Activities in 2006 and 2007 OIE Tokyo SEAFMD Sub-Commission Meeting Siem Reap, Cambodia March 2007 T. Fujita OIE Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific
Contents Organizational framework at OIE Tokyo Priority areas and activities in 2006; HPAI control at source in Southeast Asia and HPAI control at source in Southeast Asia and Others Others Programmes for activities in 2007; (for Priority areas and Capacity building, Strengthening Veterinary Services and Support to Development of National Animal Health Strategies) (for Priority areas and Capacity building, Strengthening Veterinary Services and Support to Development of National Animal Health Strategies) HPAI HPAI GF-TADs GF-TADs Animal Health Information Systems Animal Health Information Systems WTO-SPS WTO-SPS Food Safety, etc. Food Safety, etc.
Organizational Framework of OIE Tokyo Increasing activities for the Region and Strengthening organizational framework in OIE Bangkok Branch Office -OIE Bangkok Branch Office -Long term professionals: -Long term professionals: (1) Regional Representative (RR) (1) Regional Representative (RR) (2) Senior Deputy RR (in Bangkok) (2) Senior Deputy RR (in Bangkok) (3) Deputy RR (3) Deputy RR (4) Assistant RR (vacant) (4) Assistant RR (vacant) (5) Regional Veterinary Officer (5) Regional Veterinary Officer (6) two Consultants for HPAI Project (6) two Consultants for HPAI Project Secondment Programme in April 2007
OIE Thai Branch Established in April 2006 Office located in DLD campus, Bangkok Dr Shiro Yoshimura; OIE Regional HPAI Coordinator + OIE Senior Deputy Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific OIE/Japan HPAI Control Project at source in Southeast Asia Coordination with 8 participating countries and with FAO Bangkok
Priority areas for the Region -Regional needs -in line with OIE 4 th Strategic Plan
HPAI Special Trust Fund: OIE HPAI Control Project at Source Regular Fund: HPAI as a targeted disease under GF-TADs Programme
Japan/OIE Special Trust Fund Programme for AI Control Government of JapanOIE Paris (HQ) National Level Regional Level OIE Tokyo Capacity building Capacity building : Software; Software; Support to Control Strategy Development, Capacity building of diagnosis and surveillance, etc., Training for veterinarians and para-professionals on strategic surveillance (meetings, hands-on workshops, etc.) Hardware; Hardware; Provision of laboratory diagnostic equipment and materials for capacity building OIE Project Coordinator in Bangkok Development of National Strategies and Training Development of Epidemiology Information Systems (computer software) Development of Regional Strategies including contingency plans, information sharing for early warning Regional Meetings with CVOs and other national officers for initiation and evaluation of activities
OIE HPAI Project 4 components 1. Improvement of regional and national HPAI control strategies 2. HPAI information sharing to further strengthen regional early warning systems 3. Strengthen diagnostic capacity for HPAI; including training courses on advanced HPAI diagnosis and installment of high-performance diagnostic equipment 4. Training for field veterinarians and para- professionals on HPAI strategic surveillance
Beneficiaries of the Project Participating countries; 8 countries Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam Direct beneficiaries: National Veterinary Services, veterinary professionals and policy makers working on HPAI control Their increased capacities to help poultry producers control HPAI and their sustainable livelihood, and to reduce the risk of general public’s exposure to the disease Tansboundary nature of HPAI; much wider populations including those outside the Region
Regional Representation’s involvement in Meetings and Workshops on HPAI RR actively organized or participated in various meetings and workshops in the Region Regional Steering Committee Meetings in Bangkok, in 2006 Regional Coordination Committee Meetings in Tokyo and Bangkok in 2006
Animal Health Information Systems Publication of FMD– monthly report FMD– monthly report Other terrestrial and aquatic animal diseases – Other terrestrial and aquatic animal diseases – quarterly and yearly quarterly and yearly Regional Workshops on Information Systems in 2006; (1) for Pacific Region, Nadi, Fiji, March 06 (1) for Pacific Region, Nadi, Fiji, March 06 (2) for Southeast Asia, Bangkok, Thailand, September (2) for Southeast Asia, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2006, 2006, OIE/CIRAD Regional Training Workshop on Epidemiology, Bangkok, Thailand, July 06 OIE/PRISE National Training Workshop on Epidemiology applied to the surveillance and research on animal diseases, Hanoi, Vietnam, November/December 2006
