Path forward to Cg-17, EC-67 EC-PORS-5, Wellington, Feb.2014 Miroslav Ondráš, Chief WMO Observing Systems Division WMO; Name of Department (ND)
Cg-16, 2011 : WCP RCCs: Cg encouraged initiatives to develop cross-regional RCCs Cg noted a recommendation to define the scope of Arctic and Antarctic RCCs COFs: Cg welcomed initiatives by Members to establish and sustain new RCOFs in … and Polar Regions Cg noted EC-PORS Services White Paper - limited availability of climate products and services in Polar Regions, and agreed that PCOFs might serve to bridge this gap Invite WCP to report to Cg-17 WMO
Cg-16, 2011: WMO Polar Activities (1) Cg agreed that operational and research observing networks in Polar Regions should be integrated within the framework WIGOS and WIS & agreed that observing networks in Polar Regions should be enhanced to include cryosphere related variables & recognized that a major contribution to the above will be through development of GCW Report o Cg-17 on GCW development Cg agreed to integrate all Antarctic networks into an AntON that will comprise all operational stations, all of which should produce climate messages, and adopted Resolution 55 (Cg-XVI) – AntON submit to Cg-17 new resolution Cg adopted Resolution 56 (Cg-XVI) – Amendments to the Manual on GOS, Vol. II, Regional Aspects – The Antarctic – text revised by ATT – (submit to Cg-17 new resolution ?) WMO 3
Cg-16, 2011: WMO Polar Activities (2) Concern that data from many Antarctic stations funded by research agencies are not available in real-time and concern that the high communication cost is also a limiting factor and requested EC, in collaboration with CBS and JCOMM, to investigate possible ways to reduce such costs through an international forum of users of satellite data telecommunication systems Report to Cg-17 on SATCOM Importance of the relationship between WMO and the ATCM = Cg encouraged EC and SG to work with the ATCM on issues of mutual responsibility and to ensure representation of WMO at future ATCM meetings Report to Cg-17 on collaboration with ATCM WMO 4
Cg-16, 2011: WMO Polar Activities (3) Cg agreed to embark on a multi-year endeavour towards GIPPS, noting the Concept Paper and adopted Resolution 57 (Cg-XVI) – GIPPS submit to Cg-17 new resolution Cg agreed that WMO needs to have a focus on polar observations, research and services to meet its responsibilities on regional and global weather, climate, water and related environmental matters, and adopted Resolution 58 (Cg-XVI) – WMO Polar Activities submit to Cg-17 new resolution Cg agreed that to move the IPD idea forward, to establish a consultative process through a steering group leading to IPD Concept Document. Congress adopted Resolution 59 (Cg-XVI) – IPD initiative submit to Cg-17 new resolution WMO 5
Cg-16, 2011: WMO Polar Activities (4) Cg agreed with the development of GCW as outlined in the GCW Implementation Strategy submit to Cg-17 new GCW-IP Cg agreed that WMO needs to have a focus on global cryosphere issues and adopted Resolution 60 (Cg-XVI) – GCW submit to Cg-17 new resolution Cg requested the EC and SG to oversee GCW’s initial development to ensure optimal management of, and support to, the initiative Report to Cg-17 on how GCW is managed and supported WMO 6
EC-63, 2011: WMO Polar Activities (1) EC noted Resolution 57 (Cg-XVI) – GIPPS by which EC (EC-PORS) was requested: To develop a scalable, detailed strategic plan, laying out a path that WMO will take to identify and address gaps in our scientific understanding of polar processes, improve data and service delivery, and promote or establish national research programmes submit to (EC) Cg-17 detailed plan To implement this decision and establish the initial governance mechanism by providing broad oversight, guidance and monitoring of progress EC-65 was informed how the implementation of this decision To ensure there is broad consultation and participation from other international organizations and agencies that wish to contribute to the development of GIPPS EC-65 was informed on consultation process Submit a comprehensive report on the development of GIPPS to the Seventeenth Congress submit a Report to Cg-17 WMO 7
