Global ITS update - Some European activities from ERTICO perspective Joint ITU/UNECE Workshop, Geneva 27. June 2013 Hermann Meyer, ERTICO-ITS Europe
Directive 2010/40/EU | 2 Objectives: » Establishing a framework for coordinated and effective deployment and use of ITS » Setting common priorities » Development of specifications and standards 2
Setting common priorities 3 Optimal Use of Road, Traffic and Travel Data Continuity of Traffic and Freight Management Road Safety and Security Linking Vehicle and Transport Infrastructure EU-wide Multi-Modal Travel Information EU-wide Real-Time Traffic Information Free Safety-Related Minimum Traffic Information Interoperable EU-wide eCall Information Services for Truck Parking Reservation Services for Truck Parking 4 Priority Areas 6 Priority Actions
Timeline Aug COM report 27 Aug Directive in force Real-time information Truck parking reservation eCall Free min traffic information Truck parking information Aug National Reports Delegation ends Multi-modal travel information Feb COM Report on Delegation Aug COM Report
Andy Rooke eCall architecture
Hermann Meyer HeERO project prospectus »Pre-deployment projects »January 2011 to December 2014 »15 Pilot Sites »€8m EC funding »Total budget €16m »82 Partners »5 additional sites upgrading at their own expense. »24 commercial associate partners »HeERO market place 6
HeERO Technical Areas »eCall new type approved vehicles M1 & N1 »Large Goods Vehicle eCall »Powered 2 Wheeled vehicles »Location technology ›Multiple Navigation Systems ›Cross Border »Aftermarket devices »Certification of vehicle and service 7 11Hermann Meyer
ERTICO: Towards deployment of C-ITS harmonized Europe- wide testing environment for C2X technologies Intercontinental FOT Synergies EU-US-JP Install and operate cooperative ITS services in environmentally- sensitive traffic management FREILOT energy efficient urban freight to reduce fuel consumption Deployment of C-ITS for road safety and transport efficiency Cooperative vehicle- infrastructure systems Cooperative mobility systems and services for energy efficient Cooperative vehicles and infrastructure for road safety Open and standardized end-to-end architecture for automotive telematic services R&D Pilots and Pre-deployment Platforms Traffic Management Aware Vehicle Interaction eMI3 ITS services electric vehicles Architecture, Standardisation, Technical solutions Real-life Application, Validation, Evaluation, Refinement Implementation, Interoperability, Sustainability, User acceptance, Liability I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O O P E R A T I O N
Piloted and deployed services Road Hazard Warning (RHW) Red Light Violation Warning (RLVW) Energy Efficient Intersection Service (EEIS)
Project general data BordeauxCopenhagen Helmond Newcastle ThessalonikiVeronaVigo NAME Cooperative Mobility Pilot on Safety and Sustainability Services for Deployment ACRONYMCompass4D PROGRAM CIP (Competitiveness and Innovation) DURATION1 st January st December 2015 CONSORTIUM33 partners SITES7 pilot sites BUDGET9,996,000€ (funding 4,998,000 €)
Vehicles per pilot site Vehicles / pilot siteBordeauxCopenhagenHelmondNewcastleThessalonikiVeronaVigoTotal Trucks vans 52 Cars electric 25 electric 5 electric Buses Emergency vehicles Taxis Total vehicles Estimated number of drivers: 574 Commercial vehicles (busses, trucks, emergency vehicles and taxis) two users /drivers per vehicle. Electric vehicles and passenger cars one users /drivers per vehicle.
Viajeo PLUS: Background 01/10/2014Name13 Focuses for Latin America, China & Singapore: Effective mobility management Deployment of clean vehicle Innovative public transport s Enabling infrastructure Urban logistics Focuses for MPC: Innovative public transport Enabling infrastructure Urban logistics
Viajeo PLUS: Objectives Assess current mobility solutions and the potential uptake of different solutions for different scenarios; Create a new web-based “Virtual Best Solution Book” to facilitate wider uptake of solutions across more cities and regions; Organise four individual “City Mobility Weeks” in Europe, Latin America, China and Singapore respectively; Showcase of existing solutions; Bilateral meetings among cities; Workshops for cities and stakeholders; Organise fora in Istanbul to engage stakeholders in MPCs to lay the foundations for future interregional cooperation in research and development activities; Facilitate a ‘twinning cities’ programme to allow representatives from cities to experience innovative solutions for future implementation. Develop recommendations to the EC for future collaboration among cities and for research cooperation initiatives. 01/10/2014 Name 14
Viajeo PLUS: Methodologies 01/10/2014 Name 15
Thank you all