EUROPEAN INTEGRATED MARITIME SURVEILLANCE Dilarde Teilāne European External Action Service Directorate of Conflict Prevention and Security Policy Addis Ababa, 20 April, 2012
Common Information Sharing Environment Rationale: cooperation across sectors and MS to Ensure safer, more secure & cleaner seas Foster EU digital society Ensure the fundamentals for sustainable growth
Maritime surveillance situation today Sectoral development: Today each node is a maritime system on its own. Need to build on existent maritime surveillance systems data Pooling without losing original data ownership and control - Sharing of resources
Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) EU’s response Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) For the Surveillance of the EU maritime domain
User communities MEMBER STATES GENERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BORDER CONTROL Agriculture Fisheries Maritime Administrations MEMBER STATES Defence Navies Transport Coast Guards Interior Border Guards Finances Customs GENERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BORDER CONTROL ? Data - Information Producers Subscribers Tailored RMOPs CUSTOMS FISHERIES CONTROL MARINE ENVIRONMENT DEFENCE MARITIME SAFETY AND SECURITY 7 7 7
Guiding principles Interlinking all relevant user Communities Building a technical framework for interoperability Information Exchange among civilian / military authorities Specific legal provisions MEETING OF HEADS OF DELEGATION AND CHARGES D’AFFAIRE 1 8
User communities cooperation to achieve Generating a ‘situational awareness’ of activities at sea across all relevant sectors to facilitate sound decision making Effectiveness Cost efficiency
Roadmap to CISE Identifying user communities Mapping of data sets and gap analysis for data exchange Identifying common data classification levels Developing the supporting framework (technical framework) Defining access rights Providing a coherent legal framework Further steps, potentially legal, will follow
GAP analysis
Timelines 2012 2013 2014 2017 CISE DEVELOPMENT 2012 2013 2014 2017 CISE DEVELOPMENT - Impact assessment (tech, legal, cost, social, env studies) Cooperation study 2.1 MEuro FP 7 surveillance study 13 MEuro CISE implementation > 100 MEuro