1 Role of RTH Beijing in exchanging tsunami-related information and Status of the GTS system at RTH Beijing National Meteorological Information Center, CMA March 16, 2005, Jakarta
2 Outline Requirements analysis Role of RTH Beijing in exchanging tsunami-related information Status of the GTS system at RTH Beijing
3 Requirements analysis
4 Functions of the TEWS Monitoring seismic and tidal stations throughout the India Ocean Evaluating potentially tsunamigenic earthquakes Disseminating tsunami warning information Key components of the TEWS Observation network Monitoring and evaluating centers for potentially tsunamigenic earthquakes Communication network for collecting, exchanging and disseminating tsunami-related information in the India Ocean
5 Information types, formats and transmission systems Meteorological observations, products Oceanic observations, products Seismic observations, products Both real-time data and non real-time data ASCII observations warnings Binary data formats products Graphical formats products warnings GTS links Internet Local leased lines Satellite System HF Radio Commercial radio and TV channels …
6 Data flow in the TEWS-IO Concerned Services - Oceanic service - Seismic service - … - Governments - Public Tsunami Warning System GTS Centers (NMHSs in WMO Member Countries ) Warnings ObservationsProductionsWarnings GTS/Leased line/Internet/ Satellite based broadcast Intranet Leased line Internet Disseminators Internet Disseminators Meteorological Observation Network Oceanic Observation Network Seismic Observation Network Observations ProductionsWarnings GTSGTS/DCP/Internet
7 Operational rules needed for the tsunami-related information exchange Data codes –Format of observations (?) –Format of warnings (T1T2=WE) –Format of products (?) Communication means and protocols Other rules –Time delays –Request/reply for Tsunami data
8 Potential problem on sharing data among different services and organizations Suggested solution Using GTS codes to exchange tsunami information among the different countries Developing the abilities of translating tsunami information between the GTS codes and the special formats which are used by the other services or organizations at the concerned GTS centers Data codes
9 Communication means and protocols Communication means Data collection/Data exchange –GTS/Leased lines/Internet Data distribution – GTS/Satellite based broadcasting/Internet Protocols TCP/IP File based transmission Transmission procedures GTS based transmission –Requirements: upgrading the current asynchronous circuits and X.25 circuits in concerned GTS centers to IP links –WMO FTP Internet based transmission –FTP – –Web data Ingest
10 Role of RTH Beijing in exchanging tsunami-related information
11 Collecting tsunami-related information from other GTS centers via GTS and Internet Collecting tsunami-related information from other concerned services (e.g. State Oceanic Service, China Earthquake Administration) in China via local leased lines Translating tsunami information between GTS codes and the special formats which are used by the other services in China Disseminating tsunami-related information to other GTS centers via GTS, CMA’s PCVSAT broadcasting system, and Internet Disseminating tsunami-related information to other concerned services (e.g. State Oceanic Service, State Seismic Service) in China via local leased lines
12 Status of the GTS system at RTH Beijing
13 The GTS links at RTH Beijing GTS linkSPEED (Kbps) CIRCUIT TYPEPROTOCOLREMARKS Beijing-Offenbach48/48FR (RMDCN)FTP Beijing-Tokyo48/48FR (RMDCN)TCP sockets Beijing-Moscow8/8FR (RMDCN)FTP Beijing-Seoul32/32FRTCP sockets Beijing-Bangkok9.6Leased LineX.25 PVC Beijing-New Delhi9.6Leased LineX.25 PVC Planned move to FTP over FR Beijing-Ulan Bator14.4Leased LineFTP Beijing-Pyongyang75BaudLeased LineASYNC Beijing-Hanoi75BaudLeased LineASYNC
14 Offenbach Tokyo Moscow Seoul Hanoi Pyongyang Ulan Bator Bangkok New Delhi Asynchronous circuits X.25 circuits IP over FR Cisco PIX Firewall RMDCN Routers Cisco 2620 (HSRP) GTS Router Cisco 3640 IP over FR Front End AlphaServer ES40 Duplicated system UNIX Back End IBM P650 Duplicated system UNIX based MSS Router Cisco PIX Firewall Web Server Internet DMZ Supporting FTP, TCP sockets, X.25, Asynchronous FTP The GTS System at RTH Beijing
15 Daily traffic on GTS links GTS linkInbound (Bytes)Outbound (Bytes) Beijing-Offenbach 198M1.2M Beijing-Tokyo 35.6M2.5M Beijing-Moscow 11.3M1M Beijing-Seoul 7.9M2.8M Beijing-Bangkok 712K890K Beijing-New Delhi 896K1.2M Beijing-Ulan Bator 13.6K586K Beijing-Pyongyang 20K685K Beijing-Hanoi 25K589K
25 The data exchange between Beijing and Kazakhstan has been started from Internet based data exchange Data exchanged: observations In addition to the GTS links
26 Beijing-New Delhi GTS link – Being upgraded in March – The new link: 8/8kbps FR link (RMDCN) – Data exchange: FTP Suggestions on Beijing-Bangkok GTS link – To better support the exchange of tsunami warnings and information, the Beijing-Bangkok circuit should be upgraded from X.25 to TCP/IP. Future Plans
27 Conclusions
28 The current GTS, with improvement in circuit capacity and communication protocols, can serve as a backbone for cross boundary tsunami data exchange.. The Internet can be used for exchanging data and products. –Cost effective –Supplement to GTS The satellite-based broadcasting systems can be used for data dissemination –Supplement to the low speed GTS links –Improving the data collection in small NHMSs RTH Beijing can support tsunami data exchange both via GTS and over Internet
29 Thank you!