MW- Sonet J. Kasperiuniene Baltic education technologies institute
1st Virtual Meeting. Agenda 2 Audio- video test, logins, partners presentations All the partners Short project MW- Sonet presentation Judita Kasperiuniene, BETI, Lithuania Presentation of Leonardo project „Building bridges“ – main activities and products that we will transfer Jolande Leinenbach (ed- consult, Denmark) and Ragnhildur Sigurðardóttir (Agriculture University Iceland) Finances and administration issues Asta Braziene, project financial manager Questions
General information 1/2 Name: Mentoring rural women through social networking (MW- Sonet) Number: LLP-LDV-TOI-2009-LT-0052 Start: Finish: Duration: 24 months Grant Leonardo: EUR
General information 2/2 Contractor: Institute of Agriculture Engineering, Lithuanian Agricultural University Address: Instituto str. 20 Raudondvaris LT-54132, Kaunas distr., Lithuania Coordinator: Baltic Education Technologies Institute (BETI) Address: J. Jasinskio 15 – 414A Vilnius LT-01111, Lithuania Fax:
MW- Sonet aims: To transfer the BB model to project partner countries and to involve and stimulate women to become active participants of local community life, to become mentors for other rural women and all the rural community.
Partners Please present yourself in 2 sentences P0- Institute of Agriculture Engineering, LT; P1- BETI, LT P2- iCentres, BG P3- ed-consult, DK P4- Institute of Communications and Computer Systems, EL P5- Hungarian Telecottage Association, HU P6- Agriculture University Iceland, IS P7- Ministry of Agriculture, LT P8- Gazi University, TR
WPs 1/1 WP1 – needs analysis study; WP2 – methodological preparation to e-learning courses transfer; WP3 – development of training modules; WP4 – piloting e-learning courses; WP5 – adaptation and improvement of BB social networking tools; WP6 – MW- Sonet community; WP7 – Dissemination and valorisation; WP8 – Coordination, management and monitoring; WP9 – Evaluation and quality assurance. 8
MW-Sonet WORK PLAN P0P1P2P3P4P5P6P7P LT1LT2BGDKELHUISLT3TR ZUIBETIZUM Block1 WP1 Needs analysis study ++P4+++ WP2 Methodological preparation to e-learning courses transfer ++P6+ WP3 Development of training modules P1++++ WP4 Piloting – implementation and trials ++++P5++ Block2 WP5 Adaptation and improvements of Building Bridges social networking tools +P WP6 MW-sonet community +++P Block3 WP7 Dissemination and valorisation P WP8 Coordination, Management and Monitoring +P WP9 Evaluation and quality assurance P
WPs 1/2 WP1 – needs analysis study; –Start 10/2009; Finish 01/2010 –Aims: To specify women situation in rural areas of Lithuania and project partner countries, to answer questions: do women in rural areas feel trapped, is the situation “male- dominated”, is it hard to brake old traditions; do women in countryside really need training and mentoring; what type of training do they need; how the mentoring could be delivered; what is technical capacity of respondents; what course duration do they need and other life long learning related questions. –WP leader - P4 (Greece); –R1 – needs analysis study (till the end of January 2010) 10
WPs 1/3 WP1 – needs analysis study; –R1 – needs analysis study (till the end of January 2010) –In LT + EN; –In PDF file (printed + online); All the partners made their own input/ P4 (WP leader) collect the information and write introduction part. 11
Suggestion for the WP1 Kick- off meeting + Int. conference “Innovation and creativity in e-learning process” –We suggest all the partners make papers and presentations on rural women learning, technologies, social communication, other needs in their countries (4-5 pages with diagrams etc… + 5 (7, 10) minutes presentations in conference workshop); –These presentations will be printed in conference materials and: this will be used later on for our project dissemination purposes as separate papers; All these materials will be collected together for the MW- Sonet needs analysis study.. 12
Your comments? 13
WP7 – Dissemination and valorization – ALL the PARTNERS –Start 10/2009; Finish 09/2011 –Aims: To increase awareness about the “to date” status of the MW-Sonet courses and other project results and about its ultimate objectives towards user groups and the rural community in the local regions involved, in the countries involved, and across Europe; To establish ways of communication with local, regional, national and international rural communities, with organizations of which take part in local and regional development and finally with the public that consist the end users of the providing services. The e- learning courses and other products developed in the project will be integrated into existing portals. The core partners are committed to exploit and disseminate the products at least five years after the end of the project. –WP leader - P0 (Institute of Agriculture Engineering, LT); –Results: R8 – proceedings of International Valorization Conference; R9 - leaflets and posters (in all project partner languages); R13 – sustainability and valorization plan. 14
Suggestion- –Once a month; –Next date Dec. 14; –Subject of the next virtual meeting –Social networking. 15 Virtual meetings