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May 16th morning - Opening Conference Opening Conference h 9:30 a.m. Matteo Renzi, Mayor of Florence :Welcome and Introduction Carlo Purassanta, General Manager Microsoft Italy : The commitment of Microsoft Italy towards youth Representative from Minister of Education, University, Research – to be confirmed Representative from United Nation Women: “The value of girls in STEM and ICT Careers “ Representative from Microsoft International – “ Microsoft YouthSpark” Round Table h 11:30 a.m. “The importance of gender balance for an Equal Society” moderated by Maria Concetta Mattei Plic, journalist, RAI Paola Profeta, Economic Professor at Bocconi University and Gender Economy Expert Marinella Soldi, General Manager Southern Europe, Discovery Anna Di Silverio , CEO Avanade Italy Andrea Galbiati, CEO Asus Italy Representative from Unicredit Laura Prieslei, CIO Ministry of Economic and Finance Sarah Parkes – Chief Media Relations & Public Information ITU Closing session Alberto Tesi, Dean of University of Florence – Which is the best future for Generation Y ? Format: institutional contributions + round table Target: media, influencers, institutions, enterprises, associations Location: Palazzo Vecchio, Salone dei Cinquecento, Florence Timing: 9.30-13.00
May 16th afternoon- Opening conference for girls Opening Conference 3 p.m. Alberto Tesi, Dean of University of Florence : Welcome & Introduction Silvia Candiani, Marketing and Organization Director , Microsoft Italy : The Pink Cloud for you 20 minutes presentation by every single speaker: Riccardo Luna, Journalist and blogger Claudio Soldà, General Manager Adecco Foundation Daria De Pretis, Dean of University of Trento Elisabetta Dejana, Italian Scientist and Director of Laboratory of Bio-Science of University of Milan Amalia Finzi, Aereospace engineer, Politecnico of Milan Carlo Mochi Sismondi, Director of Forum for Public Administration Claudine Schmuck, Founder of Global Contact and WIL Board Member Alice Mado Proverbio, Professor of Neuro-Science, University of Milan TBD representatives of International Institutions Closing session Cristina Giachi, Referent for University, Equal Opportunities, Education , Youth for Municipality of Florence Format: 20 minutes’ contributions Target: students 18-24 years Location: Aula Magna University of Florence Timing: 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Friday May 17 – Workshop for girls - University of Florence – Architecture Faculty Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Empower-HER by Cristina Bombelli Tech-HER Inspir-HER 9:30-10:30 Understand & Develop Yourself (external coach) A world of Apps In collaboration with Windows Phone Scientific culture and women’s leadership Avanade 10:30 – 11:30 Alice in Business Land (External coach) The Cloud Economy In collaboration with Centro Luminia The many paths for a succesful career BCG 12:00 – 13:00 Greek mythology & Female archetypes Social and me. Social under the hand lens, between personal and professional life In collaboration with UNICREDIT Technology: a women’s game ASUS Lunch at Caffè Letterario 14:30 – 15:30 Female empathy as restriction and opportunity User Experience. Why UX is and will be one of the most wanted skills in teh digital world In collaboration with Avanade e StrayPeople The international way : meet the women from public organizations (ITU, Unesco, UN, WIL) moderator: Francesca Panzarin 16:00- 17:00 The theatre of life: different identities, different paths Big data: what are they and what potential for science and business In collaboration with MSN Women and new media: double interview Sky & Laura Carafoli, Discovery Channel. Moderator: Francesca Panzarin
Saturday May 18 Format: Workshop and closing ceremony Target: students 18-24 years Location: TBD Timing: 10.00 – 13.00 Educational workshop “From university to the labour world” Welcome and introduction: Monica Rancati, Senior Director HR Western Europe Microsoft Moderator: Alessandro Lucchini, expert in digital and business writing Adecco: Labour world and social media & mondo cocial Labour world & CV Labour world & work interviews ANP (National Association of School Principals) TBC AIDP (Italian Association of HR Directors ) TBC Closing cerimony and distribution of the certificates of attendance Local authorities Roberta Cocco, Microsoft Italy Alberto Tesi, Dean of University of Florence