Digital Agenda for Europe Does ICT matter - Dimensioning the issue Maresa Meissl, CONNECT-F1, Growth and Jobs Training programme for European Semester Officers
Does ICT matter ? – Facts [Growth] "Embracing an Innovation Stimulus Package", Google Inc., 12 July 2012 GROWTH Internet has contributed to 21% of GDP growth across the G20 from 2005 to 2010 Digitalized SMEs produce 10% more, grow and export twice and create twice the jobs ordinary ones do "Endorsing the cloud" could add 0,1-0,4% of GDP growth to the EU. ICT = 6% of EU GDP ICT investment → 50% productivity growth Internet usageX2 every 2 years, Mobile: every year 4million ICT workers, grow 3% p.a. even in crisis But we lack people!
ICT boosts productivity Investment in ICT generates a bigger return to productivity growth than most other forms of capital investment. (Source: Oxford Economics, Capturing the ICT Dividend, 2011) Sources of average annual labour productivity growth,
Broadband drives competiveness European Commission, 2011 A 10% increase in the broadband penetration rate results in 1 to 1.5% increase in annual GDP per-capita. Faster broadband = higher GDP growth. (Czernich et al. - University of Munich, 2009)
What is the Digital Agenda about? Single European Market in digital sphere Basic broadband for all Europeans by 2013 and faster rollout of high speed internet E-skills for all Europeans Interoperability & standards Trust & security online ICT research & innovation ICT solutions for ageing, climate change, cleaner transport, e-government, e-health …
Going digital means ensuring conditions for growth and jobs Still Europe is lagging in going digital
e-Commerce – not enough cross-border purchases Target: 20% of the population should buy cross border online by 2015
Source: Commission services based on COCOM Total number of subscription by households and enterprises divided by population.
Increase regular use from 60% to 75% - Halve the % of the population that have never used the internet by 2015
Confidence in IT skills is low, especially those related to work and privacy and security % of people feeling confident in performing certain computer and internet activities, 2011 (Scoreboard) …only 53% of the active labour force
A European borderless economy — the Digital Single Market Speeding up public sector innovationVery fast internet supply and demandCloud computingTrust and SecurityEntrepreneurship and digital jobs and skillsBeyond R&D&I: An industrial agenda for key enabling technologies DAE Review December 2012
7 Key Transformative Actions Copyright Framework Review Public Sector Infrastructure (CEF) Regulatory measures on non-discrimination & wholesale pricing (Broadband) European Cloud Partnership Directive on Network & Information Security Grand Coalition on ICT skills & Jobs Common Industrial Strategy for micro- and nano-electronics
The Digital Single Market – a borderless EU economy Fragmented National Frameworks Digital Single Market jobs/year Total Factor Productivity growth increased 4% of GDP gain/10 years Stagnating productivity Cost of non- Europe. Loss of 500€BL GDP gain
Full implementation of updated DAE - Impacts Growth & Jobs 5% expected increase of European GDP by million jobs expected to be created in infrastructure construction in the short term, rising to 3.8 million jobs throughout the economy in the long term
Annual state of play of progress in all 101 Digital Agenda actions in all 27 EU Member States Overall progress good: more than 50% actions completed ~10% actions behind schedule DAE review December 2012 announced refocused actions Digital Agenda Scoreboard
DAE implementation Online stakeholder engagement work with the Digital Agenda High Level Group GOING LOCAL Connecting with local stakeholders SCOREBOARD Monitoring country progress – explore open data DIGITAL AGENDA ASSEMBLY
23 Actions for Member States Overall good progress