TASK TEAM ON THE WIGOS REGULATORY MATERIAL Third Session GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, NOVEMBER Work of Other WMO Bodies Relevant to the Development of WIGOS Regulatory Material 3.4 Commission for Hydrology (CHy) Paul Pilon (CHy) and Gabriel Arduino Hydrology and Water Resources Branch World Meteorological Organization
Commission for Hydrology (CHy) Activities General Technical Regulations Volume III – Hydrology Terminology – International Glossary of Hydrology Metadata Provision of Guidance on QMF/QMS Uncertainty Analysis Joint ISO/WMO Standards
General Inter-Commission Group on WIGOS (ICG-WIGOS) – Harry Lins, President CHy Task Team on WIGOS Metadata (TT-WMD) – Tony Boston, CHy-AWG Task Team on WIGOS Regulatory Material (TT- WRM) – Paul Pilon, CHy-AWG Task Team on WIGOS Quality Management (TT- WQM) – Paul Pilon, CHy-AWG Inter Programme Expert Team on WIGOS Framework Implementation Matters (IPET WIFI) – Paul Pilon, CHy-AWG Review and develop material for the TT-WRM, TT- WMD and TT-WQM…
Technical Regulations Volume III - Hydrology Review and revise material –Set-up editorial board –Review existing TRs –Use team of experts –Peer review material
International Glossary of Hydrology Joint WMO and UNESCO effort – “Manual” Periodically updated Provides list of terms and their definitions in 4 languages Standard terminology and definitions are of great importance
Metadata Monitor and report on new developments on data exchange and protocols, data transfer formats, and data information Test and apply WaterML 2.0 through pilot projects –Potential for new WMO standard for information exchange –Potential to register as joint WMO/ISO standard
Provision of Guidance on QMF/QMS Launch of QMF-H website Provision of background material for NHSs as to benefits of standardization Guidance on implementing a QMS including case studies –Use of templates
Uncertainty Analysis Continue implementing project to assess the performance of flow instruments and techniques Website launched Inclusion of a “working website” Detailed project work plan developed
Uncertainty Analysis – Expected Results 1) Improved understanding of the accuracy of hydrometric instruments; 2) Appropriate selection or development of instrumentation that meets the measurement needs for water planning and management; 3) Standardization of hydrometric measurements and the computation of estimates of measurement uncertainty (known data quality to possibly improved quality of data); 4) Improved cooperation among NHSs.
Working Website
How to do it? The approach should be easy to implement, “easily understood, and [should] generally [comprise] accepted procedure[s] for characterizing the quality of a measurement… [leading to] expressing its uncertainty.” (GUM, 1993) –Use of common terminologies and definitions –Systematic propagation of uncertainties and their estimation –Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty of Measurements (1993, 1995, 2008)
Joint WMO/ISO Standards Undertake review of ISO and other standards used in hydrology and water resources Specify which joint standards should be developed Establish how they will be developed (e.g., WaterML 2.0 to be a joint standards for information exchange)