ASAS Thematic Network Workshop #2: TAGA - Traffic Awareness for General Aviation DFS Research and Development October 2003 TAGA - Traffic Awareness for General Aviation * Evaluation of potential benefits enabled by the use of a traffic presentation onboard of General Aviation aircraft TAGA Project ATSA S&A TIS-B Flight Trials Results Conclusions Aug July 2003 * co-funded project by the German State Bavarian
ASAS Thematic Network Workshop #2: TAGA - Traffic Awareness for General Aviation DFS Research and Development October 2003 TAGA Relation to GS/AS Package 1 Application: Enhanced visual acquisition for see & avoid (ATSA-S&A)... aid for the flight crews to perform their collision avoidance task VFR flights, mainly operating in class E and G airspace... ATSA-S&A OSED defines 4 procedure steps: Traffic Detection Visual Acquisition Aircraft Monitoring Collision Avoidance TAGA: Does a traffic presentation onboard of a General Aviation aircraft support the pilot in the detection and identification of traffic? TAGA Project ATSA S&A TIS-B Flight Trials Results Conclusions
ASAS Thematic Network Workshop #2: TAGA - Traffic Awareness for General Aviation DFS Research and Development October 2003 Traffic Information Service- Broadcast (TIS-B) - System TIS-B Ground Station Radar Ground Station Broadcast of TIS- B surveillance information SSR Surveillance Data Processing System (SDPS) TIS-B Server TAGA Project ATSA S&A TIS-B Flight Trials Results Conclusions
ASAS Thematic Network Workshop #2: TAGA - Traffic Awareness for General Aviation DFS Research and Development October 2003 CNS Systems VDR4000 Euro Telematik CDTI2000 Airborne Equipment TAGA Project ATSA S&A TIS-B Flight Trials Results Conclusions
ASAS Thematic Network Workshop #2: TAGA - Traffic Awareness for General Aviation DFS Research and Development October 2003 TAGA Flight Trials Phase 2 TAGA Project ATSA S&A TIS-B Flight Trials Results Conclusions
ASAS Thematic Network Workshop #2: TAGA - Traffic Awareness for General Aviation DFS Research and Development October 2003 VDL M4 Mob. TRX GCAS 2000 CDTI TAGA Flight Trials - General Aviation specifics Detection of traffic of the same airspeed category by the use of a CDTI Detection of traffic of the same airspeed category was possible by the use of the visual traffic presentation only. Some examples demonstrate that some aircraft had not been detected by the pilot although they were presented on the CDTI. It is useful to enhance the visual traffic presentation by an acoustic traffic alert. Update period of 6 seconds sufficient Detection of traffic of a higher airspeed category by the use of a CDTI An acoustic traffic alert is required to detect fast traffic. Update period better than 3 seconds required TAGA Project ATSA S&A TIS-B Flight Trials Results Conclusions
ASAS Thematic Network Workshop #2: TAGA - Traffic Awareness for General Aviation DFS Research and Development October 2003 VDL M4 Mob. TRX GCAS 2000 CDTI TAGA Flight Trials - Detection Probabilities front right rear left frontrightbackleft ,5 48%18%41%29% 5 12%7%13%5% 2,5 52%23%26%24% 5 2%9%5%0% 2,5 -4%-5%15%4% 5 10%-2%8%5% %detected /with CDTI %detected /without CDTI benefit frontrightbackleft ,5 48%18%41%29% 5 12%7%13%5% 2,5 52%23%26%24% 5 2%9%5%0% 2,5 -4%-5%15%4% 5 10%-2%8%5% %detected /with CDTI %detected /without CDTI benefit TAGA Project ATSA S&A TIS-B Flight Trials Results Conclusions
ASAS Thematic Network Workshop #2: TAGA - Traffic Awareness for General Aviation DFS Research and Development October 2003 VDL M4 Mob. TRX GCAS 2000 CDTI Conclusions Qualitative Statements or Quantitative Tendencies could be given only. Reason: limited number of measurements Some examples demonstrate the beneficial use of the traffic presentation during the flight trials General Statements TAGA Project ATSA S&A TIS-B Flight Trials Results Conclusions
ASAS Thematic Network Workshop #2: TAGA - Traffic Awareness for General Aviation DFS Research and Development October 2003 VDL M4 Mob. TRX GCAS 2000 CDTI Conclusions A significant increase in the overall detection probability had been identified during the flight trials. These improvements were identified - at distances greater than 2,5 NM and - in positions behind the ownship. Pilots feedback: - Traffic presentation provides significant assistance in the detection and identification of traffic - Update period 6 seconds was sufficient for en-route - Update periods better than 3 seconds are requested for the approach and departure phase of the flight as well as for the detection of fast moving targets It is not possible to replace the visual scan of the surrounding airspace by the use of a traffic presentation onboard. An electronic traffic presentation can be used to support the pilot only. Potential use of a traffic presentation onboard TAGA Project ATSA S&A TIS-B Flight Trials Results Conclusions front right rear left