Support the spread of “good practice” in generating, managing, analysing and communicating spatial information Implementing a Training Event By: Rainer Zachmann Unit: M03U04
Content Introduction Arrival and familiarisation Training facilities Scheduling training activities Time management Applying training methods
Introduction When the course is well-planned, implementation will be smooth. A pleasant and quiet environment is essential. Time should be managed strictly and intelligently. Trainers should facilitate rather than teach and train.
Support the spread of “good practice” in generating, managing, analysing and communicating spatial information Arrival and Familiarisation
Arrival and familiarisation Organisers should make sure that participants arrive easily and safely. Familiarise participants with the environment. Trainees should feel well and comfortable.
Arrival and familiarisation At registration, organisers: –recheck personal data; –provide information about environment and facilities; –distribute the programme and materials.
Arrival and familiarisation Organisers should schedule arrival for Saturday, so that training can begin informally on Sunday. Allow familiarisation among participants. Trainees should tour the facilities.
Arrival and familiarisation Participants present themselves with personal information. Information remains visible during the training event.
Arrival and familiarisation A formal or informal opening ceremony may be arranged. Press releases and information about the course should be available.
Support the spread of “good practice” in generating, managing, analysing and communicating spatial information Training Facilities
Training facilities The environment should be pleasant, quiet and not allow distractions. Participants and resource people should be kept together.
Training facilities Ventilation and good light conditions are needed. Arrange seating informally. Avoid classroom seating in rows. Group activities require plenty of room.
Training facilities Organisers should provide materials for group work. Translation facilities may be required.
Training facilities Overhead transparencies are preferable under daylight conditions. Video/computer projectors (beamers) also work well. Colour slides require a darkened room.
Training facilities Facilities and equipment should be tested. Secretarial services, ICT facilities and Internet connection should be available during and beyond course working hours.
Support the spread of “good practice” in generating, managing, analysing and communicating spatial information Scheduling Training Activities
Scheduling training activities Trainers should involve trainees in scheduling and execution of activities. Preferably adapt logistical arrangements to course requirements, rather than adapting the course schedule to inconvenient local conditions.
Scheduling training activities Trainers should introduce participants to the course objectives and programme. Replace the traditional course introduction with a participative discussion about expectations.
Scheduling training activities Trainers should schedule initial time for a presentation of participants' work. Then, move quickly to the course content.
Scheduling training activities Theoretical components should be practically-oriented. Presentations should be combined with exercises and demonstrations.
Scheduling training activities Sschedule theory for the morning and practice for the afternoon. Keep evenings free for social learning activities, such as group work and discussions.
Scheduling training activities Course time should not be dedicated to reading assignments. Resource people should cover content during course time.
Scheduling training activities Organisers should keep weekends less intensive, but not abandon the trainees. Schedule course activities for Saturday. Offer sociocultural programmes for Friday evenings, Saturday afternoons and Sundays.
Scheduling training activities Course work should not be interrupted with travel. Leave less formal programmes, such as excursions, to the end of the course.
Scheduling training activities After the course, trainees may be highly motivated. Organisers should help trainees reintegrate themselves into their home situation. Final group presentations get trainees reoriented.
Support the spread of “good practice” in generating, managing, analysing and communicating spatial information Time Management
Time management Manage time strictly and intelligently. Begin early (e.g. 08:00). During the mornings, at least one break of 30 minutes is needed. Attention span of adults is 1½ hours. A lunch break may take 1½ hours.
Time management Afternoon sessions should finish not later than 17:00 hours. Time for social interaction and sports activities is useful.
Time management Coordinators should introduce resource people. Coordinators should not keep trainees waiting. Begin each activity at the exact time. Finish at the planned time.
Time management Handouts may be distributed one or several days before or at the end of a presentation. Do not distribute handouts at the beginning of a presentation; because trainees will read instead of listen.
Time management Trainees should not take notes. Trainers should assure that handouts contain all relevant information.
Time management Coordinators should monitor the activities continuously. They should not abandon trainees and resource people. Alternative arrangements should be available.
Time management Trainees should evaluate each activity immediately after completion. Every day should begin with a briefing from evaluations of the previous day.
Support the spread of “good practice” in generating, managing, analysing and communicating spatial information Applying Training Methods
Applying training methods Trainers should allow participation; facilitate rather than teach and train. Select training methods according to the objectives. Emphasise skills and attitude training. Elicit collective knowledge through brainstorming and group work.
Applying training methods Trainers should rehearse their activities at the training site. Ensure that all materials are available. Revise timing. Practise using instruments, equipment, etc.
Applying training methods Trainers should read, explain and summarise visuals completely. Trainers should not include information that they cannot explain.
Applying training methods Trainers should face the audience; never speak towards the screen. Guide the audience by uncovering portions of information. Use “builds” so that information appears one point at a time. Use pointers only when needed.