State of Play and Main Challenges Related to Armenian National Qualifications Framework (ANQF) Armen Ashotyan Minister of Education and Science Strasbourg, November 2012
Government of the Republic of Armenia Decision 332-N on Approval of National Qualifications Framework of the Republic of Armenia (April, 2011) Educational Qualifications and their General Descriptors of the Republic of Armenia (Annex 1- eight level descriptors) Government of the Republic of Armenia Decision 1230-A on Approval of Implementation Schedule for the Introduction and Launching of the ANQF (August, 2011) Strasbourg, November 2012
The ANQF is currently described in official documents as an 8-level LL framework designed to be consistent with the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF) The HE part of the ANQF (levels 5-8) should seek to self-certified against the overarching Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA) Strasbourg, November 2012
The aims and objectives of the ANQF Should focus more on Armenian realities, needs and priorities (the functions are too generic and broad) Describes the existing situation and does’t serve as a transformation tool for changes. It should: provide opportunities for reevaluation of existing qualifications and to develop new ones suitable to the needs of the 21 st century promote flexibility of the structures and new routes of progression, widening access possibilities The name “Educational Qualifications…” should be changed Strasbourg, November 2012
Level descriptors The nature of the descriptors as “threshold” or “characteristics of learning” needs to be clarified Key differences between HE levels should be clearly distinguished The types of descriptors (learning outcomes) are not always consistent and do not relate neither to EQF nor to the QF-EHEA The level descriptors are over-demanding compared to the EQF and QF-EHEA, revision and refinement of the HE level descriptors is required Compatibility with the QF-EHEA should be clearly demonstrated and all descriptors, terms and wording should reflect this Award of the “Researcher” qualification is problematic if it is a qualification without clearly stated and assessed learning outcomes (should it be at level 8?) Definition of the place of the “Doctor of Science” degree (out of the framework, in level 8 by indicating its special nature, in new level 9?). This is a general issue for post-Soviet Countries and a common regional solution should be agreed Strasbourg, November 2012
Placing qualifications within the framework Appropriate tools and a transparent processes/ procedures (using LOs) should exist for alignment and placing existing and new qualifications in the framework The body (outside the Ministry?) responsible for the maintenance and periodic review of the framework needs to be established Strasbourg, November 2012
Credits Credit ranges should be included in the HE levels Definition of credit needs to conform to the ECTS emphasising link with learning outcomes and the credit-value should be in line with the EHEA norms The credit requirements and the rule distinguishing 3 & 4-year Bachelor’s and 1& 2-year Master’s degrees as well as permitted qualification titles will need to be stated Strasbourg, November 2012
Autonomy of HEIs and QA A compulsory programme (subject) accreditation/ review is needed ANQF should be augmented with Subject Benchmark Statements (Sectoral Qualification Frameworks) and National Occupational Standards The nature and extent of academic autonomy of HEIs in terms of curricula development and awarding of qualifications needs to be clarified as not all HEIs have the reliable internal QA systems Strasbourg, November 2012
Curriculum development and the learning outcomes National and institutional policies and mechanisms need to support the new approaches towards curriculum development based on ANQF and other external reference points and ECTS Transferable skills need to be integrated into the curricula, together with more emphasis on the employability and student- centred learning. The relationships and cooperation between employers and HEIs need to be develop At the institutional level robust teaching & learning strategies need to be developed and implemented. Without rigorous staff development the progress is impossible The review of existing first cycle HE qualifications would help the employer and public acceptance of the qualifications for the purposes of employment Strasbourg, November 2012
Detailed implementation plan with timescale and outcomes is required Effective implementation of the ANQF and its associated reforms should be evidenced before starting the self- certification process against QF-EHEA Revision of the ANQF with all accompanying documentations is needed Placing the existing HE qualifications in the ANQF and seeking consensus on problematic qualifications (Researcher, Doctor of Science) Creation of a consistent glossary defining key terms (knowledge, skills, competencies) and concepts is required Clear diagram representation that summarises the routes and progression between all HE qualifications and the appropriate ECTS credit ranges is needed Strasbourg, November 2012
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! Strasbourg, November 2012