POWERFUL WEATHER INTELLIGENCE. GDPFS: RSMC → NMC [GDPFS] purpose is, in operational conditions, to make available among WMO Members, agreed products and services for applications related to weather, climate, water and environment A GDPFS Centre which carries out at least one of the [GDPFS] activities … shall be designated as a Regional or Specialized Meteorological Centre (RSMC) NMCs should have the capacity to make best use of GDPFS products in order to reap the benefits of the WWW system
POWERFUL WEATHER INTELLIGENCE. Capacity The SWFDP cascading forecasting process Utilises the “capacity to make best use” of the lead RSMC The Lead RSMC’s “capacity to make best use” includes but is not limited to: Meteorological (and other) expertise Software and computing infrastructure which enables application of meteorological expertise Understanding of (NMC) user needs Quality System activity – processes, reporting, reviewing Working relationships, especially with NMCs and other RSMCs Ability to wear the opportunity cost of these activities The SWFDP cascading forecast process Relies heavily on each NMC being able to deliver benefits to its users
POWERFUL WEATHER INTELLIGENCE. A Global Challenge Products from advanced GDPFS centres will continue to improve (accuracy, resolution, diversity, applicability, etc.) … … demanding ever more expertise of meteorologists, engagement with users, etc., if they are to “make best use” … … and “outsourcing” forecasting services for no money (“the effect”) Within SWFDP projects, the “growing technological gap” is a challenge for both RSMCs and NMCs
POWERFUL WEATHER INTELLIGENCE. Sustainability The gap is not just technological, and training is only one of the ways in which it might be addressed At the national level, the SWFDP concept is critically dependent upon “Making best use” of meteorological products … Delivering benefits: “reliable and effective early warnings tailored to the needs of the general public and a wide range of socio-economic sectors” … … in ways that the supporting RSMCs cannot provide This “continuing the cascade” is a much wider resourcing issue than the funding of meteorological agencies “… it is no longer sustainable to rely on in-kind contributions of regional and global centres, including to support the annual training activities …” * *