphology Italy (P1: ICTP-CNR; P1a:ITM; P13:CHEM UNINA; Uni. Torino); United Kingdom (P4:CAM-UR); Czech Republic (P8: CUNI);Romania (P6:PPG) SEM, TEM, AFM/MFM, Optical, FTIR and Raman Spectroscopy, NMR, X-ray scattering (SANS/WAXS/SAXS), including time-resolving in- situ flow; Absolute molecular weight measurement. 3Surface thickness, topology, and anisotropy France (P7: SOPRA) Romania (P6: PPG-UR); Cell Spectroscopic Equipments: ellipsometry from DUV to IR; scatterometry; photoluminescence; ellipsometry porosimetry. 4Thermal Analyses and Calorimetry Germany (P3: PPG-UR); Italy (P1: ICTP-CNR); Netherlands (P11: SCITE); Romania (P6: PPG-UR); Czech Republic (P8: CUNI). Advanced quantitative fast scan (HPer) DSC; Thermogravimetry (TGA); Fast scanning Chip Calorimetry; (Cross) fractionation techniques for revealing the molecular structure: direct extraction; TREF; Crystaf; SEC-LC Transform-FTIR/DSC. 5Molecular Dynamics Greece (P5-NTUA)Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy (DRS), Thermally Stimulated Depolariz. Currents (TSDC), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) 6Nano-, Micro-, and MacroMechanics Bulgaria (P2: CLPCM-BAS); Italy (P1: ICTP-CNR; Uni. Torino); United Kingdom (P4: CAM-UR); Universal Tester for Nano-, Micro-, and Macromechanics (nanoindentation with AFM; tribology, wear, scratching, hardness, adhesion; stress-strain; strength, fatigue; acoustic tests). Macromechanical tests (tensile, bending, compressive and impact strength) including in-situ SEM. 7Membrane Processes and Operation Italy (P1: ICTP-CNR; P1a: ITM-CNR); Greece (P5-NTUA). Contact angle measurements, Electro-chemical characterization; High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Gas- chromatograph; Permeability tests (gas, vapour, liquid and solute transport properties); Water absorption/diffusion tests.
The WP2 has mapped the competences and characterization techniques in use by the Consortium partners (D2.1. and D2.2). GENERAL REPORT (state-of-the-art review/mapping) is under preparation (M12/M34)to identify the main research topics, techniques and institutions where scientists are involved. GENERAL REPORT (state-of-the-art review/mapping) is under preparation (M12/M34) to identify the main research topics, techniques and institutions where scientists are involved. The collected data gives a global overview on the competences and equipments of the Partners’ Institutions and seems usable for The collected data gives a global overview on the competences and equipments of the Partners’ Institutions and seems usable for creation of a Database of Experts and Methodologies in polymer nanomaterials. Partnersneed to updateContribution to EOL, referring only Original Methodology and Unique Equipment. Partners need to update their Contribution to EOL, referring only Original Methodology and Unique Equipment. CONCLUSIONS:
EOL activities coming soon Indentify the EOL Contribution of NaPolyNet Partners (GENERAL REPORT - deadline June 2009): Each partner has to update his data (in Table) referring only: - Original Methodologies proposed in EOL; - Unique Equipment which will include in the EOL. Each partner has to update his data (in Table) referring only: - Original Methodologies proposed in EOL; - Unique Equipment which will include in the EOL. Edition of EOL Passport (deadline November 2009): Each Partner have to elaborate a short description of the EOL Contribution (using a template). Maximum 4 pages (A4 format) with text and illustrations (=2 printed pages in the booklet). Each Partner have to elaborate a short description of the EOL Contribution (using a template). Maximum 4 pages (A4 format) with text and illustrations (=2 printed pages in the booklet). Dissemination of the EOL Passport by the Web sites of: FP7-CORDIS and Napolynet (December 2009) For extraordinary active partners: They may prepare a Publication on their EOL activities (research, experimentations, applications), to be put on Napolynet web page. They may prepare a Publication on their EOL activities (research, experimentations, applications), to be put on Napolynet web page.
UPDATES: Contribution of Napolynet Partners to EOL CompetenceCountry/Partner Original Methodology proposed in EOL Unique Equipment for use in EOL 1Rheology & Processing Bulgaria (P2:CLPCM-BAS) 1) Design polymer nanocomposites by using a rheology-structure-property relationship; 2) Rheological Methodology for control on: (i) the degree of nanofiller dispersion; (ii) nanocomposite suprastructure; (iii) interfacial interactions. AR-G2 Rheometer with DMA (TA Instruments). 2Structure and Morphology --- 3Surface thickness, topology, and anisotropy France (P7: SOPRA) - Cell Spectroscopic Equipments: ellipsometry from DUV to IR; scatterometry; photoluminescence; ellipsometry porosimetry 4Thermal Analyses and Calorimetry Molecular Dynamics Greece (P5-NTUA) Investigation of molecular nobilities with broad range of frequency, time and length scale: from local relaxation mechanisms up to global chain motions and charge transport at distances of macroscopic length. Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy (DRS), Thermally Stimulated Depolarization Currents (TSDC), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). 6Nano-, Micro-, and MacroMechanics Bulgaria (P2:CLPCM-BAS) Characterization of nano-, micro-, and macro-mechanics of nano-structured polymers and ceramics. Universal Tester for Nano-, Micro-, and Macromechanics (CETR) 7Membrane Processes and Operation Italy (P1a:ITM-CNR); Italy (P9: GVS) - - 8Wet processing and functionalization of textiles Czech Republic (P15: INOTEX) --
Work on WP2 for the 2 nd year Elaboration of Procedure for setting E O L (M18) Report on the procedure for setting up the EOL D 2.5. Report on the procedure for setting up the EOL *(Core team for procedure elaboration to be selected by GA) Creation of Database of Experts and Methodologies in polymer nanomaterials (M24) Report describing the structure and the content of the database of procedure and experts for polymer nanomaterials characterization D 2.4. Report describing the structure and the content of the database of procedure and experts for polymer nanomaterials characterization * (Partner with expertise to be selected by GA) Partners involved in WP2: P P1/ 1a P2P3P4P5P6P7P8P9P11P13P15 Person / months 5 /
YOUR COMMENTS AND PROPOSALS ARE WELCOME Thank you ! Thank you ! Address for contacts: Prof. D.Sc. Rumiana Kotsilkova Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Central Lab Physico-Chemical Mechanics Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Block , Sofia, Bulgaria Tel: Fax: