MAXIMISING THE OPPORTUNITY OF THE DIGITAL DIVIDEND Development and harmonisation of spectrum policy to achieve broadband connectivity Wladimir Bocquet.


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Presentation transcript:

MAXIMISING THE OPPORTUNITY OF THE DIGITAL DIVIDEND Development and harmonisation of spectrum policy to achieve broadband connectivity Wladimir Bocquet Senior Director Global Spectrum Policy GSM Association ICT EACO CONFERENCE — Digital Dividend Session Kampala, April 15-19, 2013

About GSMA Representing the interests of the worldwide mobile communications industry. Nearly 800 operator members covering over 200 countries. More than 200 associate members from the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset makers, software companies, equipment providers, Internet companies, and media and entertainment organizations.

Agenda International regulatory framework of the Digital Dividend Licensing framework for the Digital Dividend The importance of harmonisation Summary

Agenda International regulatory framework of the Digital Dividend Licensing framework for the Digital Dividend The importance of harmonisation Summary

Regulatory Framework of the Digital Dividend The spectrum allocation for analogue television In 2006, the Geneva 06 Agreement (GE-06) planned the migration from analogue to digital TV broadcasting for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, with the analogue switch-off (ASO) deadline set for June This transition will provide: – Significant improvement in programme choice and picture quality for viewers – An opportunity to use some of the radio spectrum currently used for TV for other purposes, such as expanded mobile broadband service. The Digital Dividend is the amount of spectrum made available by the transition of terrestrial television broadcasting from analogue to digital. 470 MHz862 MHz Analogue broadcasting 470 MHz862 MHz Digital broadcasting

Regulatory Framework of the Digital Dividend Digital Dividend 1: In 2007, an international decision (ITU treaty – WRC-07) allocated the MHz band to mobile broadband. Digital Dividend 2: In 2012, as proposed by the African Telecommunication Union (ATU), a second international decision (ITU treaty – WRC-12) allocated the MHz band to mobile broadband after After the 2012 decision, the ATU organised a series of regional coordination meetings to re-evaluate the frequency plan adopted in 2006 (GE-06 plan) for terrestrial television broadcasting. In October 2012, the ATU positively concluded that it is feasible to limit broadcasting to MHz, for four multiplexes with nationwide coverage. 470 MHz862 MHz Digital broadcasting 790 MHz Mobile 470 MHz862 MHz Digital broadcasting 790 MHz 694 MHz Mobile

Agenda International regulatory framework of the Digital Dividend Licensing framework for the Digital Dividend The importance of harmonisation Summary

GSMA has published a report that looks at spectrum licensing best practices in depth the-mobile-broadband-revolution-report / Licensing framework for the Digital Dividend Supporting Mobile Broadband Mobile Broadband Connections to increase 4 x, reaching 160 million connections Mobile Data Demand per User to increase 6 x, reaching half GB per user per month Mobile Data Traffic (aggregate) to grow an average of 120% per year, from 1.4PB to 36PB per month Direct impact of the licensing framework on mobile broadband applications Between 2012 – 2016 in Sub Saharan Africa Licensing for Mobile BB

Agenda International regulatory framework of the Digital Dividend Licensing framework for the Digital Dividend The importance of harmonisation Summary

Maximising economies of scale through harmonisation Facilitate roaming Enable economies of scale and bring down the cost of mobile devices Respond quickly to market needs and bridge the Digital Divide Help manage cross-border interference Importance of aligning spectrum rights, and regulatory and technical conditions with the internationally harmonised mobile spectrum bands ROAMING due to harmonised bands SCALE due to billions of subscribers AFFORDABILITY due to manufacturing economies CHOICE due to competition

Digital Dividend 1 Use of the 800MHz band by mobile services Harmonised technical conditions of use in the MHz frequency band for mobile broadband – ITU-R Recommendation M.1036 Maximise the harmonisation in Europe, Middle East and Africa FDD downlinkFDD uplink Guard band 790 Duplex gap MHz (6 blocks of 5 MHz)

A decision at WRC-12 created the possibility of allocating the 694–790MHz frequency band (aka the 700MHz band) for mobile services. The outcome of the WRC-12 was based on a commitment of most parties to seek harmonisation of that band and the adjacent band ( MHz) already allocated to mobile services (and identified for IMT) in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. What should the preferred band plan for the region be? Digital Dividend 2 Use of the 700MHz band by mobile services MHz ? 694/698 Digital Dividend 2Digital Dividend 1

