Nordland County
Population: Municipalities ranging from 470 inhabitants (Træna) to (Bodø) Area: km 2 Nordland has 25 % of Norways coastline 85 % of population lives along the coast The region Nordland
The curricula work resulted spring 2004 in an agreement signed among following partners: Regional University of Bodø Regional University of Nesna Regional University of Narvik Confederation of Norwegian Enterprises, Nordland Young Enterprise, Nordland County Governor of Nordland Nordland County Council
REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Innovation and entrepreneur ship in secondary school Aim: To develop the pupils’ innovative and entrepreneurial skills Innovation and entrepreneur ship in upper secondary school and vocational training Aim: To develop the students’ apprentice, innovative and entrepreneurial skills Innovation and entrepreneur ship in adult education Aim: To develop adults’ innovative og entrepreneurial skills Innovation and entrepreneur ship in refugee training Aim: To develop the refugees’ and immigrants’ innovative entrepreneurial skills Innovation and entrepreneurship among college students Research and development Aim: The Department of Education shall contribute to create new knowledge of the development of innovation and entrepreneurship in education The main priority programme: Aim: an entrepreneurial, simmering, and glowing county DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWHOW IN THE REGION Innovation and entrepreneur ship in kindergarten Aim: To develop the children’s innovative and creative skills and to stimulate their understanding of their home areas
County Parliament Date: ”Distribution of municipal funds 2006” The County Parliament voted for the suggested financial disposition ”Municipal funds is a crucial instrument for the municipalities in their work to stimulate growth in trade and industry. Municipal funds contributes to maintain places of employment, and help the work of creating new places of employment in the rural districts – in particular for women entrepreneurs, but also among children and youth. The County Parliament suggests that this work shall be related to the ”Follow up FT-document 28/05 ”A cooperative action – innovation and entrepreneurship in training and education in Nordland – action plans.” This will give the municipalities resources and make it possible for teachers and kindergarten personnel to gain new competence.
County Parliament Date: ”Follow up FT-document 28/05 ”A cooperative action – innovation and entrepreneurship in training and education in Nordland – action plans.” The County Parliament voted for the suggested action plans: 1.Increased competitiveness and skills among teachers at all levels* 2.Research programmes 3.Young entrepreneurs 4.Girls and entrepreneurship Spring 2006 are two new studies introduced and offered to kindergarten personnel, teachers, and education administrators at municipal and county level by the three regional colleges in Nordland and Nordland County Council. Financial support as referred to at the previous page.
Entrepreneurship and Lifelong Learning
Visit Nordland 13 partisipants from 11 European Countries visited Nordland in order to study how Norway and Nordland is working on stimulating Young Entrepreneurs. The study visit is related to CEDEFOPs study visits. Nordland is one out om two Norwegian Counties that welcome CEDEFOR study visitors. This years study visit was related to: ”Young entrepeneurs in an Artic setting”. More information at
Welcome to Nordland