Axel Thomalla Chair WG-SDP RAVI Working Group on Service Delivery and Partnership Third meeting in Warsaw, 25-26 March 2013 Report of the Chair.


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Presentation transcript:

Axel Thomalla Chair WG-SDP RAVI Working Group on Service Delivery and Partnership Third meeting in Warsaw, March 2013 Report of the Chair

April 2012 MG/6 meeting in Offenbach MG/6 discussed future options to organize RA sessions in order to ensure effective and efficient coordination, monitoring and implementation of the SP / RAVI OP. It concluded that RA VI should try to introduce a new practice of conducting two sessions per the 4-year financial period Planning cycles of RAs, TCs and WMO CG are different The meeting stressed that the frequency of the sessions was only one part of the necessary improvements. It was even more important to develop adequate agenda and prepare a good documentation in order to enhance the usefulness of the sessions. 3rd WG SDP Report RAVI MG/7 – Geneva 5 to 6 Feb 2013

April 2012 MG/6 meeting in Offenbach Role and responsibility of RAs are not well defined. Hence, MG/6 agreed to submit a recommendation to EC for the inclusion in Annex II to the General Regulations of General Terms of Reference of the Regional Associations. MG/6 tasked WG-SDP to address important issues in aviation meteorology. Chair presented the results of the Vienna meeting and the status of work. MG/6 agreed to the proposal on how to disseminate the completed deliverables to the RA VI members 3rd WG SDP Report RAVI MG/7 – Geneva 5 to 6 Feb 2013

ECAC/EMS in Lodz (September 2012) Presentation on the SEB related activities of the WG The Regional Association VI, taking into account the outcome of the Madrid Conference 2007 on Secure and sustainable living, encouraged its Members to carrying out economic assessment of benefits of meteorological services to society. It endorsed actions to develop a methodology for use by NMHSs in RA VI for assessing socio-economic benefits. RA VI conference on Social and Economic Benefits (Lucerne, 2011) It authorized a Taskteam on SEB to develop guidelines on how to investigate the socio-economic benefits of meteorological and hydrological services and to advise on how to set up SEB studies Report will be published in 2013 Background and motivation EMS / ECAC Łódź – September 2012

Provision of services and related value added (VA) How benefits are generated EMS / ECAC Łódź – September 2012 Basic met. services Public weather services Customers* Public / End user *include commercial customers as well as public authorities re-user VA 1 VA 2 VA 3 NMHSs basic / customized services Media respond

How benefits are generated EMS / ECAC Łódź – September 2012 Remaining share of benefit Decay of information Originator accuracy of basic met. services User 90% customer orientation access comprehension ability to respond effectiveness of response resulting benefit Public

ECAC/EMS in Lodz - Conclusions Current studies of NMHSs show good a cost-benefit ratio (5-10) SEB studies can serve many purposes: justification of public investments, highlight importance of meteorological services, support policy links, benchmark customer groups, helps to improve services A SCBA stimulates an intense dialogue with customers, thus it improves effectiveness and value of meteorological services A careful planning is required, including a dissemination strategy (a full blown CBA may take 1,5 - 2 years) In order to make best use of the results, it is approved to conduct SEB studies regularly as part of the planning and strategy of the NMS. Depending on product-market combination, purposes and level of the study, different methodologies have to be be applied. First time start SEB analysis on a few selected sectors to avoid complexity Conclusions EMS / ECAC Łódź – September 2012

Activities in the 2nd half of 2012 TT-SAI Leader Keith Groves (UK) informed that he was going to retire end of October In November a discussion with Brian Mills (Chair of WWRP SERA group / Societal and Economic Research and Applications) took place in Offenbach. The SERA group is also working on aspects of SEB. In this regard a closer cooperation and exchange of information was agreed. WG-SDP WebEx meeting on 30 November Involved in the finalization of the RAVI OP and RA VI survey on Institutional Arrangements and future priorities 3rd WG SDP Report RAVI MG/7 – Geneva 5 to 6 Feb 2013

WebEx meeting WG-SDP For the first time WebEx was sucessfully used by the WG. Thanks to the Secretariat for the technical support. WebEx was approved to be a useful tool between two face-to- face WG meetings. Its intended to use WebEx in the future on a case-to-case basis. MG/7 was informed accordingly. Purpose of the WebEx meeting: Recall related decisions and action plan Overview on activities since last WG-SDP meeting Decide on priorities for the next months Date and place of the 3rd WG meeting 3rd WG SDP Report RAVI MG/7 – Geneva 5 to 6 Feb 2013

