From DOTS to the Stop TB Strategy Building on Achievements for Future Planning Stop TB Partnership Symposium at the 37 th UNION World Conference on TB.


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Presentation transcript:

From DOTS to the Stop TB Strategy Building on Achievements for Future Planning Stop TB Partnership Symposium at the 37 th UNION World Conference on TB and Lung Disease 31 st October 2006, Paris

The burden of TB in million deaths in 2005 – 98% of these in developing world 219,000 deaths due to TB/HIV MDR-TB present in 102 of 109 countries and settings surveyed, XDR-TB emerging 8.9 million new cases in 2005 – 80% in 22 high- burden countries

Global TB control targets 2005: World Health Assembly: - To detect at least 70% of infectious TB cases - To treat successfully at least 85% of detected cases 2015: 50% reduction in TB prevalence and death rates by : Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Target 8: to have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence… Indicator 23: prevalence and deaths associated with TB Indicator 24: proportion of TB cases detected and cured under DOTS

Over 26 million patients treated under DOTS with high cure rates Case detection rate or cure rate (%) Target cure 85%Target detection 70%

Estimated HIV Prevalence in TB Cases or more HIV prevalence in TB cases, years (%) No estimate WHO, 2005

MDR-TB Prevalence in New Cases: WHO, DRS Report #3 9.4 Estonia Ivanovo (Russia) Latvia Henan (China) Iran Liaoning (China) Dominican Rep Tomsk (Russia) 13.7 Israel Ivory Coast 4.9 Ecuador 14.2 Kazakhstan 13.2 Uzbekistan Lithuania

Stop TB Strategy to reach the 2015 MDGs

In conclusion… New challenges require the new Stop TB Strategy The new Stop TB Strategy underpins and strengthens the Global Plan to Stop TB, The Strategy & The Global Plan

Objectives of the meeting:  To review progress in scaling up TB control according to the Stop TB Strategy and the Global Plan to Stop TB,  To discuss major challenges and potential solutions to scaling up TB control according to the Stop TB Strategy and the Global Plan  To determine how Working Groups can work together better to support country planning and implementation of the Stop TB Strategy.

Achievements 1  84% Treatment Success rate  ± 60% Case Detection rate  Development of Country Strategic Plans  Increase in DOTS coverage and DOTS infrastructure  Laboratory strengthening initiatives (introduction or expansion of EQA)  Strengthening: planning capacity, M&E and supervision (regular M&E meetings; sharing examples of good practice)  Increase in available financial resources

Achievements 2 TB/HIV  Policy for collaborative TB/HIV interventions and initiated implementation  TB/HIV training materials developed and training begun  M&E Systems for TB/HIV developed MDR-TB  Political commitment for MDR-TB management at country level and resource mobilization  Increased funding for second-line drugs (GFATM)  Scale up of MDR-TB treatment in many countries (40 countries GLC approved, more than 23,000 patients on treatment)  Human resources for MDR-TB  Development of guidelines and training modules  Training of NTP managers and consultants

Achievements 3 PPM  Development of guidelines  Scale up of successful pilots contributing to increase in case detection  Training of NTPs, private sector and consultants ACSM  Started to engage cured patients, affected communities and civil society  Use of the media (radio messages and TV spots to increase TB awareness)  GFATM grants have ACSM components

Key Overarching Challenges Alignment of national plans with the Global Plan to Stop TB Ensuring sustainability: –Core government support –Donor - dependent NTPs –Donor contribution phasing out or unstable Political commitment with sustained and/or increased resources to reach MDGs and beyond –Raising and maintaining political commitment in large federal systems –Build advocacy at Global, National and Sub-national Levels

Health system strengthening (quality, coverage, infrastructure, measurement and indicators, way of contributing) Human Resources (management, planning, quality, quantity, distribution, recruitment and retention) Laboratory infrastructure, staffing and capacity The introduction / scale up of MDR-TB, TB/HIV activities and those to reach special populations all pose highly complex challenges Key Overarching Challenges

Data management and measurement of Stop TB component Maintaining and/or improving quality Balancing competing priorities (with other programmes and within TB control e.g. funding for some components vs basic DOTS) New strategy and multiple partners require better Coordination (internally and externally) Key Overarching Challenges

Other –Extending diagnosis to smear-negative and EP-TB, including HIV settings and childhood TB –Biosafety and infection control –Underdeveloped guidance on component 5 – ACSM –Lack of clarity around definitions of community –Need for TA in different areas and cross-cutting Importance of continuity and ongoing support Links with HR development to ensure sustainability –Translating guidelines into programmatic activities Key Overarching Challenges

How can the working groups and partners ensure adequate coordinated response? The highest priority is basic DOTS quality - –Where DOTS has been scaled up very fast –Where health systems, HRH and labs are very weak –Where HIV epidemic and MDR-TB problems are the most severe Governments and partners with the least capacity need the most help to adopt the Strategy in full. We need to work in a new way – piloting, assessing & sharing results, while preparing and initiating scaling up. We need to continue to document results