What can Europe learn from New Zealand’s experience with commercial stakeholders engagement in fisheries research and management? Steven Mackinson
Involving stakeholders in research and management has not improved the sustainability of NZ fisheries
Stakeholders participation in planning and doing research has improved the evidence-base for management decisions
What can Europe learn from New Zealand’s experience with commercial stakeholders engagement in fisheries research and management? Steven Mackinson
Definitions Evidence-Management system Information Knowledge & Data Evidence Useful/ useable knowledge & Data (given the framework) Management Decision-making using the evidence Planning Evidence needs and how to get it ‘Contact points’
Expression of dissatisfaction “Maximise Inclusive Governance”
Inclusive governance = Ecosystem approach Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries – elements needed… Involve all stakeholders in knowledge-sharing, decision-making and management. Ensure coordination, consultation and cooperation, including joint decision-making, between fisheries and other sectors Recognize that management objectives are a matter of societal choice Decentralize decision and action to the lowest appropriate level
What’s missing?
Engagement Model
NRLMG fit to Planning Process
Contact points in NZ evidence management system Fishery Management Planning Innovators and Research Providers Planning Research Reviewing Evidence Self Management
Biggies that set context 1)Quota rights 2)Cost recovery 3)Harvest Strategy Standard 4)Personalities 5)Organisation of industry 6)Organisation of ministry and access to minister
What can the EU learn? “How can the EU enable opportunities for co-management initiatives?”
Contact points in EU evidence-management system Fishery Management Planning Innovators and Research Providers Reviewing Evidence
EU Biggy’s : CFP Trilogue Parliament Commission Council of Ministers
1. Fishery Planning National Fishery Plans = Long Term Management Plans
Key Elements of LTMPs Sustainable fisheries (15) Transparency management decisions (12) Stakeholder involvement (11) Clarity of objectives (11) Science (evidence) based (11) Ecosystem based management (8) Predictability of fishing opportunities (8) Using fishers knowledge (7) Harvest Control Rules (2) Management strategy evaluation (0) Stability of TACs (0) LTMP discussion 5 th July 2012, Brussels
Which bits might be transferable? Governance Conditions Leadership not control Plan with statutory and and non- stat objectives Performance criteria defined - flexible time frame 1. Fishery Planning
2. Evidence review Fisheries Assessment Working Groups ICES Working Groups & STECF =
ICES and STECF ICES assessment WG Scientists only Prepares the scientific evidence- base STECF Reviews ICES advice Advises the commission ICES: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea STECF: Scientific Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries
Which bits might be transferable? WGprotocols – address conflict of interest in inclusiveness and independence Research and Science Information Standards ICES WGMARs….making a start! 2. Evidence review
3. Innovators & Providers of Research Industry – led science initiatives e.g. Rock lobster, Paua spatial catch and effort, Inshore self- sampling, Deepwater acoustics Industry – led science initiatives e.g. North Sea Survey, Fisheries-science partnerships, Scottish conservation credit scheme =
The North Sea Fishers’ Stock Survey
UK Fisheries Science Partnership “the FSP initiative has transformed the relationship among the fishing industry, scientists and policy makers and delivered better outcomes” Barrie Deas NFFO Chief Executive
Knowledge for management Making it fit-for-purpose - saliency Barriers to acceptance – legitimacy and credibility Understanding perspectives Can it be co-constructed? Co-education for empowerment Cooperation rather that parallelism – efficiency Roles that play to strengths
Which bits might be transferable? Long term research planning – e.g. 10 year plan Joint identification of research needs and priorities – engagement model Research and Science Information Standards – ‘making it count’ Encouraging efficiency and up-skilling 3. Innovators & Providers of Research
Learning by doing - 13 Case studies
Alan Steer
Bridging the gap between science, stakeholders and policy makers Phase 2 – Integration of evidence-based knowledge and its application to science and management of fisheries and the marine environment (GAP2)