Creating our Final Design with Miss Hudspith. Starter Activity: Which colour line means cut? Which colour line means engrave? Which colour is allowed to overlap the border? How thick do the lines need to be? Name one of the tools we use for our design. Which lines (cut or engrave) must be added first?
THE BIGGER PICTURE - WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO? You have been approached by a chain of birthday gift stores to create a prototype design for a wooden photo frame to sell. The frame should feature a decorative design and may be personalised with a name if you choose to do so. The chain would like you to create the frame design on computer so that it can be accurately recreated in bulk if they choose to sell your design.
LESSON OBJECTIVES: Today we are finalising our designs. All pupils MUST: create your final design using the correct line colours and sizes. Red = Cut, Blue = Engrave. Line thickness = 3mm No fill necessary draw the engraving first and cuts second. Use the template: PUBLIC > TECHNOLOGY > MISS_HUDSPITH > YEAR 9 > final_design.dtd. Do not cut inside the orange border – you may engrave within this area if necessary. Some pupils SHOULD: nest your design into the template using the radial lock tool. Some pupils COULD: complete the CNC machine worksheet.
Homework: Finish the CNC worksheet. Bring to next lesson (Tuesday 28 th March). What is batch production? Give an example of something in this room which has been batch produced. What else can be batch produced?