WMO ET-ABO Work Plan & Program Development ET-ABO Approved Work Plan, Strategy & Program Development (Agenda Item 5.1.1)
WMO ET-ABO Work Plan CBS OPAG-IOS-7 (June 2012) and CBS-15 (September 2012) agreed on Draft Recommended Work Plan for Aircraft-based Observations ; Draft Recommended Work Plan for Aircraft-based Observations presented at AMDAR Panel-15 (November 2012); 2 ET-ABO-1
WMO ET-ABO Work Plan CBS OPAG-IOS-7 (June 2012) and CBS-15 (September 2012) agreed on Draft Recommended Work Plan for Aircraft-based Observations ; Draft Recommended Work Plan for Aircraft-based Observations presented at AMDAR Panel-15 (November 2012); 3 ET-ABO-1
WMO ET-ABO Work Plan CBS OPAG-IOS-7 (June 2012) and CBS-15 (September 2012) agreed on Draft Recommended Work Plan for Aircraft-based Observations Draft Recommended Work Plan for Aircraft-based Observations presented at AMDAR Panel-15 (November 2012); 2013: ET-ABO and TT-AO review, update, 2 Harmonized Work Plans and budget allocation to various Tasks; CIMO TT-AO Work Plan approved by CIMO Management Group (May 2013). ►STEWART (5.2.2) 4 ET-ABO-1
WMO ET-ABO Work Plan CBS ET-ABO Work Plan approved by Chairman OPAG-IOS (May 2013); The ET-ABO Work Plan will be displayed on the screen after this presentation for freview and discussion. 5 ET-ABO-1
ET-ABO Strategy & Program Development Aircraft-based Observations Program Strategy and Work Plans for TC Teams 2013 – 2016 (Presentation Dean Lockett for D/OBS, May 2013) Work Plan: ET-ABO MG Meeting (13 June 2013, WebEx); April-June 2013: Recrutement WMO AMDAR Development Officer, ADO (Stig Carlberg); ABO Lead& ADO: Draft Strategy (including Program Development) for the Aircraft-based Observations Program (Agenda Item 5.1.3). 6 ET-ABO-1
ABOP Strategy and Implementation Plan WIGOS Requirement; ET-ABO to review draft, discuss and propose additions; Development of an ABOP Strategy is NOT 7 ET-ABO-1
Thank you for your attention 8ET-ABO-1
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