Preparing technology transfer projects for financing Asia and Pacific regional workshop on preparing technology transfer projects for financing Singapore, 26 – 28 October 2010 8 consultants Bert van der Plas UNFCCC
Overview Technology transfer under the UNFCCC Technology transfer framework Innovative options for financing the development and transfer of technologies Implementing results of TNAs Training programme on preparing projects for financing
Technology Transfer under the UNFCCC Technology transfer guided by Article 4.5 of the Convention “The developed country Parties … shall take all practicable steps to promote, facilitate and finance, as appropriate, the transfer of, or access to, environmentally sound technologies and know-how to other Parties, particularly developing country Parties, to enable them to implement the provisions of the Convention…” Milestones COP 7 Adopt a framework for meaningful and effective actions to enhance the implementation of Art. 4.5 of the Convention (“Technology transfer framework”) adopted Establish an Expert Group on Technology Transfer (EGTT) Provide financial support to technology transfer activities through GEF (climate change focal area and special climate change fund) COP 13 Mandate EGTT extended Enhanced technology transfer framework adopted Technology one of the building blocks of the Bali Action Plan COP 14 Poznan strategic programme on technology transfer adopted
Technology Transfer framework Five key themes and areas of work Technology needs and needs assessments (TNAs) Technology Information Enabling environments Capacity building Mechanisms New areas of work Innovative options for financing the development and transfer of technology Technologies for adaptation to climate change
TNAs | What are main barriers to technology transfer identified by country?
Innovative options for financing the development and transfer of technology Purpose: Improve access to financing for technology transfer projects and programmes both from public and private sources Activities: Workshops on innovative financing A ‘disconnect’ exists among development professionals, entrepreneurs who identify projects and those who provide resources (services and funding) Many ‘fit for purpose’ tools and many general ‘how-to’ instructions but there exists a need for a more complete, accessible, balanced, process oriented and modular guide to preparing and presenting proposals UNFCCC Guidebook on preparing technology transfer projects for financing (“Practitioners’ guide”) Hands-on training on preparing project proposals for financing Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN)
Implementing results of TNAs
Implementing TNAs | What are main opportunities for financing the implementation of TNA findings? CDM/JI Adaptation Fund FINANCIAL MECHANISM (GEF) Trust Fund SCCF LDCF Poznan strat. programme BILATERAL ODA Export Credit Agencies Convention and KP Public-private-partnerships PRIVATE SECTOR Domestic private investment Foreign Direct Investment Private equity Clean tech and carbon funds Voluntary carbon market Philanthropy MULTILATERAL World Bank and regional development banks UNEP, UNDP, UNIDO EU COMMISSION National sources Subsidies
Training programme on preparing projects for financing Objectives Improve access to financing for environmentally sound technology (EST) projects to mitigate and/or adapt to climate change Support efforts to implement the results of TNAs carried out by developing countries within the UNFCCC process Strengthen the capacity of project developers in developing countries in preparing project proposals on ESTs that will meet the standards of financial providers Improve the quality of project proposals from developing countries related to ESTs Approach Collaborate with international organizations (GEF, UNDP, UNEP, UNIDO, CTI) Build on existing training material (UNFCCC guidebook, etc.) Staged approach initiated by Training of Trainers followed by regional training workshops Practical and hands-on using real project proposals as basis for group exercises Targeted at project developers and financial providers