1 Toshiaki Nagata UNFCCC secretariat Progress on CDM registry development Inter-sessional consultations on registry systems Bonn, Germany 8-10 November 2004
2 CDM Registry Standardized electronic database for ensuring accurate accounting of CERs, tCERs and lCERs To issue units and them to national registries To have temporary holding accounts for Annex I Parties to receive credits, until national registries are established To be administered by the secretariat under authority of EB To start operation in 2004 and connect to the ITL in 2005 Developer selected through UN procurement procedures
3 Selected vendor Perrin Quarles Associates Inc (PQA) Based in Virginia, USA Established in 1979 Business activities Design and support of information systems Support for regulation development and implementation Registry system for SO2 and NOx trading in USA Development of Emission Allowance Tracking System (EATS) Involvement in state-level trading schemes in USA Peer review of transaction log development under the EU trading scheme (for the European Commission)
4 Overall approach Two phase development Registry not connected to the ITL issuance and distribution within the CDM registry by the end of November 2004 Registry connected to the ITL transfer to participants’ accounts in national registries by June/July 2005 (in parallel with ITL development) Contractor to ensure registry functioning (deploy, test, handover, initialize, document, train) Options still open on longer-term hosting Contractor available for operational support for 3 years