Situation of the 700MHz band in other regions MHz 694/ MHz APT Band Plan 3GPP Band 28 Technical implementation of the terminal will allow using compliant terminal in either full 2x45 MHz or upper or lower 2x30 MHz environments. Large parts of the Asia Pacific region have declared support for that band plan, typically in its full 2x45 MHz. Some of Latin America such as Brazil, Chile, Colombia and recently Mexico have expressed their support MHz MHz Upper APT duplexer Lower APT duplexer 718 Allow nations to opt for the full bandwidth or restrict to the upper 2x30 MHz or the lower 2x30 MHz to allow for related services in the band and provide overall band plan efficiency The APT band plan (3GPP Band 28) is a close-to-global ecosystem opportunity

Overlap between the 700MHz and 800MHz band plans ( MHz) MHz MHz R1 Band Plan 3GPP Band MHz 694/ MHz APT Band Plan 3GPP Band MHz MHz Upper APT duplexer Lower APT duplexer 718 Overlap between the 700 MHz and the 800 MHz band plans

Preferred 700 MHz band plan - 2x30 MHz Based on the lower APT duplexer MHz MHz R1 Band Plan 3GPP Band MHz MHz Digital Dividend 2Digital Dividend MHz Preferred band plan 2x30 MHz Alignment of the band plan and the technical conditions to maximise harmonisation

In summary, there is a unique opportunity to deliver mobile broadband, especially in rural areas. The unique physical characteristic of the bands below 1GHz favour larger coverage. Combination of spectrum bands to deliver mobile broadband – Below 1 GHz (interesting for coverage) – Complemented for capacity with 1800 MHz, 2.3 GHz and 2.6 GHz Maximising the benefit of bands below 1GHz to deliver mobile broadband MHz MHz800 MHz 900 MHz

Agenda International regulatory framework of the Digital Dividend Licensing framework for the Digital Dividend The importance of harmonisation Summary

Summary Licensing framework of the Digital Dividend Stability of the overall licensing framework facilitates investment Remove service and technology restrictions in existing mobile spectrum usage rights Announce in advance a long-term plan for reform of the spectrum and operating licensing framework Importance of aligning spectrum rights with the internationally harmonised mobile spectrum bands Facilitate innovation and roaming Enable economies of scale Help manage cross-border interference MHz MHz800 MHz 900 MHz



Regulatory Framework MHz Radio Regulation Region MHz FIXED BROADCASTING MOBILE except aeronautical mobile 5.316B 5.317A A The MHz band is allocated to broadcasting services on a primary basis Digital Dividend List of countries where the MHz band is allocated to the mobile, except aeronautical mobile, service on a primary basis List of countries where the MHz band is also allocated to the aeronautical radionavigation service on a primary basis The planned switchover from analogue to digital TV broadcasting will provide a significant improvement in programme choice and picture quality for viewers. It will also provide the opportunity to release some of the radio spectrum currently used for TV broadcasting for other uses, such as expanding provision of mobile broadband services. The digital dividend is the amount of spectrum made available by the transition of terrestrial television broadcasting from analogue to digital. Definition of the Digital Dividend

Outcomes of WRC-12 — MHz Sharing issues in the 800MHz band were successfully resolved Compatibility between mobile and broadcasting services Consensus reached on the option associated to “no additional arrangements” (no change in the geographic area of the Geneva 2006 Agreement) to facilitate the deployment of mobile broadband Compatibility between mobile and ARNS services WRC-12 agreed to keep the regulatory environment under 9.21 but reduce the distance of coordination, method based on signature of bilateral agreement to facilitate the introduction of mobile service in the Digital Dividend when protecting ARNS in neighbouring country

Outcomes of the WRC-12 – MHz Additional provision of Mobile Service after WRC-15  Footnote in the article 5 making a simple reference to a resolution  No country footnote for an additional allocation, no change in the Table  Decision in principle because the allocation is made but need to be enforced at the end of WRC-15  The lower frequency is to be refined and WRC-15 will have to confirm the decision  The technical and regulatory conditions for the allocation to be defined by WRC-15 WRC-12 decision on the agenda dedicated to MHz band MHz BROADCASTING A MOD A ADD 5.3XX Extension of Digital Dividend Radio Regulation Region 1 The MHz band is allocated to the mobile, except aeronautical mobile, service after WRC-15 subject to the provisions of Resolution COM5/10 (WRC-12). See also Resolution 224 (Rev.WRC-[12]).