TT-SAI TT-SAI has worked only by correspondence but it has proved difficult to make effective contact with some members of the TT. In late August 2012 TT-SAI Leader Keith Groves informed that he was going to retire end of October. He also expressed that he was disappointed on the engagement of most of his TT members. He pointed out that the members of the TT have made little contribution to our tasks, despite many attempts to engage with them. As soon as it became apparent that there would be no funding for any meetings of the TT, interest in the TT declined. In view of Keith there is a need for a discussion: WGs do need a strong commitment from members to provide resources to deliver on the tasks. It was decided not to look for a successor as many of the expected deliverable have already been addressed. The produced material will be applied as decided earlier. 3rd WG SDP Report RAVI MG/7 – Geneva 5 to 6 Feb 2013

TT-SAI II The following deliverables have been addressed by TT-SAI A guidance on how to determine the meteorological service needs of the user community, An overview on organizational models as regards National Meteorological and Hydrological Services, The use of the Internet for PWS A guidance on the Public Weather Service Advisor Role and working with the Emergency Response Community Using Verification to Improve Accuracy and the Overall Quality of services 3rd WG SDP Report RAVI MG/7 – Geneva 5 to 6 Feb 2013

TT-MEDCOMM The TT worked on the report following the decisions of WD-SDP/2 So far draft documents were submitted (as of Aug 2012) An Introduction / Preamble describing the concept of the TT A Social media communications guideline A guideline for Public Relations Officers Summary on practices as to communicate towards media and CPAs 3rd WG SDP Report RAVI MG/7 – Geneva 5 to 6 Feb 2013

TT-WARN In October 2012 the Team held its second meeting in Helsinki Deliverables have been finalized so far Several documents were submitted: Cross boarder exchange of warnings Improvements by using ECMWF products How to make available additional products to the Region Cooperation with civil protection authorities Communication of warnings (incl. technologies) Benefits of Meteoalarm Discuss minor improvements whether we will merge WPs into one document 3rd WG SDP Report RAVI MG/7 – Geneva 5 to 6 Feb 2013

TT-SEB The SEB guidance document is in a final stage now. During summer feedback to a first draft was given by the directors of DWD (Germany) and KNMI (Netherlands) also ROE, PWSP and WB gave input. Further to the comments several Annexes were added and the TT worked on the text to make it more comprehensible. TT SEB will work on improving the collaboration with WB to create a common SEB platform. In this regard, WMO together with WB organized a SEB workshop (scheduled for April 2013). Note: Resolution 7 (EC-64) supports the implementation of pilot projects on SEB and calls for publication of guidance material. Lessons learned from the pilot projects shall be used to coordinate the adoption of an agreed WMO–World Bank methodology Note: Services for the energy sector will be the subject of a study on social economic benefits which will be commissioned by DWD and its Ministry later this year. RAVI MG/7 – Geneva 5 to 6 Feb rd WG SDP Report

TT-DRRCOOP Branka has expressed concern regarding the poor communication with most of the TT members. To improve the interaction, it was discussed with ROE to conduct a TT meeting. Unfortunately this couldn’t be realized so far. WG-SDP advised the TT to concentrate on two priority tasks: 1) undertaking benchmarking for the RA VI with regard to disaster risk reduction based on the 2006 survey. In this regard a draft questionnaire has been developed. 2) providing a documentation of the 112 system of operations to be shared in the SEE region. 3rd WG SDP Report RAVI MG/7 – Geneva 5 to 6 Feb 2013

TT-EUP March 2013, Taskteam meeting in Offenbach discussing: Finalization of the TT Report TT-EUP survey will be launched soon Outlook to the EU Multiannual Financial Framework (Horizon 2020, COPERNICUS…) Partnership scenario in RA VI Future priorities and possible deliverables 3rd WG SDP Report RAVI MG/7 – Geneva 5 to 6 Feb 2013

MG/7 meeting in Geneva 5-6 Feb 2013 Report on WG-SDP related activities and progress on actions MG encourages all WGs and TTs to use WEBEX for meetings MG asked the Secretariat provide web space for posting deliverables on the website Chair informed MG on problems of engagement with respect to several TT members MG/7: WGs should in future focus on top priorities (-> 8.1 on the agenda), Number of TTs should be reduced Structure and priorities of RA VI and preceeding ReCo were discussed Break up into subregional groups, discuss WG proposals on future activities 3rd WG SDP Report RAVI MG/7 – Geneva 5 to 6 Feb 2013

Relevant EC decisions Resolution 7 (EC-64) on SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND POLICY IMPACTS of Weather, Climate and Water Services Resolution 8 (EC-64) endorsed the Disaster Risk Reduction Programme two-tier work plan and established DRR User- Interface Expert Advisory Groups EC-64 Requested the Secretary-General to prepare an Implementation Plan for the Strategy on Service Delivery Executive Council encouraged Members to adapt and apply the Strategy in their own service delivery strategies and plans 3rd WG SDP Report RAVI MG/7 – Geneva 5 to 6 Feb 2013

Thank you ! Axel Thomalla Deutscher Wetterdienst