FMD Control Collect and disseminate FMD Information in the Region, on a monthly basis Work with OIE SEAFMD RCU, in particular Zoning and Animal Movement Management 5 th Meeting of the Upper Mekong Working Group on Zoning and Animal Movement Management, Hanoi, Vietnam, January th Meeting of the Lower Mekong Working Group on Zoning and Animal Movement, Sakaeo, Thailand, October 2006
Aquatic Animal Diseases 1 st International Symposium on Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN) of Fish, Hiroshima, Japan, jointly organized by OIE and Hiroshima University (OIE World Reference Laboratory), November/December 2006 Collect and disseminate aquatic animal disease information in the Region in collaboration with Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA)
Harmonization of Registration of Veterinary Medicinal Products OIE Regional Workshop on International/Regional Harmonization of Registration of Veterinary Medicinal Products, hosted by National Veterinary Drug Assay Laboratory, in Bogor, Indonesia, November 2006 Secretariat of VICH joined the workshop as a resource person
Programmes for activities in 2007 Further capacity building, Strengthening Veterinary Services and Support to Improvement of Animal Health Strategies in Asia (Southeast Asia, South Asia, North Asia) and the Pacific
HPAI OIE/Japan HPAI Control Project at source in Southeast Asia ( ) 4 components; development of HPAI control Strategies, animal health information, capacity building on diagnosis and surveillance, training field veterinarians and para- professionals Many meetings and hands-on Workshops on HPAI in Southeast Asia
GF-TADs 2 nd Regional GF-TADs Steering Committee Some progress for GF-TADs institutional framework in Southeast Asia (ASEAN) and South Asia (SAARC)
Progress for GF-TADs in Asia Southeast Asia (ASEAN) Functional RSU: ASEAN Secretariat Functional RSU: ASEAN Secretariat FMD: Thailand (Lead country) FMD: Thailand (Lead country) HPAI: Malaysia (Lead country) HPAI: Malaysia (Lead country) CSF: Philippines (Lead country) CSF: Philippines (Lead country) South Asia (SAARC) RSU: Nepal RSU: Nepal FMD: India (diagnostic lab.) FMD: India (diagnostic lab.) HPAI: Pakistan (diagnostic lab.) HPAI: Pakistan (diagnostic lab.) PPR: Bangladesh (diagnostic lab.) PPR: Bangladesh (diagnostic lab.)
Animal Health Information Systems Development of Regional Animal Health Information Core; (with OIE HQ) OIE workshops on Epidemiology at a National level, in collaboration with CIRAD (1) Manila, Philippines, January 2007 (1) Manila, Philippines, January 2007 (2) Jakarta, Indonesia, February 2007 (2) Jakarta, Indonesia, February 2007 (3) Other countries including Myanamar, Malaysia, (3) Other countries including Myanamar, Malaysia, Thailand (on-going consultation) Thailand (on-going consultation) 3. Workshop on Animal Health Information Systems (WAHIS) for South Asian Countries
FMD Working Group Meetings for Zoning and Animal Movement Management Upper Mekong; Laos, January 2007 Upper Mekong; Thailand, January 2008 Lower Mekong; Cambodia, September 2007
WTO-SPS Agreement Regional workshop on WTO-SPS Agreement to be jointly organized by OIE and FAO, Chiang Mai, Thailand, August Risk analysis and disease surveillance using BSE as an example -Risk analysis and disease surveillance using BSE as an example -OIE pathway for BSE freedom -OIE pathway for BSE freedom -Quality and Evaluation of Veterinary Services -Quality and Evaluation of Veterinary Services
Emerging Diseases Regional Workshop on Surveillance; HPAI and other TADs, to be jointly organized by OIE and FAO, Chiang Mai, Thailand, July 2007 Meeting on Emerging diseases (in particular cross border collaboration??, in 2007)
Food Safety 2 nd Regional Workshop on Food and Feed Safety to be organized by OIE and FAO, Thailand??, 2007
Veterinary Medicinal Products Animal disease vaccines; FMD vaccines and vaccination?
Aquatic animal diseases Regional Meeting on aquatic animal diseases in collaboration with SEAFDEC, Philippines, 2007 ?
Thank you for your attention!! T. Fujita, OIE Tokyo