SOT Introduction and Goals of SOT-IV World Meteorological OrganizationIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO Ship Observations Team ~ integrating and coordinating international ship-based observing programmes for JCOMM ~ SOT-IV April 2007, Geneva, Switzerland Graeme Ball Chairman, SOT
16-21 April 2007SOT Introduction and Session Goals, SOT-IV, Geneva2 Outline Composition of the SOT. Overview of the observing programs. Objectives of the SOT. Working arrangements. Management Team. Relationship with JCOMM. Goals of SOT-IV.
16-21 April 2007SOT Introduction and Session Goals, SOT-IV, Geneva3 Composition of the SOT The JCOMM Ship Observations Team (SOT) consists of three successful and long-standing global observing programs: »The Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) Scheme; »The Ship-of-Opportunity Programme (SOOP); and »The Automated Shipboard Aerological Programme (ASAP).
16-21 April 2007SOT Introduction and Session Goals, SOT-IV, Geneva4 Voluntary Observing Ship Scheme VOS: »Surface weather reports from all oceans and coastal areas; »Real-time GTS data (SHIP) and delayed-mode data; »~ 5,000 ships (December 2006); and »~ 200 ships equipped with AWS (December 2006). VOSClim – the VOS Climate Project: »High quality reference subset of the VOS used for climate research, modelling applications and benchmarking; »Global target = 200 ships; and »~ 200 ships (April 2007).
16-21 April 2007SOT Introduction and Session Goals, SOT-IV, Geneva5 Real-Time SHIP Messages
16-21 April 2007SOT Introduction and Session Goals, SOT-IV, Geneva6 Ship-of-Opportunity Programme XBT SOOP: »Upper-ocean thermal profiles on repeat sampling lines; »Real-time GTS data (BATHY) and delayed-mode data; »Globally ~ 60 ships and ~ 24,000 profiles annually; and »Sampling mostly from merchant and research ships. Multi-disciplinary underway sampling: »Atmospheric and ocean carbon, fluorescence, pigments, salinity and temperature; »Sampling mostly on research ships in conjunction with HDX (High Density XBT); »Real-time GTS data (TESAC, TRACKOB); and »Other parameters mostly used and archived by the operator.
16-21 April 2007SOT Introduction and Session Goals, SOT-IV, Geneva7 XBT SOOP Sampling Lines High-Density (HDX) Frequently-Repeated (FRX) Both As determined by the UOT Review, 1999, Hobart, Australia.
16-21 April 2007SOT Introduction and Session Goals, SOT-IV, Geneva8 Real-Time BATHY Messages
16-21 April 2007SOT Introduction and Session Goals, SOT-IV, Geneva9 Automated Shipboard Aerological Programme Atmospheric profiles (temperature, humidity & wind) from radiosondes. Real-time GTS data (TEMP SHIP). EUMETNET (E-ASAP): »North Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea; and »Target of 16 ships and 4,640 TEMP messages in 2007 increasing to 4,860 TEMP messages in Elsewhere: »Ad-hoc, e.g. Japan, South Africa and some Navy vessels.
16-21 April 2007SOT Introduction and Session Goals, SOT-IV, Geneva10 Real-Time TEMP SHIP Messages
16-21 April 2007SOT Introduction and Session Goals, SOT-IV, Geneva11 Objectives of the SOT To manage, coordinate and wherever possible integrate the VOS Scheme, SOOP and ASAP to support a range of well defined operational and research applications. To liaise and coordinate with other groups involved in using volunteer ships as environmental observing platforms with a view to their participation in the SOT. To improve national coordination between institutions involved in similar or related programs.
16-21 April 2007SOT Introduction and Session Goals, SOT-IV, Geneva12 Working Arrangements Sessions of the SOT occur biannually and incorporate plenary sessions of: »The VOS Panel (VOSP, including VOSClim since SOT-III); »The SOOP Implementation Panel (SOOPIP); and »The ASAP Panel (ASAPP). Scientific guidance is provided by expert panels and bodies for climate and operational meteorology. Most work is undertaken by intersessional Task Teams.
16-21 April 2007SOT Introduction and Session Goals, SOT-IV, Geneva13 Sessions of the SOT SessionDateLocationPlenary Sessions 1Mar2001Goa, India.VOSP-II, SOOPIP-IV & ASAPP-XIII. 2July2003London, UK.VOSP-III, SOOPIP-V & ASAPP-XIV. (with PMO-II & VOSClim-IV). 3Mar2005Brest, France.VOSP-IV, VOSClim-V, SOOPIP-VI & ASAPP-XV. 4Apr2007Geneva, SwitzerlandVOSP-V, SOOPIP-VII & ASAPP-XVI.
16-21 April 2007SOT Introduction and Session Goals, SOT-IV, Geneva14 SOT Management Team SOT ChairGraeme BallAustralia VOSP ChairJulie FletcherNew Zealand SOOPIP ChairSteve CookUnited States ASAPP ChairSarah NorthUnited Kingdom
16-21 April 2007SOT Introduction and Session Goals, SOT-IV, Geneva15 Relationship with JCOMM* The SOT sits with the DBCP and the GLOSS-GE as the 3 Implementation Panels in the JCOMM OPA (Observations Programme Area). JCOMM is the reporting and coordinating mechanism for the operational marine activities of WMO and IOC. JCOMM was established in 1999 through a merger of WMO’s Commission for Marine Meteorology and the IOC’s Integrated Global Ocean Services System. * Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology
16-21 April 2007SOT Introduction and Session Goals, SOT-IV, Geneva16 Structure of JCOMM
16-21 April 2007SOT Introduction and Session Goals, SOT-IV, Geneva17 Goals of SOT-IV Review the reports and recommendations from the Task Teams, ad-hoc groups and expert panels. Explore the possible integration into the SOT of other groups using ships as observing platforms. Identify issues requiring consideration and support from JCOMM. Review issues and form intersessional Task Teams as necessary to consider specific issues.
16-21 April 2007SOT Introduction and Session Goals, SOT-IV, Geneva18 Goals of SOT-IV (cont) Identify areas requiring support from JCOMMOPS. Gain a knowledge about new or updated systems, methods and technologies. Continue to harmonise global methods and practices: »observing systems, methods of observation, data processing, data management, quality monitoring, inspection procedures. Foster communication within and between observing programmes.
16-21 April 2007SOT Introduction and Session Goals, SOT-IV, Geneva19