ADB Experience in Technology Road Maps Presentation for the TEC expert meeting on Technology Road Maps Dr. Xuedu Lu 25 March 2013 Bonn, Germnay
ADB projects with Road Map components Smart-grid technology (China) Carbon Capture and Storage (China) Carbon Capture and Storage (South East Asia: Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam) Wind power development (Mongolia, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Viet Nam) Under consideration: (i) smart-grid technology in India and (ii) Energy Efficiency roadmaps in South Asian countries
Road Map projects in more detail China: Developing Smart Grid Technology for Efficient Utilization of RE Designed to help state grid corporation develop smart grid technology Effectively an assessment of technologies/options Piloting day-ahead wind power forecasting systems Basis for investment in smart grids
Road Map projects in more detail China: Road Map for CCS Demonstration and Deployment Comprehensive road map for the realization of two large-scale integrated CCS demonstration projects in the short-term Components: techno-economic feasibility assessment; technical standards and pathways for applying oxy-fuel combustion technology; prototype model; business models for early stage projects; policy, regulatory and incentive framework
Road Map projects in more detail Determining Potential for CCS in SE Asia Analysis of potential for CCS Road map for CCS demonstration projects To be followed by national TA project in countries with potential and willingness to commit resources for a demonstration or pilot project Examine technical aspects Prefeasibility studies for pilot projects Initial geological investigations for storage Enabling environment
Road Map projects in more detail Quantum Leap in Wind Power Development in Asia and the Pacific Mongolia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Viet Nam Not a technology road map but a wind power development road map to facilitate public-private partnerships Quantification of wind resources potential Identification of viable wind projects Pre-feasibility studies Business and finance models to make bankable projects Improved knowledge and capacity
Characteristics of ADB supported Road Maps Investment focus: road map as tool to assess feasibility, develop business and financial models for bankable projects and prepare for investment Used in case of promising low carbon technologies that are: complex to roll out, and/or capital intensive, and/or need extensive government support Road Map components/tools: multi-step analysis, enabling conditions framework, resource assessments, pre-feasibility studies, technical standards, business and finance models, capacity building, identification of investment/pilot projects.
Observations/experience/lessons Before developing a TRM, to be clear: Criteria to develop TRM (necessity and feasibility): long term (strategic) objective, complexity, readiness (available resources) (human, finance and others),… Difference of TRM from other RMs: development roadmap… Level of TRM: global, national, sector, entity
Observations/experience/lessons When developing a TRM: Have support from all relevant players Close cooperation between scientific community and business community: no gap between the two groups, to ensure TRM be a road to achieve target. Define clearly: objectives, means to achieve goals, timetable, risk management, milestones, deliveries. Final goal: develop and commercialization of technology
Observations/experience/lessons TRM and technology transfer/investment: Will provide a clear picture for technology investment Will draw early attention and engagement by investors More opportunities to be commercialized/invested.
Thank you for your attention.