Elmar Zilles Head Broadcasting, Federal Network Agency, Germany Transition to Digital Broadcasting and Digital Dividend ITU Regional Seminar for Europe, Budapest, 05 – 07 November 2012
Making Use of Resources Frequency spectrum: limited resource... for attractive offers: GSM, DVB-T, UMTS, CB, WiFi Access, WiMAX, UWB, DECT for revenues in tc-sector: e. g. 25,2 billion € fixed lines, 23,5 billion € mobile tc, 7,9 billion € cable-TV, 13,5 billion € others (2005)... for investment: e. g. 2,6 billion € mobile tc, 2 billion € landline (2005)... in backbones: fixed links (2012)
3 Frequency Regulation competitional / economic aspects international agreements legal and procedural implementation technical / regulatory aspects Basic properties: anticipating, open, non-discriminatory, transparent, pro-active (but not anticipating business case risks!)
Frequency Allocation Table Frequency Plan (past: Frequency Utilisation Plan) Frequency Assignment General or Individual Assignment +Targets of Regulation Federal Government Federal Network Agency +add. demands following TA International Agreements (e.g. RRC-06, WRC-12) Federal Network Agency
Example: Allocation Table and Plan Bands allocated to broadcasting service according to the national frequency allocation table and the corresponding frequency plan entries: Long-, Medium- and Short Wave Bands 9 kHz analogue broadcasting, 9 kHz DRM Frequency Band II (87, MHz): 204 Channels (FM-Audio) Frequency Band III ( MHz): 8 Channels, 7 MHz each, 32 frequency blocks 1,75 MHz each, resp. (T-DAB/DMB/DAB+) Frequency Bands IV and V ( MHz): 40 Channels, 8 MHz each (DVB-T) 1,5 GHz-Range (1452 MHz to 1479,5 MHz): 16 Frequency Blocks, 1,75 MHz each (T-DAB/DMB/DAB+) Addiional allocation AND/OR frequency plan entries possible
Frequency Assignment Procedures General assignment Whenever possible! Individual assignment Different granting procedures: Without competition: by application In case of competition: o Auction (preferred!) or o Tender procedure ( Rules objective, comprehensible, non-discriminatory)
Tender procedures Legal criteria Specialised knowledge Efficiency Suitability of plans to be submitted Promotion of workable competition Preference for higher degree of coverage In case of no clear evidence of better qualification: decision by drawing lots
Rect/„Right“-Angle BA Civil Law or Identity TA Laws of FS Federal States TLO Content Providers FRG FNA FS = Federal States BA = Basic Act / Constitution TLO = Transmission Line Operator TA = Telecommunications Act 16 FS means 16 Chancellies and 13 Media Authorities
How it works / should work Demand for provision of service for a certain territory (Federal States) (non-mandatory specific pre-procedure for demands per Federal State) formal demand Implementation (Federal Network Agency) Identification of suitable frequency resources Co-ordination within Germany International Co-ordination Frequency Assignment Latest Telecommunication Act (2012): If a program provider is the only holder of the entire capacity from a frequency usage, he may point out the frequency assignment holder
Example for a Licencing Scheme (Germany) Elmar Zilles Transition to Digital Broadcasting and Digital Dividend ITU Regional Seminar for Europe, Budapest, 05 – 07 November 2012