WMO TR (WMO-No. 49) WMO; OBS, Wenjian Zhang and Miroslav Ondráš
WMO TR: Composition & generic concept Regulations Prescriptive TRs (Vol 1 – 4) Manuals (Annex 1 – 8) Guides Other reference docs (e.g., TR Manuals Vol II, WMO-No.9, Guidelines, etc.) Basic S & R (definitive) Relatively Conservative (stable) Mostly requirement-driven Approval by Congress (in principle) “Shall” and “Should” have specific meaning More detailed S & R Relatively Dynamic Mostly technology-driven Approval delegated to EC Descriptive Non-Regulations Implementation guidance Explanations Examples of good practice Flexible updates Approval by respective TC
WIGOS Regulatory material – proposal by TT-WRM-1 Tech. Regs WIGOS Guide WIGOS Guide &TM on GCW Guide &TM on GOS Guide &TM on Hydro Guide &TM on GAW
WIGOS Regulatory material - decision by ICG-WIGOS-2 Tech. Regs WIGOS Manual WIGOS Guide WIGOS Guide &TM on GCW Guide &TM on GOS Guide &TM on Hydro Manual on GOS Guide &TM on GAW
PROPOSED STRUCTURE OF WIGOS SECTIONS IN WMO TR: ORIGINAL PROPOSAL INTRODUCTION Purpose of WIGOS WIGOS component observing systems Global Observing System (GOS) Global Atmosphere Watch (observing component of GAW) WMO Hydrological Observations Global Cryosphere Watch (observing component of GCW) Collaboration with co-sponsored and non-WMO observing system Governance and management COMMON ATTRIBUTES OF COMPONENT SYSTEMS Requirements Design, planning and evolution Instrumentation and Methods of Observation Operations Observational Metadata Quality Management Capacity Development COMMON ATTRIBUTES SPECIFIC TO THE SURFACE-BASED SUB-SYSTEM OF WIGOS COMMON ATTRIBUTES SPECIFIC TO THE SPACE-BASED SUB-SYSTEM OF WIGOS OBSERVING COMPONENT OF THE GLOBAL ATMOSPHERE WATCH (GAW) OBSERVING COMPONENT OF THE GLOBAL CRYOSPHERE WATCH (GCW) GLOBAL OBSERVING SYSTEM (GOS) OF WWW WMO HYDROLOGICAL OBSERVING SYSTEMS WMO For the complete Draft structure of the WIGOS sections in WMO Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Vol. I., Part I. WIGOS: see Annex to 3.8.4, 5
PROPOSED STRUCTURE OF WIGOS SECTIONS IN WMO TR: NEW PROPOSAL (Volume I) General Provisions Definitions General Meteorological Standards and Recommended Practices PART I. WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) I.1 Scope of WIGOS Introduction I.2 Common attributes of component systems I.3 Common attributes specific to the surface-based sub-system of WIGOS I.4 Common attributes specific to the space-based sub-system of WIGOS I.5 Observing component of the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) I.6 Observing component of the Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) I.7 Global Observing System (GOS) of WWW I.8 WMO Hydrological Observing System
WIGOS Key areas Management of WIGOS Implementation Collaboration with co-sponsors and partners To oversee, guide and coordinate WIGOS Data discovery, delivery & archival Design, planning and optimised evolution To ensure supply of and access to WIGOS observations To plan, implement and evolve WIGOS component systems Observing system operation & maintenance Capacity Development To facilitate and support the operation of WIGOS Communications and outreach Operational Information Resource Standardization, interoperability & compatibility Quality Management 7
WIS CPDB OSCAR SORT OSCAR User Interface WIGOS Web Portal OSCAR/Distributed Observing Systems Capability Analysis and Review Tool Standardization of Observation Reference Tool E.g. GAW, JCOMMOPS, Radar DB etc OSCAR/ Requirements BASIC INFORMATION Benefits, Impacts Communication and Outreach Capacity Building WIP, WDIS, CONOPS… Data policies Etc.. Critical Review OSCAR/ Space OSCAR/ Surface CPDB OSCAR User Interface WIGOS Web Portal Implementers of Observing Systems Data users
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