Second meeting – Valencia Intermediate results of WP 4.1. Synergia 23th and 24th September 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Second meeting – Valencia Intermediate results of WP 4.1. Synergia 23th and 24th September 2010

WP Interviews to key persons 19 interviews to: Referees of significant health and social public local services that work with minors Personnel of centres of services targeted to minors victims of violence (not only in public sector but also in the social private sector) We are organising 3 focus groups with users of services (dead line 15th October 2010)

Main Results – THE PHENOMENON No significant increase in the phenomenon is stressed, but changes in the context: some interviewees notice an increase in the conflict within couples and, accordingly, a conflict during separations, which carry with them exploitation of children, witnessed violence and psychological abuse over minors. Migrant families are also having problems (stress and difficulties in families reunions and vulnerable socio-economic conditions). Sexual abuse is across social classes, whereas other forms of maltreatment are more spread within low status families. Some territories observe an increase in sexual abuse by under 18 over other minors. Some adoptions are difficult also due to prior abuse of the adopted children. In general, the increase of detections and alerts is seen as a positive sign of the emergence of the phenomenon (in particular in territories where services are well structured and organised).

The main actors dealing with the problem of violence and having direct responsibility over cases are Municipalities and Local health authorities, but the organisation and supply of services is not homogeneous among territories. Integration of social and health services targeted to minors and their families (see the regional guidelines), which would require a strong central coordination or a clear division of labour is hampered by a division between social and health competencies. Municipalities organise their child protection service in different ways: some, especially small ones, supply the service at a district level through special bodies which group more municipalities together; some keep it internalised. There are also third sectors private organisations, specialised in the field, who collaborate with public bodies (municipalities and health authorities), by whom they are paid, to supply specialised services. Main Results – ORGANISATION OF THE SERVICES

Main Results – Specialised services and prevention programmes Because of the specific and multidimensional problematic of the phenomenon the referees underline the strategic importance of the presence of specialised services (i.e. in Bergamo there is a specialised centre for sexual abuse, which implemented also prevention campaigns in schools). Different organisations of the third sector, that have existed for a long time, are specialised on the issue and supply services, on behalf of public bodies as well as for private clients. Expert witnesses account especially for actions within the school context, that are considered necessary for the emergence of the phenomenon. Teachers are the main target of these campaigns. Another important target is the police force, who need to be able to detect signs of violence. Also health services, such as first aid, need to be sensitised.

Innovative methods (at least for Italy) which prove efficacious, such as group therapy for authors and victims; Motivation and experience of single workers, which is a key factor for success in working with families; The presence of well-established private organisations, especially in Milan, with strong competencies; A good level of collaboration between public and private organisations; The presence, in some bodies, of multi-professional teams; The presence, in some territories, of prevention projects, especially in schools. Main Results – Strengths of the services network

The legislative changes, which shifted the division of labour between public bodies, created a dispersal of competencies. The division of labour between social and health sector, together with the absence of a strong coordination of actions, can produce weak integration of services and difficult collaboration. Local health authorities in particular complain about municipalities: the lack of prevention campaigns by municipalities; a waste of economic resources; a failure in taking responsibility over the initial evaluation and in implementing social and educational services and the heavier stress over the safety of the child instead of the general strategy for the family. Municipalities complain about the local health authorities that they are too far from the territory, they take too long for diagnoses and are not willing to pay for necessary therapies. Main Results – Weaknesses of the services network

The relationship with the judicial system is also critical, especially due to long and bureaucratic procedures for the decisions regarding the child victim of violence. The different organisational solutions adopted by municipalities and situations of territories where the actors are still looking for a new organization of services and competences and did not yet reach an agreement about the division of labour and economic competencies in this field at the time of the interviews. Monitoring and follow up on cases is seldom implemented. Life-long learning and supervision of the public services personnel are often overlooked due to lack of resources. European funds are rarely used. Main Results – Weaknesses of the services network