World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water Cg-XVI / Doc. 2.4 Geneva, 16 May to 3 June 2011 Report by the President of RA II (Asia) Prof. Victor Chub WMO
Activities of RA II – Major Achievements June 2007 to May th session of RA II (Tashkent, December 2008) President: Prof. Victor Chub (Uzbekistan) Vice-president: Dr Qamar-uz-Zaman Chaudhry (Pakistan)
Strategic Planning RA II Strategic Plan ( ) –Adopted at XIV-RA II (Tashkent, Dec. 2008) –Identified 201 deliverables under 40 Regional Expected Results Action Plan for the implementation of RA II Strategic Plan –Task Team on Strategic Planning – established –110 deliverables under 32 Regional Expected Results –A draft RA II Strategic Operating Plan being prepared
New Working Mechanism of RA II decided at XIV-RA II (Tashkent, December 2008) Management Group WG on WMO Integrated Observing System and WMO Information System (WG-IOS/WIS) Sub-group on IOS Sub-group on WIS WG on Climate Services, Adaptation and Agrometeorology (WGCAA) Sub-group on Climate Applications and Services (WGCAA-CAS) Sub-group on Agrometeorology (WGCAA-AgM) WG on Hydrological Forecasts and Assessments (WGH) WG on Disaster Risk Reduction and Service Delivery (WGDRS) Sub-group on Disaster Risk Reduction (WGDRS-DRR) Sub-group on Service Delivery (WGDRS-SD) Sub-group on Aeronautical Meteorological Services (WGDRS-AeM) Chairs, coordinators, theme leaders and expert volunteers President
Working Group Activities Work plans and expected results were considered Strengthening of institutional capacity Disaster mitigation - Implementation of the WMO Flood Forecasting Initiative Water resources assessment, availability and use (surface water and groundwater) Hydrological responses to climate variability and change Regional exchange of hydrological data and information Implementation of RA II Strategic Plan for the period up to 2012 Meeting of WG on Hydrological Forecasts and Assessments (Seoul, Republic of Korea, November 2010) WG on Climate Services, Adaptation and Agrometeorology, Sub-group on Climate Applications and Services; and WG on Disaster Risk Reduction and Service Delivery (Daegu, Republic of Korea, 30 November - 3 December 2010) in conjunction with Fifth RA II Technical Conference
Pilot Projects of RA II The following pilot projects set up at 13 th session (2004) have been successfully implemented: Provision of City-Specific Numerical Weather Prediction Products to Developing Countries via the Internet To Develop Support for Developing Countries in the Aeronautical Meteorology Programme These projects enhanced the profile of NHMSs of developing countries, especially the least developed countries (LDCs) by their governments. New pilot projects set up at 14 th session (2008) have been initiated by coordinators of these projects To Enhance the Availability and Quality Management Support for NMHSs in Surface, Climate and Upper-air Observations To Develop Support for NMHSs in Numerical Weather Prediction To Develop Support for NMHSs in Satellite Data, Products and Training
Network of Regional Climate Centres (RCCs) and Regional Climate Outlook Forums (RCOFs) Beijing Climate Centre (BCC) and Tokyo Climate Centre (TCC) have been designated as WMO RCCs in RА II India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Russian Federation and Saudi Arabia started the activities on RCC setup RA II RCOFs: Forum on Regional Climate Monitoring, Assessment and Prediction for RA II (FOCRAII) South Asian COF (SACOF) Action: Members to support implementation of regional components of the GFCS
Fifth Technical Conference on Management of NMHSs in RA II " Opportunities and Challenges of Weather, Climate and Water Services " Daegu, Republic of Korea, 29 November - 3 December 2010 The following key issues were considered: Strategic planning and management of NMHSs Capacity development in NMHSs Improving climate services Improving service quality and service delivery Role of NMHSs in disaster risk reduction including emergency response Implementation of WIS/WIGOS
Priorities for RA II Further improvement of the GTS and implementation of WIS/WIGOS Sustainable capacity building including human resources development Better climate services through the enhancement and operation of the RA II RCC network Establishment of a Region-wide multi-hazard early warning system Upgrading of service delivery capability, in particular for aeronautical and marine meteorological services Implementation of WMO Flood Forecasting Initiative, water resources assessment and regional exchange of hydrological data and information
Implementation of regional aspects of WMO programmes and issues of interest to the Region Modernization of GTS and implementation of WIS at regional and sub-regional level Specific products and information for tropical cyclone forecasts Implementation of Storm Surge Watch Scheme in the Region Projects of regional cooperation for the disaster risk reduction implemented jointly with WMO, WB, UNISDR and UNDP for Central Asia and Caucasus, and South-East Asia