EC-63, 2011: WMO Polar Activities (2) EC noted Resolution 59 (Cg-XVI) – IPD Initiative by which EC was requested: To secure the WMO representation in a steering group that would be established to lead the IPD consultative process and prepare a draft IPD Concept Document EC-65 was informed on WMO representation in SG To consult with the relevant international organizations to define the framework, objectives, resource requirements, timing, and organizational structure of an IPD to inform EC-66 on the objectives, timing, structure (through Concept Document and new Resolution – see below) To coordinate the role and participation of WMO in the relevant initiatives that would be conducted under the auspices of an IPD submit to Cg-17 new resolution on IPPI To review and approve the IPD Concept Document at its sixty-fourth session with a view of determining modalities and the level of WMO participation in the initiative submit to EC-66 and/or Cg-17 the Concept Document WMO 8
EC-63, 2011: WMO Polar Activities (3) EC noted Resolution 60 (Cg-XVI) – GCW by which EC was requested: To establish a mechanism to steer and monitor the activity and to achieve the broadest possible collaboration and cooperation mechanism established by EC-63 To ensure the active participation and representation of the principal bodies concerned and also the participation, as appropriate, of technical experts and representatives of agencies undertaking observing and research initiatives relevant to the cryosphere to inform EC-66 on the engagement with partners To submit a comprehensive report, including an update on implementation plans, on the development of GCW to the Seventeenth Congress submit to Cg-17 a Report that should include the new GCW-IP WMO 9
EC-63, 2011: Review of Panels EC re-establish the Panel EC-63 adopted Resolution 5 (EC-LXIII) – EC-PORS, by which: EC re-establish the Panel Amended terms of references of the EC Panel Submit to EC-67 new resolution on PORS with amended TOR (GIPPS, IPPI, GCW, 3rd Pole, services) and with a proposal of new membership WMO 10
EC-64, 2012: WMO Polar Activities EC requested to clarify EC-PORS responsibilities with regard to the 3rd Pole (Tibetan Plateau Himalaya-Karakorum-Pamir) should be included in revised TOR as a part of the new resolution on PORS to EC-67 EC requested SG to consider establishment of a GCW “Project Office” (IPO) either in the Secretariat or in coordination with interested partners in their institution should be included in the new resolution on GCW to Cg-17 EC agreed to formally invite AMAP, IASC and SCAR to participate in EC-PORS as members take into account in the new resolution on PORS to EC-67 (membership) WMO 11
EC-65, 2013: WMO Polar Activities EC agreed that in order to determine the merit for WMO of participating in an IPI, it would be necessary for the Steering Group to finalize the Concept of IPI Concept document to be submitted to EC-66 and/or Cg-17 as an annex to Resolution on IPPI EC requested EC-PORS to continue representing WMO in the inter-agency Steering Group Report to EC-66 on the continued representation The WMO polar and cryosphere initiatives such as GIPPS, GCW, and AntON could be considered as WMO contributions to IPI should be reflected in the Concept Paper EC requested EC-PORS to consult widely with relevant international organizations and bring forward recommendations on the optimal level and modalities of the WMO participation in IPI for the Council's consideration at EC-66 Report to EC-66 and/or Cg-17 WMO 12
EC-PORS major actions Resolutions to be submitted to Cg-17 Resolution on AntON Resolution on the Manual on GOS, Vol. II, The Antarctic ? Resolution on GIPPS Resolution on WWRP PPP (not yet drafted) Resolution on WMO Polar Activities in support of Weather, Water & Climate Resolution on IPPI Resolution on GCW Resolutions to be submitted to EC-67 Resolution on PORS (re-establishment, TOR, membership) Documents (annexes) to be submitted: Scalable, detailed Strategic Plan on GIPPS to EC-66 or Cg-17 GCW Implementation Plan to Cg-17 IPPI Concept Paper to EC-66 & Cg-17 Update of the Services White Paper to Cg-17 ? Reports: EC-66; EC-67 & Cg-17 WMO 13
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