World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water Pilot Project V Integration of marine meteorological and other appropriate oceanographic observations into the WMO Integrated Global Observing Systems Peter Dexter JCOMM Co-President WMO
Approach Cooperation with the ocean community is key –Much of ocean observation systems still driven by Research (physical oceanography, climate) –Operational oceanography being developed –Easier to exchange data via the WIS –Connection between Ocean Data Portal (ODP) and WIS for historical and recent data –Integrate new sources of data (Argo, OceanSITES, GHRSST, XBT, Ocean carbon, sea level stations, satellite data…) –Specific data systems yet to be developed by the ocean community Need strong cooperation with the IOC to work on ocean observing systems implementation, instrument standards, data exchange, and quality management
Deliverables Documenting & integrating instrument best practices and standards –Consistent and better quality observations in models Interoperability of marine data systems with ODP & WIS –Multi-disciplinary approach –Documented and standardized data Quality Management –Cost effective QMS for better, more timely data and products minimizing duplication (compliant with QMF)
JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS JCOMM/IODE Standards forum, Ostend, January 2008 –Defined & Proposed a Standards process 1 Planning meeting in March 2008 Joint WMO-IOC Steering Group established for the IODE Ocean Data Portal and the JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS with resources from WMO and IOC –Participation of CIMO (Co-chair) –3 meetings in –3 data management workshops (Russia, Korea, Turkey) to address interoperability (ODP, WIS) –Visits of experts to data centres to assist in establishing interoperability (ODP, WIS)
Joint Steering Group for the IODE Ocean Data Portal and the JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS Project Plan Implementation Plan Project Report with – Achievements, test of concept, pending issues – Benefits of WIGOS integration – Strengths and weaknesses on management of ocean obs. Systems – Impact on Members/Member States – Lessons learned – Legacy recommendations
Instrument Best Practices & Standards Enhanced cooperation with CIMO Integrate Best Practices & Standards – Changes made in WMO No. 8 – Review of IOC Manuals & Guides underway with consultant – Strategy for updating WMO & IOC publications proposed – JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices Proposed integrated approach for instrument intercomparisons –Build on CIMO’s experience & DBCP Pilot Project (e.g. waves) Develop WMO-IOC Regional Marine Instrument Centres (RMICs) – China (RA-II) & USA (RA-IV) to be approved by Cg-XVI – Morocco for RA-I (2012) Develop links with HMEI and manufacturers – Association of Hydro-Meteorological Equipment Industry
Interoperability Data disseminated on GTS feed into WIS Development of the Ocean Data Portal –V1 for Pilot Project interoperability –V2 under development (almost completed) Interoperability between ODP and WIS –Comparison of profiles undertaken 13 potential data-sets targeted initially –Connecting to ODP and/or WIS –JSG members nominated to follow up –10 data-sets effectively connected
IODE Ocean Data Portal IODE Portal Portal of system 1 (e.g. SeaDataNet) Portal of system N (e.g. WIS) Network of distributed IODE data centres Portal Web-services Metadata Data Internet
Quality Management JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and Standards JCOMM-IODE Standards process – –Ocean data management –Seeking broad agreement –WMO-ISO agreement is an opportunity QMS –ISO 9000 is resource demanding and not part of PP –8 QMF quality management principles –Need to document processes –Partners invited to provide input to feed in JCOMM- IODE standards process
Capacity Building Focusing on ODP for developing countries Collaboration for WMO-IOC training materials Use of OceanTeacher and IODE Project Office training facilities Promoting WIGOS at the national level Training courses organized –Obninsk, Russia, March 2009 –Seoul, Rep. Korea, Sept –Istambul, Turkey, Dec. 2009
Benefits Reduced financial demand on Members –Network optimization (RRR) –Cost-effective implementation/operations of obs. Networks –Technology innovation –Standardized and interoperable data systems –Integration of in situ / satellite observations Better products and services –Access to more, and better ocean data of known quality obtained through consistent, coherent, and traceable instrumentation meeting agreed upon standards for improved applications Increased visibility for Members producing ocean observations, and related products and services –Outreach to public & data user communities –Capacity Building & enhanced partnerships (PANGEA) –Use of IODE Project Office training facilities, and OceanTeacher Better Research for future applications –Contribution to enhancing the development of operational oceanography nationally or worldwide (e.g. ocean mesoscale forecasting) –More, and better accessible observations; Research quality data with metadata
Legacy Recommendations Pilot Project completed in Dec Legacy Recommendations as JCOMM Contribution to WIGOS Implementation Phase in addressing –JCOMM governance –WMO & IOC Publication review –Guidelines for instrument intercomparisons –Develop network of RMICs & cooperation with HMEI –ODP-WIS interoperability, and connecting data sets –IODE/JCOMM Standards process –Quality Management Framework (QMF) –Satcom user forum (WMO, IOC, FAO) –Strengthening JCOMMOPS, Metadata –Develop partnerships / PANGEA –Communicating benefits –Pilots on in situ / Satellite observation integration