Nicky Cooper Head Network Operations Management NM USER FORUM 2014 The Network Management response to airlines and airports Nicky Cooper Head Network Operations Management Ralph Riedle Senior ATM Consultant, Performance & Operations 29/012014
“Who are the managers in your Network Operations Management team and what are their roles?” “Please give your personal overview of the highlights of 2013?” “What have been the strategic directions that guided your operations?” 2
de-fragmented Airspace Flexible Use of Airspace What Airspace Users will get from the Network Concept of Operations by 2020… … to achieve predictability, punctuality, safety and service continuity Free Route & de-fragmented Airspace Flexible Use of Airspace Free Routes Flight Level 315 Low impact measures with Cooperative Traffic Management Facilitated access to Airports Structured Airspace Environment friendly Airport Operations PBN in TMA A-CDM End-to-end Information Management Efficient CNS Infrastructures
de-fragmented Airspace Flexible Use of Airspace Free Route & de-fragmented Airspace Flexible Use of Airspace Low impact measures with Cooperative Traffic Management A-CDM Environment friendly Airport Operations Facilitated access to Airports PBN in TMA 4
de-fragmented Airspace Flexible Use of Airspace Free Route & de-fragmented Airspace Flexible Use of Airspace Operations Planning NM Operations Centre Support to Airports Low impact measures with Cooperative Traffic Management A-CDM Environment friendly Airport Operations Facilitated access to Airports PBN in TMA NOM Team Coordination & Crisis Support to Safety 5
“Why do we need to start thinking differently about safety now “Why do we need to start thinking differently about safety now? What has changed?” Safety I Safety II 6 6
Three ages of industrial safety Age of safety management Age of human factors Age of technology 1850 1900 1950 2000 1893 Railroad Safety Appliance Act 1769 Industrial Revolution 1961 Fault tree analysis 1931 Industrial accident prevention 1979 Three Mile Island 1986 Challenger Чернобыль IT Revolution 7 7
From Negative to Positive Safety Negative outcomes are caused by failures and malfunctions. All outcomes (positive and negative) are due to performance variability. - + Safety = Reduced number of adverse events. Safety = Ability to respond when something fails. Safety = Ability to succeed under varying conditions. Eliminate failures and malfunctions as far as possible. Improve ability to respond to adverse events. Improve resilience. 8 8
“What additional support do the airlines need compared to what is currently done with respect to airspace design and airspace utilisation? “How do airlines see the cooperation between NM and CFSPs in supporting the airlines efforts to plan better routes?” 9 9
Flight Efficiency performance trends
Savings potentially achievable…
“What concrete actions did you undertake to progress airport/network integration in 2013?” “What are the next steps?” 12 12
2013 2014+ Enhance APT/NM info exchanges A-CDM – Harmonisation Advanced Tower Concept Report real reasons for delay Better prediction (FPL/APT slot) Info. exchange process & automation Dynamic airport status map on NOP portal Centralised Service (FPL/APT slot) 13 13
“How did we all achieve 0. 53mn as the avg “How did we all achieve 0.53mn as the avg. en route delay per flight in 2013?” “What are your plans for flight efficiency from an operational perspective?" 14 14
Monitoring via Playbook Mitigations in CDM mode Planning all events En route delays Monitoring via Playbook Mitigations in CDM mode Planning all events > simulation > coordinated implementation Flight Efficiency Pilot project since May 2013 Now mature for deployment IPPU2 planned on 1-4-2014 Using the Opportunity Tool Targeted ATFM measures ANSP’s contribution 15 15
“What is NM doing to strengthen coordination in times of crisis and major network disruption?” 16 16
SRA Approach Pilot Reports Coordination in times of crisis & network disruption NM & EACCC EVITA AOCCC Info. Sharing Exercises
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